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The online submission system for crane notifications has changed. Please register via the CAA customer portal to access the new Airspace Coordination and Obstacle Management Service (ACOMS) and refer to the ACOMS registration guide for assistance. We are no longer accepting AVOKA online submissions or DAP1924 forms for crane notifications.

The new and improved online submissions portal is now live. ACOMS is designed to be easy to use, simplifying the crane notification process and once fully operational (Expected Q3 2023/24) our new internal systems will enable the CAA to deliver a higher level of service. 

As with any tall structure, the presence of a single crane or number of cranes has the potential to affect aviation activities. Crane-related issues are usually considered and managed in much the same way as any tall structure.

The CAA recommends using ACOMS at least eight weeks before the erection of the crane, however, as the CAA recognises that there are times when very little notice is given to the crane user, additional notification timescales have been created as follows:

  • PLANNED LONG-TERM PROJECTS: Notification to be sent to the CAA at least eight weeks (40 working days) before the erection of the crane. The CAA will then identify parties that may be affected by the crane and inform the crane user and affected parties about the next steps.
  • AD-HOC PROJECTS: Notification to be sent to the CAA not later than 5 working days in advance. The CAA will then identify parties that may be affected by the crane and inform the crane user and the affected parties about the next steps.
  • UNFORESEEN AND URGENT PROJECTS: If there is an unforeseen and urgent requirement to erect a crane within 5 working days from the notification, the crane user is required to contact all aerodromes whose perimeters are within 10 Nautical Miles (NM) (18.5 km) of the crane and submit the notification via ACOMS as soon as possible and advise which aerodrome operators have been contacted and the reason for less than 5 working days’ notice.

Phase 1 - Ended

Stage A - (First trial - 1st October 2020 to 31st May 2021)

  1. Selected operators who have been invited to take part in the trial will utilise the CAP1096 and use the associated DAP 1924 form.
  2. All other operators are to use the guidance available at Non-Trial Crane Notification Guidance. Within this guidance, the crane users are encouraged to liaise directly with local aerodrome license holders/operators. However, where any crane is expected to extend to a height of 90m or more, to assist crane operators, the CAA upon request will attempt to provide comment, guidance or recommendation on a case-by-case basis. To assist with identifying relevant aerodromes, the Non-Trial Crane Notification Areas - 6km can be used to identify aerodromes with safeguarded areas. Where the CAA are required to be notified, the DAP 1924 can be utilised to support the provision to the required data.

Stage B - (Trial reflection - 1st June 2021 to 30th September 2021)

The CAA will utilise this period to reflect upon the trial results to identify potential improvements and amendments to the CAP1096 process. During this process the CAA will continue to engage with the industry and stakeholders to prepare for subsequent phases. During this step, all operators are to use the process outlined in Phase 1 Stage A (2).

Close Phase 1 - Ended

Phase 2 - Ended

Due to a recent change to the Air Navigation Order, there is now a mandatory requirement to notify the CAA of all cranes of a height of 100 m Above Ground Level (AGL) and more.

Stage A - (Second trial - 1st October 2021 to 31st March 2022)

  1. Selected operators who are taking part in the trial will utilise the CAP1096 published guidance. All trial participants should use the new online notification form. Operators who wish to take part in the trial should contact Airspace Regulation to discuss participation.
  2. During this step, all operators who are not taking part in the trial are to continue to use the notification guidance (on this page) . Within this guidance, the crane users are encouraged to liaise directly with local aerodrome license holders/operators. To assist with identifying relevant aerodromes, the Non-Trial Crane Notification Areas - 6km can be used to identify aerodromes with safeguarded areas. Operators are to note the mandatory requirement now in force to notify the CAA of any crane that is (or is proposed to be) at or above 100 metres AGL regardless of proximity to aerodromes or height of surrounding structures. Where the CAA are required to be notified, the DAP 1924 or the new online notification form can be utilised to support the provision of the required data.
  3. Where the new online notification form is being used, the operators should note within the application if they are trial participants. The CAA would welcome feedback on the new form's effectiveness. Feedback received alongside wider stakeholder engagement will be used to assist development of the new partly automated notification and assessment process detailed in Phase 3. Please address feedback to arops@caa.co.uk with the subject line - AVOKA Feedback.

Stage B - (Confirmation of readiness - Q1/Q2 2022)

Please see Phase 3 below.

Close Phase 2 - Ended

Phase 3 - Current

Implementation of CAP 1096 will be aligned to the rollout of the Airspace Co-ordination and Obstacle Management Service (ACOMS), currently in development. The rollout of ACOMS will be phased and require stakeholder engagement to ensure suitability. If you are interested in being involved in the engagement, please contact arops@caa.co.uk with the subject line – ACOMS.

