Our work
- Publications
- Subscriptions
- Terms of use for online forms
- Viewing PDF documents and forms
- Safety research archive
Publication categories
- Aerodrome safety
- Air traffic control
- Airline operations
- Airline safety
- Airside work
- Airspace
- Aviation security
- Corporate information
- Data and analysis
- Drones
- Economic regulation
- Environment
- Flight training
- General aviation
- Ground handling
- Licences and approvals
- Maintenance and engineering
- Manufacturing
- Passenger rights
- Spaceflight
Publication series
- Airworthiness notices
- Airworthiness Directives (UK) from 1 January 2021
- Aviation security
- CAA responses to AAIB safety recommendations
- CAA specifications
- CAP 413 supplementary instructions (SI)
- CAP 452 supplementary amendments (SA)
- CAP 493 supplementary instructions (SI)
- CAP 562 supplementary amendments (SA)
- CAP 670 supplementary amendments (SA)
- CAP 797 supplementary instructions (SI)
- CAP 1032 supplementary instructions (SI)
- CAP 1391 supplementary amendments (SA)
- Emergency airworthiness directives
- ERCD reports
- Flight crew standards documents
- Flight crew training notices
- Information notices
- Long-term airspace coordination notices
- Mandatory permit directives
- Master minimum equipment lists
- MMEL policy
- ORS 1 - Licensing airlines in the UK
- ORS 2 - Notice of licence applications made to and decisions made by the CAA
- ORS 3 - Air travel organisers' licensing
- ORS 4 - Issued in response to COVID-19
- ORS 4 - Miscellaneous
- ORS 5 - Schemes of charges
- ORS 6 - Airports economic regulation
- ORS 7 - Air navigation air traffic services licensing and airspace policy
- ORS 8 - Decisions by the CAA following a regulatory review
- ORS 9 - Article 76 decisions
- ORS 10 - Spaceflight activities with a licence
- Safety critical information
- Safety directives
- Safety notices
- Safety research papers
- Short-term airspace coordination notices
- State of design airworthiness directives not adopted by the CAA
- UK safety policy and legislation project
Form categories
- ATOL forms
- Aerodrome safety forms
- Air traffic control forms
- Aircraft registration forms
- Airline operations forms
- Airspace forms
- Aviation security forms
- Dangerous goods forms
- Drones forms
- General aviation forms
- Licences and approvals forms
- Engineer licensing
- Flight crew licensing
- Maintenance and engineering forms
- Spaceflight forms
About us
- Our role
- Our Board and ExCo
- CAA consumer panel
- CAA Environmental Sustainability Panel
- Enforcement of consumer law
- Our Strategy
- Consumer Strategy
- Public Sector Equality Duty
Our regulatory approach
Development Consent Orders
- Development of airport infrastructure
- Planning application for using the northern runway at Gatwick airport
- Planning application for a third runway at Heathrow airport
- Planning application for terminal expansion to the west of Heathrow airport
- Planning application for expansion of London Luton airport
- Planning application to re open Manston airport
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Enforcement and prosecutions
- Table of Undertakings
- General privacy notice
Doing business with the CAA
Working for us
Working with us
Customer experience modernisation
Health, safety and working time regulation
- Contact us
Make a report or complaint
Report something
Make a complaint
Challenge a CAA decision
Information requests
Corporate reports
Commercial industry
Pilot licences
- Airline transport pilot licence for aeroplanes
- Commercial pilot licence for aeroplanes guidance
- Competency based instrument rating
- Conversion of sailplane licences and ratings
- Convert an aerobatic privilege held using a UK national or JAR-FCL licence
- Convert a sailplane towing rating held on a BGA gliding certificate
- Instrument rating for aeroplanes
- Multi engine piston rating for aeroplanes
- Multi pilot licence for aeroplanes
- Multi pilot type rating for aeroplanes
- Professional pilot licences for aeroplanes
- Single engine piston rating for aeroplanes
- Single engine turbine rating for aeroplanes
- Single pilot type rating for aeroplanes
- Touring motor glider rating requirements
- Commercial pilot licence for aeroplanes with an instrument rating
- Professional pilot licences for helicopters
- Airline transport pilot licence for helicopters
- Commercial pilot licence - helicopters
- Instrument rating for helicopters
- Applying for Additional Ratings
- Commercial pilot licence with instrument rating for helicopters
- Multi engine turbine rating for helicopters
- Single engine piston rating for helicopters
- Single engine turbine rating for helicopters
Non-UK licences
- Conversion of an EASA flight crew licence to a UK part equivalent licence
- Recognition of ICAO third country licences in UK airspace
- Convert ICAO instructor certificates to part FCL
- How to validate your ICAO third country licence
- Validating an ICAO licence for work
- Validating an ICAO licence for limited duration specific tasks
- Validate an ICAO licence for non-commercial activities
- Verification of a third country ICAO licence