At least 3 months’ prior notice will be provided of the full implementation of CAP 1096.

Relevant updates will be published on this website and communicated to relevant stakeholders and representative bodies directly.

Until full implementation of CAP 1096, please follow the notification guidance detailed below.

Close Phase 3 - Current

Advice to aerodromes related to High Speed Rail 2 (HS2) or other long-term construction projects within their safeguard area

For long term crane notification(s), aerodrome operators should consider the use of AIP supplements to AD 2.10 in advance to satisfy the notification requirements. For more information please see the NOTAM guidance available on the AIS website or contact the UK NOTAM Office.

Notification is required if a crane is:

  • to be used within 6 km of the aerodrome/airfield and its height exceeds 10m Above Ground Level (AGL) or that of surrounding structures or trees, if higher
  • to be operated at or above a height of 100m AGL regardless of location or height of surrounding structures.

To submit a notification please register for ACOMS via the CAA customer portal

Crane activity near an aerodrome

The hirer of the crane (principal or other contractor) is responsible for notifying relevant aerodromes and the lighting of the crane. Crane suppliers should ensure that hirers are aware of this.

We encourage crane users to liaise directly with local aerodrome operators.

If the crane is in the vicinity of an aerodrome AND 100m or higher above ground level, you need to notify both the aerodrome and the CAA, as described below. To submit a notification to the CAA please register for ACOMS via the CAA customer portal

If the crane is in the vicinity of an aerodrome AND 100m or higher above ground level AND in situ for more than 90 days, you need to notify the aerodrome, the CAA and the DGC, as described below.

Cranes in situ for more than 90 days

Before the crane is erected, users must also notify:

  • the CAA via ACOMS.
  • the Defence Geographic Centre (DGC)

The DGC maintains the UK's master database of tall structures (the Digital Vertical Obstruction File (DVOF)). They can be contacted at 0208 818 2702 / dvof@mod.gov.uk

Close Crane activity near an aerodrome

Notification of any crane 100m or higher above ground level

It is now mandatory to notify the CAA of any crane of a height of 100m AGL and more. This requirement applies regardless of where the crane is located. To submit a notification please register for ACOMS via the CAA customer portal.

Close Notification of any crane 100m or higher above ground level

Lighting and marking requirements

Lighting and marking requirements are outlined within the published CAP 1096 pg. 3-4

Cranes should be clearly visible which can be achieved by applying obstacle lighting and if necessary, marking.

We recommend the following in terms of best practice.


In vicinity of an aerodrome

For obstacles of any height, including cranes, which are affecting aerodrome operations the lighting and marking requirement will be dictated by the relevant aerodrome operator in accordance with ICAO Annex 14.

The aerodrome will liaise directly with the relevant crane user but for general guidance on lighting and marking see the guidance below.

Lighting aids should be supplied with secondary power unless agreed otherwise with the aerodrome operator.

En-Route (Cranes 150 metres or higher above ground level (AGL))

En-route obstacles (including cranes) of a height of 150m or more AGL must be fitted with lighting in accordance with the Air Navigation Order. Medium intensity (generically 2000 candela) steady red lights must be displayed at night and be visible from all directions (omnidirectional).

We recommend that lights are also displayed during daylight periods.

Lighting aids should be supplied with secondary power unless agreed otherwise with the CAA (arops@caa.co.uk).

Cranes up to 150 metres above ground level

We recommend that :

  • the guidance shown above is also followed for all cranes with a height of 45m up to 150m AGL;
  • cranes with a height less than 45m AGL are also lit in accordance with this guidance with the exception that low intensity (generically 32 candela) steady red lights should be used.

Positioning of lighting

In all cases, lights must be positioned as close as possible to the top of the crane.
Where the top of the crane is more than 45 m AGL, additional lights should be provided at intermediate levels spaced as equally as practicable, between the top lights and ground level or the level of tops of nearby buildings, as appropriate, with the spacing not exceeding 52 m.
Lights should also be applied to show the height and the shape of the crane (i.e. lights installed on both ends of the jib)

Close Lighting


In all cases, we recommend that cranes are made conspicuous by their colour, especially if they are not permanently lit.

Markings should:

  • be coloured to show alternating bands that contrast with each other and the background
  • be perpendicular to the longest dimension and at least 5 metres wide

Our review has found that a yellow and black (or dark blue) pattern provides the best contrast with the background from the air, especially in urban areas.

Close Markings


If you have any questions, please contact Airspace Regulation between the hours of 08:30 and 16:30 Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays).  It may not be possible to action messages/notifications submitted after 16:00 until the next working day.

Planned periods of extended closure of the Airspace Regulation section will be notified here:


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