- Applying for a UK Part-FCL licence based on an EASA licence issued or upgraded from 1 January 2021
- Third Country CPL and ATPL licence conversion requirements from 1 January 2023
Instructors and examiners
Training organisations
- Find an AME
Flight simulation training device list
- UK class and type rating lists
Engineer licences
UK Part 66
- Part 66 General Guidance
- Engineer licensing requirements after 1 January 2023
- Apply for a UK Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence
- Renew a UK Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence
- Apply for a UK issued Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence with an EU Part 66 licence
- Apply for reactivation of a UK issued Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence
- Apply for a UK Direct Course Approval for Part 66
- UK Part 66 licence renewal calculator
- Licence verification
- Add a category or sub-category UK Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence
- Add category C privileges - UK Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence
- Remove limitations from the basic category - UK Part 66 licence
- Add a type rating - UK Part 66 aircraft maintenance licence
- Remove limitations from type ratings - UK Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence
- Apply for an FAA A&P support letter for a ground engineer
- Change your details - UK Part 66 aircraft maintenance licence
- Request a replacement engineer licence
- Supporting documentation for Engineer licensing applications
- Supporting documentation for Engineer licensing applications
- Our Processing of Applications and Escalations
Organisation and maintenance programme approvals
- Aircraft generic groups
- Apply for a third country airworthiness approval
- Part-ML
- Part-CAO
Bilateral agreements
Part 145
Design Organisation approvals
Part 21
- Approved airworthiness organisations
Maintenance programme approvals
Part 147
Aircraft equipment
Certificates and permits
Certificates of airworthiness
Noise certificates
Permits to fly
- Processing times for aircraft certification applications
- Check flights
Continuing airworthiness
- Airworthiness Directives
- Continuing airworthiness management workshops
- Critical parts awareness and training
- Letters to owners and operators
- Mandatory permit directives
- Welder approvals
- Eligibility of parts for Agusta Bell and Bell helicopters
- Flight manuals
- Search flight manuals
- UK Airworthiness Directives applicability
Type certificate and type approval data sheets
Part 21
- Approval of Part 21 aeroplanes
- Approval of Part 21 airships
- Approval of Part 21 balloons
- Approval of Part 21 engines
- Approval of Part 21 propellers
- Approval of Part 21 rotorcraft
- Approval of Part 21 sailplanes
- Specific airworthiness specifications
- Supplemental type certificates
- UK technical standard order authorisations
Non-Part 21
Type design approvals
Transfer, Suspension, Surrender and Revocation of Design Approvals
Approval information and guidance
- Airworthiness standards improvement initiative
- Guidance for Part 145 approval holders
- Guidance for Part 147 approval holders
- Guidance for Part 21 Subpart G approval holders
- Guidance for Part-CAMO approval holders
- Guidance on acceptance of components
- Airworthiness finding level and safety severity guidance
- Root cause analysis
- Part 145 holders - Certification of used aircraft components
- Seminars
Guidance on the issue and extension of Airworthiness Review Certificates
- Part-ML aircraft with an expired Airworthiness Review Certificate
- Part-CAMO (AOC) with Airworthiness Review Privilege – Part M aircraft
- Part-CAMO (AOC) without Airworthiness Review Privilege – Part M aircraft
- Part-CAMO and Part-CAO (Non-AOC) with Airworthiness Review Privileges – Part M aircraft
- Part-CAMO and Part-CAO (non-AOC) which do not have Airworthiness Review Privileges – Part M aircraft
- Part 145 Appendix IV Certifying Staff and Support Staff not qualified to Part 66
- Qualifications of Airworthiness Review and Extension Staff under Part-CAMO
- Grounded aircraft
Dangerous goods
Air Traffic Management and Air Navigational Services
- Air traffic controller licence
- Air traffic controller (ATCO) licence endorsements
- ATCO English language proficiency endorsements
- EU ATCOs - UK Licence Reissue
- Flight information service officer's licence
- Flight information service officer examinations
- Radio operators certificate of competence
- Authorised examiners for radio operators certificate of competence
Medical requirements
- Supporting documentation for air traffic licensing applications
- Student air traffic controller licence
- Verify your licence
Air navigation services
- The air traffic management common requirements implementing regulation
- NATS system failure enquiry 2014
- NATS August 2023 failure review
- UK wake turbulence categories
- ATM/ANS interoperability requirements
ANSP Certification and designation
- Air traffic control officer training organisation certification
- ANSP Certification and designation
- UK Certification of EU or EEA ANSPs providing services in the UK FIR
- Change management and change notification process
- Economic and financial aspects of common requirements regulation
- Problematic use of Psychoactive Substances and ATC Rostering Systems
- Ongoing Oversight of Training Organisations
- Fatigue in air traffic management
- Apply for an exemption under Article 71
Airspace change
- Understanding airspace
- Airspace change process
- Airspace change portal
- Airspace change post implementation reviews
- Legislative framework to airspace change
- Secretary of State call in process
- Transition from CAP725 to CAP1616
CAP 725 decisions
- Permanent airspace change proposals under CAP725
Ongoing proposals
2023 decisions
2022 decisions
2021 decisions
2020 decisions
2019 decisions
2018 decisions
- Amendment to East Anglia military training area EAMTA
- Edinburgh SIDs and STARs
- EG D201 sub division
- EG D510 sub division
- Exeter proposal for controlled airspace
- Farnborough airport airspace change proposal
- Glasgow Prestwick RNAV departure and arrival procedures
- Truncation of London Gatwick SAM and KENET SIDs
- Truncation of London Heathrow WOBUN and BUZAD SIDs
2017 decisions
- ASM process change for EG D113 and EG D115
- Hawarden radio mandatory zone
- Isle of Man Antrim systemisation
- Release of controlled airspace airway N864
- Release of controlled and segregated airspace - airway-Q41
- Removal of Kirkcudbright danger area EG D405A
- Stansted Airport RNP1 RF SIDs
- Swanwick airspace improvement programme L5250 - Airspace Deployment 1
2016 decisions
- Belfast terminal manoeuvring area
- Birmingham airport runway 15 departure routes
- D201A bypass conditional route Q63
- Lands End airport GNSS RNAV IAPs
- Liverpool John Lennon airport RNAV GNSS IAPs
- Neart na Gaoithe and Inch Cape transponder mandatory zones
- Newcastle International Airport SIDs
- Moray Firth TMZ
- Q60 conditional route
- Solent CTA-6 ROCSA
2015 decisions
- Cardiff airport RNAV replications
- Extension of ATS UT7 between Lands End and Karno
- London airspace management programme phase 1A
- London Southend Airport Class D CTR
- Luton runway 26 BPK RNAV 1 SID
- Proposed extension of ATS route UT7 between Lands End and Karno
- Release of controlled airspace - raising base levels of ATS route N560
- Walney transponder mandatory zone
- Southend RMZ
2014 decisions
- Burbo Bank windfarm transponder mandatory zone
- Extended operating hours to airway N601 class C extension
- Extension of UN26 from Strumble to Devon
- Introduction new upper CDRs over the southern North Sea
- Introduction of extended class c stubs in the Scottish FIR
- Introduction of Prestwick centre direct route airspace - phase 1
- Ministry of Defence Hebrides range EG D701
- New upper air routes over southwestern UK
- Proposed introduction new upper air conditional routes over the southern North Sea
- Proposed introduction of extended class c stubs in the Scottish FIR
- Replacement of class F airspace in UK FIRs
- Revision to CAS Isle of Wight pompi triangle
- 2013 decisions
2012 decisions
- Aerodrome traffic zone at Lee On Solent
- Changes to airways L70 and U Y70 in northwest England
- Cranfield airport runway 03 instrument approach procedures
- Dublin point merge - additional airspace requirements
- Greater Wash and Humber gateway transponder mandatory zones
- Intro of Cardiff Bristol Severn and additional Cotswold
- Intro of weekend only route extensions high level CDRs
- Introduction of weekend only route extensions to existing north sea high level conditional routes CDR
- Introduction of revised L975 L70 and L10 route structure
- Lowering and extension of ATS route UL15 ex UL6
- NATS - IAA Irish Sea ACP - Sub proposal 1 - Introduction of Dublin point merge - additional airspace requirements in UK airspace
- NATSIAA proposed introduction of new CDR-UY124
- NATS - IAA Irish Sea ACP - Sub proposal 2 - Introduction of revised L975, L70 and L10 route structure west of Wallasey
- NATS - IAA Irish Sea ACP - Sub proposal 3 - Introduction of new CDR (U)Y124
- NATS - IAA Irish Sea ACP - Sub proposal 4 - changes to airways L70 and (U)Y70 in northwest England
- NATS - IAA Irish Sea ACP - Sub proposal 5 - lowering and extension of ATS route (U)15 Ex(U)L6 and introduction of new link routes (U)L28 and (U)Q4
- Manston Kent international airport (KIA) RNAV (GNSS) hold airspace change proposal
- Proposed introduction of Cardiff - Bristol Severn and additional Cotswold control areas
- Reclassification of the Glasgow control area
Pre-2012 decisions
- Review of CAP 1616
- National Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (NATMAC)
- Aviation noise and environment in airspace change
- Airspace information transparency about airspace use and aircraft movements
- GNSS Rollout Programme
Airspace classification
Communication navigation and surveillance
Event and obstacle notification
Airspace modernisation
Instrument flight procedures
Rules of the air
- Airspace infringements
- Aviation security overview
Security management systems
Training and Human Factors
- Training and Human Factors
- Certificated instructors
- CAA registered aviation security training providers
- Digital National X-ray Certification Test
- Recognition of competence RoC
- Recognition of firearms and explosives instructors course
- Threat Image Projection
- Training Syllabuses
- Quality assurance framework
- Overseas training requests
- National security vetting
Cyber security
Economic Regulation and Competition Policy
Overview of economic regulation and competition policy
Heathrow Airport
- Overview of economic regulation of Heathrow Airport
- Upcoming price control H8
Current price control H7 (2022-2026)
- Previous price controls
- Heathrow licence and monitoring
Gatwick Airport
National Air Traffic (En Route) Services (NERL)
General aviation
The GA Unit
Learning to fly
Pilot licences
Introduction to licensing
- Guidance on documentation
- Supporting documentation for private pilot licensing applications
- Language proficiency
- Submitting logbooks for general aviation applications
- Additional documentation required for applications based on third country ICAO licence conversions
- Temporary certificate of Part-FCL licence privileges for ratings or certificates
- Additional documentation required for applications based on the Military Accreditation Scheme (MAS) for UK military flight crew
- Medical requirements for private pilots
- Medical certificates apply, renew and revalidate
- Guidance for medical certification of private pilots
- Apply for a Class 2 medical certificate
- Renew or revalidate your UK medical certificate
- Medical certification for balloon and airship pilots
- Medical examination information
Instrument ratings
- Apply for an Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) or Instrument Rating (Restricted) (IR(R))
- Apply for a multi engine piston MEP rating
- Apply for a single engine piston rating (SEP)
- Applying for Additional Ratings
- Initial issue of a multi pilot aeroplane type rating
- Initial issue of a multi pilot helicopter type rating
- Keeping your ratings valid
- What to do if your rating has expired
- What to do if your rating is about to expire
- Renew a multi pilot helicopter type rating
- Renew multi pilot aeroplane type rating
- Revalidate a multi pilot aeroplane type rating
- Revalidate a multi pilot helicopter type rating
- Night rating for aeroplanes
- Night rating for airships
- Night rating for balloons
- Night rating for helicopters
- Test notification requirements
- Verification of a third country ICAO licence
- Convert a sailplane towing rating held on a BGA gliding certificate
- Conversion of an EASA flight crew licence to a UK part equivalent licence (1)
- UK class and type rating lists
Part-FCL requirements
UK national licences
- Flight radio telephony operator licence
- Gyroplane pilot licences
- Licensing & Training Simplification
- Pilot Licences for Balloons
- Pilot Medical Declaration Project
Pilot training organisations
- Information for pilot training organisations
- Approved training organisations
- Declared training organisations
- English language proficiency testing and flight crew licensing
- Introductory flights
- Flights after completing a skill test
- Be PROUD and keep learning
- UK Military Aircrew Accreditation Scheme
- GA Theoretical Knowledge e-Exams
Safety Topics
Aircraft ownership and maintenance
- The Airworthiness Code
- Experimental aircraft
- Aircraft regulatory framework UK Part 21 aircraft and UK non Part 21 aircraft
- Foreign registered home built aircraft and certain foreign registered historic aircraft
- Modifications and repairs
- Electronic conspicuity devices
- Cost sharing flights
- Use of National Permit to Fly for flight instruction and self fly hire
- Equity and non-equity aircraft ownership
Types of aircraft
- Part-ML
- Part-CAO
Flying displays and Special events
- Flying displays
- Special Events
- How to apply for a flying display or special event permission
- Airspace notification of air displays and flypasts
- Flying display director accreditation
- Accredited flying display Director list
- Authorised display pilot evaluators
- The CAA behavioural and attitudinal fitness assessment
- Display symposia events
- Civil air display review
GA Airspace
GA Flight Operations
Licences and other approvals
ATOL protection
Check an ATOL
About ATOL
Maintain and renew your ATOL
- ATOL protected Covid 19 refund credit notes
- Renewing your ATOL licence
- ATOL financial criteria
- Companies that have not renewed their ATOL
- ATOL licence renewal fees
- ATOL compliance publicity material and booking terms and conditions
- ATOL compliance for agency agreements
- ATOL certificate
- ATOL protection contribution - documents and forms
- Accountable person training
- Annual accountants report
- ATOL reporting accountants scheme
- ATOL Online
Compliance and regulation
Licensing forms and bonds
Frequently asked questions
- ATOL trade privacy notices
Air Travel Trust
- International
Safety initiatives and resources
How we regulate
Safety plan
- The CAA safety plan
- Safety plan update
- Preparing for the future
Enhancing CAA oversight
Enhancing industry safety management
Mitigating key safety risks
- Air displays
- Cyber
- UK spaceplanes programme
- Fire, smoke, fumes
- Helicopters
- Lasers
- Maintenance performance
- Medical fitness
- Mid air collision
- Pilot performance
- State safety partnerships
- Runway incursions and excursions
- Organisational governance and accountable managers
- New maintenance business models
- Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)
- The UK National Aviation Safety Plan
State safety programme
- About the programme
Safety policy objectives and resources
- The UK aviation system
- State safety programme stakeholders
- UK aviation safety policy
- Acceptable level of safety performance
- State safety objectives
- Introduction to UK aviation safety policy and rule development
- Safety policy and legislation project tracker
- The Aviation Safety (Amendment) No 3 Regulations 2021
- The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2023
Safety risk management
Safety assurance
Safety promotion
Safety projects
Working with industry
Aviation safety review
SAFER recommendation management
- Overview
- Serious Incident G-ZBKF
- Serious Incident G-LAWX
- Accident DJI Matrice M210 v1
- Accident G-BBSA
- Accident G-CTSB
- Serious Incident SE-LPS
- Serious Incident G-JZHL
- Accident - G-CBDJ
- Accident - G-BXBU
- Airprox - Paraglider vs Wildcat
- Airprox Prefect(s) vs C208
- Airprox DJI Mavic 2 vs Texan II
- Airprox Hawker 800 vs ASG Glider
- Airprox - CSA Sportcruiser and Cessna 150
- Defence Safety Authority
- Accident G-CICF
- Accident G-CDFK
- Accident G-CMFS
- Accident - G-CKYT
- Accident UAS Malloy Aeronautics T150
SAFER recommendation management archive
Data and analysis
UK aviation market
UK airport data
- Latest quarterly statistics
UK airport data 2025
UK airport data 2024
UK airport data 2023
UK airport data 2022
UK airport data 2021
UK airport data 2020
UK airport data 2019
UK airport data 2018
UK airport data 2017
UK airport data 2016
UK airport data 2015
- UK airport data 1990 - 2014
- UK airport data 1983 - 1997
- UK airport and airline combined 1973 - 1982
- UK airport load factor data
- Notes and FAQs
- Aviation trends
- Economic regulation and policy publications
UK airline data
- Notes and FAQs
UK airline financial data
Flight punctuality
- Bespoke data analysis
Consumer research
Passenger complaints
AvStats system
- Data publication dates
- Enforcement actions
Safety and security
Airspace and environment
Approved persons and organisations
Aircraft and airworthiness
Data for passengers
Data publication principles
Aeromedical examiners
Certification, training and policy
Medical standards
- Overview
Air traffic controllers
Cabin crew
Guidelines and resources
- Medical standards for pilots
Medical conditions
Infectious disease
Mental Health
Metabolic and endocrinology
Obs and gynae
- Visual system guidance material GM
- Colour vision guidance material GM
- Guidance for common eye conditions
- Guidance following eye surgery
- Reading glasses for presbyopic correction
- Spectacle frame and lens choice
- Guidance on the use of contact lenses
- Use of sunglasses for pilots
- Retinal arterial disorders
- Retinal vein occlusion - RVO
- Visual acuity assessments
- Visual fields
- Medical guidance material updates
Connecting with the CAA
Forthcoming events
Aircraft register
Registration information
Aircraft mortgages
- Search for an aircraft mortgage
- Enter a new aircraft mortgage on to the register
- Enter a priority notice on the aircraft mortgages register
- Discharge of registered aircraft mortgages
- Entering changes to registered mortgages
- FAQ's - Registration of aircraft mortgages
- FAQ's - Mandatory Insurance Requirements
- Forms and fees
Registration marks
Contact aircraft register
Passengers and public
Passenger guidance
Special assistance
- Passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility
- Getting medical clearance to fly
- Arranging special assistance
- Accessing special assistance at the airport
- Accessing special assistance on your flight
- Travelling with mobility and medical equipment
- Travelling with an assistance dog
- Special assistance problems
- Airport accessibility reports
Resolving travel problems
Displays and events
Rules and categories of drone flying
- Introduction to drone flying and the UK rules
- Flying in the Open category
- First person view flying
- Flying in the Specific category
- Flying in the Certified category
- Tethered drones and remotely piloted aircraft
- Scalable beyond visual line of sight operations
- Airspace policy concept for BVLOS flying
- Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) Update
- Atypical Air Environments
Drone Code
- Drone code overview
- Getting what you need to fly legally
- Flying safely and responsibly (points 1 and 2)
- Where you can fly (points 3 to 9)
- Making every flight safe (points 10 to 19)
- Protecting people’s privacy (points 20 to 25)
- Getting a flyer ID before you fly (points 26 to 28)
- Getting an operator ID before you fly (points 29 to 34)
- Less common flying (points 35 to 37)
- Background: Drones and model aircraft in the law
- Ready to take the theory test?
- Updates
Airspace and restrictions
PDRA01 Operational Authorisations
Digitising Specific Category Operations (DiSCO) project
Safety advice and reporting
Updates and publications
Model aircraft
UK Regulations
Aviation Safety
Basic Regulation, the Implementing Rules and UK CAA AMC GM CS
- Information on Aviation law in the UK
- Basic Regulations
- Initial Airworthiness
- Continuing Airworthiness
- Additional Airworthiness
- Air Operations
- Aircrew
- Air Traffic Controllers
- Aerodromes
- ATM ANS provision of services
- ATM ANS interoperability
- SERA Standardised Rules of the Air
- Airspace Usage Requirements
- UK Remote Aerodrome Air Traffic Services (RAATS)
- Sailplanes
- Balloons
- Occurrence Reporting
- Third Country Operators
- Accident Investigations
- Forms
Civil Aviation Act 1982, the ANO 2016, the Rules of the Air 2015, and the DG Regulations 2002
Airspace Single European Sky
Website policies
Combined Aerodrome Safeguarding Team (CAST)
- Search
- Consultation on expanding initial paid flight training aircraft
- Civil Aviation Authority strategic priorities
- Update on Thomas Cook claims
- Market Power Determination request - Manchester Airport
- General aviation regulation improvements: January 2020
- Trainee pilot failed to admit health problems in medical application
- Visual flight in Class D airspace
- Recreational General Aviation regulation delivers acceptable safety
- CargoLogicAir Limited: Operating Licence and AOC
- Changes to General Aviation pilot medical self-declarations
- Advice to UK consumers following Flybe entering administration
- Further advice to UK consumers impacted by Flybe administration
- Statement on future relationship with the European Union
- March 2020 ATOL renewals deadline extended
- 99% of Thomas Cook claims now settled
- CargoLogicAir: Operating Licence and AOC
- Next Civil Aviation Authority Chair announced
- UK Civil Aviation Authority reviewing airline refunds
- CAA to bring many new light aircraft designs under national regulation
- Consultation on reviewing the classification of airspace
- Update on Pakistan International Airlines
- UK Civil Aviation Authority update on airline refunds review
- Singapore and UK commence trials to improve public health safety for air crew
- Stay in Control: CAA launches loss of control awareness campaign
- UK Civil Aviation Authority reports on airline refunds review
- Updated information on Pakistan International Airlines
- General aviation regulation improvements: October 2020
- Aviation communities benefit from electronic conspicuity device subsidy
- UK Civil Aviation Authority Statement: ATOL Renewals
- Consultation on Heathrow Airport Limited’s request for RAB readjustment
- CAA launches new online PPL e-Exams system
- New Head of Flight Operations Announced
- CAA announces charges relating to the accident involving N264DB
- Consultation on Gatwick Airport Limited’s commitments
- ATOL announces extension of protection for refund credit notes
- Airfield Development Advisory Fund goes live
- Consultation on General Aviation opportunities after leaving EASA
- Interim Head of Civil Aviation Authority’s General Aviation Unit announced
- New procedure for reviewing the classification of airspace
- Accessibility progress at UK airports
- Correspondence regarding the CAA's strategic priorities
- General Aviation Unit finishes 2020 with a focus on life after EU Exit
- CAA Singapore and UK CAA strengthen aviation cooperation
- UK Civil Aviation Authority response to Ryanair press release
- CAA has final sleigh on Santa Claus drone deliveries this Christmas
- Pilot fined for flying in and out of military aerodrome without permission
- UK Civil Aviation Authority clears Boeing 737 MAX for return to service
- UK to revert to previous rules for visibility and distance from cloud minima
- Consultation on proposed modifications to Gatwick Airport Limited licence
- Civil Aviation Authority Transport Act 2000 investigation – final decision
- CAA launch Virtual Voyage 2021 General Aviation Summit
- Additional funding for electronic conspicuity devices announced
- Skyway Code v3 published
- Astral Aviation Consulting Ltd awarded GA safety promotions contract
- Aviation 2020: Data summary
- Home Office, Police and CAA act together on drone crime
- Major safety boost for offshore helicopters moves closer
- ATOL extends the validity period for issuing refund credit notes to 30 April 2021
- Consultation on proposed changes to CAP 553
- ATOL spring 2021 renewals
- EASA-to-UK pilot licence conversion process
- Regulatory approval for JetBlue confirmed
- Drone trial of routine BVLOS operations concept authorised
- General Aviation Unit focuses on returning to flying post COVID
- Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited
- CAA announces integration of GAU and RPAS to form one combined unit
- Ryanair enforcement action update
- Consultation on ATOL protection
- Security training instructor sentenced for falsifying documents
- CAA and EASA agree technical implementation procedures
- Statement on Belarus
- Primary Engineer partnership to help pupils design the future
- 2021 Quarter one flight data
- Pilot fined £175,000 for falsifying licence and acting as a pilot without an appropriate licence
- Fixed Penalty Notice data published for 2021 Q1
- ATOL warns consumers to check financial protection before booking
- New updated Safety Sense Leaflets for GA pilots
- CAA becomes UK space regulator and launches licensing regime
- The new GA & RPAS Unit is up and running
- UK holidaymakers warned to check for financial protection
- Operating Licence granted to Aer Lingus (UK) Limited
- 2021 quarter two flight data
- New 600kg microlight aeroplane classification becomes law
- UK CAA signs post-EU air safety arrangement with the Civil Aviation Administration of China
- UK Civil Aviation Authority appoints new Non-Executive Directors
- Fixed Penalty Notice data published for 2021 Q1 and Q2
- Response to Travel Weekly story on segregation of funds
- More than 45% of businesses yet to apply ahead of September ATOL renewals
- Statement on ICCAN closure
- Autumn Virtual Voyage 2021 General Aviation Summit
- Update on Ryanair High Court decision
- Launch of Active Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector trial
- September 2021 ATOL renewals due
- ATOL renewals statement October 2021
- UK CAA announces industry consortium into eVTOL safety
- UK CAA signs post-EU exit air safety agreement with FATA
- CAA appoints new Non-Executive Director
- CAA launch #shotonmydrone photography competition
- CAA consults on Heathrow Airport charges
- CAA responds to Times article
- Task force on electronic conspicuity
- CAA and AESA promote aviation safety and security globally
- CAA statement on David Henderson trial
- CAA seeks views on airspace change process
- Focus on GA Change Programme continues
- CAA statement on sentencing of David Henderson
- 2021 quarter three flight data
- Consumers urged to act as unspent refund credit notes total over £130m
- Consultation on cost sharing regulations for private pilots
- 13 individuals convicted for ATOL fraud
- UK Civil Aviation Authority statement on Heathrow Airport interim price cap
- Aviation industry urged to make sure they can continue to work on UK-registered aircraft after 31 December 2022
- Reminding drone pilots to share the sky safely this Christmas
- Website changes
- Consumers urged to check for financial protection as holiday bookings set to rise
- UK Civil Aviation Authority set to create new Environmental Sustainability Panel
- UK CAA and US FAA agree mutual acceptance of flight simulators
- UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts the latest version of the airspace change masterplan
- UK Civil Aviation Authority responds to Government proposals over consumer rights
- Update on enforcement action regarding Ryanair passenger compensation
- Ending 2021 with clear objectives
- 2021 quarter four flight data
- UK Civil Aviation Authority prosecutes Blue Air Aviation over Covid 19 offences
- Ukraine Travel Advice
- UK Civil Aviation Authority statement: Aeroflot Russian Airlines
- CAA and FAA joint statement on supporting the future of eVTOL
- UK Civil Aviation Authority Statement: March ATOL renewals
- Resignation of Non-Executive Director
- UK Civil Aviation Authority’s top travel tips for 2022
- Commercial pilot sentenced for fraud
- UK Civil Aviation Authority celebrates 50 years
- UK Civil Aviation Authority takes on new noise advisory functions
- Rolling hills and snow-covered railways: CAA announces winning entries for #shotonmydrone photography competition
- ATOL renewals statement: spring 2022
- Spring Virtual Voyage General Aviation Summit 2022: Airworthiness
- Helicopter pilot sentenced for forging licence
- Civil Aviation Authority partners with Springpod to launch virtual aviation work experience programme
- Continued focus on change for GA Team
- 2022 quarter one flight data
- UK Civil Aviation Authority update on ATOL Reform consultation
- UK Civil Aviation Authority reveals its Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- UK determines certification standards for new electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft
- UK Civil Aviation Authority announces landmark changes for pilots and air traffic controllers living with HIV
- UK Civil Aviation Authority announces members of its new Environmental Sustainability Panel
- UK Civil Aviation Authority confirms level of cap on future charges of Heathrow Airport Limited in the best interest of consumers
- Jon Egging Trust lifts off with new UK Civil Aviation Authority partnership
- Consultation on British Civil Airworthiness Requirements - Section S - Small Light Aeroplanes
- UK Civil Aviation Authority launches consultation on the introduction of SSAC-Class 5: Experience flight in an ex-military jet aeroplane
- UK Civil Aviation Authority completes its review into the Cotswold Region’s airspace
- Farnborough 2022: Sir Stephen Hillier - Where next for aviation and aerospace
- New project to examine the legal implications of increased autonomy in aviation
- CAA launches consultation on environmental effects of first UK space launch from Cornwall
- Shaping up to be a busy 2022 for UK CAA’s General Aviation Unit
- 2022 quarter two flight data
- Expansion of the UK GNSS rollout programme launched
- Airspace restrictions covering the Mourning and funeral of Her Majesty The Queen
- Consumer Advice – Airspace restrictions in and around London
- New Airworthiness Code for General Aviation published
- Civil Aviation Authority consumer panel new work programme to help drive better outcomes for aviation consumers
- UK Civil Aviation Authority launches consultation on the simplification and rationalisation of General Aviation pilot licences
- UK Civil Aviation Authority Chief Executive to stand down in 2023
- UK Civil Aviation Authority launches consultation on Pilot Medical Declarations review
- UK Civil Aviation Authority signs arrangement with Civil Aeronautics Administration of Taiwan
- UK Civil Aviation Authority proposes new NATS airline charges
- General Aviation Unit has busy summer of activity
- UK Civil Aviation Authority urges football fans to do homework to make World Cup trip a winner
- UK space regulator launches consultation on environmental effects of Shetland spaceport
- Spain top holiday hotspot for British tourists this summer, new data shows
- Call for evidence for review of Barnsley region of UK airspace
- Spaceport Cornwall receives first-ever UK spaceport licence
- UK Civil Aviation Authority and Federal Aviation Administration agree update to maintenance arrangements
- Civil Aviation Authority response to Virgin Orbit’s status update: Start Me Up Mission
- Update on Ryanair enforcement action
- UK Civil Aviation Authority calls out unacceptable levels of airport accessibility performance despite improvements
- UK Civil Aviation Authority issues advice to passengers ahead of Border Force strikes
- Regulator raises concerns with Wizz Air following complaints
- Joint Statement from CAA/DfT on the Development of a National Standard for Electronic Conspicuity
- UK Space regulator issues Virgin Orbit licences ahead of UK launch
- UK Civil Aviation Authority puts forward proposals to improve the airspace change process
- Serious drone prosecution highlights need for drone users to understand and follow safety rules
- Call for Evidence launched on providing environmental information to air passengers
- Covid-19, budget constraints and flight disruption concern biggest barriers to air travel, UK Civil Aviation Authority survey finds
- UK Civil Aviation Authority launches next stage of ATOL reform
- UK Civil Aviation Authority sets out vision for future of UK airspace
- Update on the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s work with the General Aviation community during the fourth quarter of 2022
- UK Civil Aviation Authority statement on Flybe entering administration
- Further advice to UK consumers impacted by Flybe entering administration
- Flybe travel arrangements advice
- UK Civil Authority confirms interim Heathrow Airport price control
- UK Civil Aviation Authority launches funding to help deliver airspace modernisation
- Level of cap on how much Heathrow Airport Limited can charge airlines confirmed
- 2022 in review: UK air travel reaches 75% of pre-pandemic levels as Spain tops most popular destination list
- OneWeb launch marks major milestone for UK space regulation
- UK Civil Aviation Authority appointed to US Transportation Research Aviation Committee
- More than 1600 ATOL licences confirmed by the UK Civil Aviation Authority
- Singapore and the United Kingdom to step up collaboration in five areas to prepare aviation sector for the future
- Emergency services receive funding to help air ambulances land more safely in poor weather
- UK and Israel aviation regulators sign working arrangement
- General Aviation Unit delivers first quarter engagement
- Regulator calls for views on plans to improve airline accessibility
- Batteries are included: new safety campaign launched by regulator
- British Gliding Association granted Delegated Authority status
- Regulator to meet aviation and aerospace leaders in Scotland
- Nearly 350 space licences issued as regulator ramps up engagement ahead of next UK launch
- Lift off – UK Civil Aviation Authority partners with Springpod for virtual work experience
- Cancelled flights and flights on time improve at UK airports
- UK Civil Aviation Authority consults on Gatwick Airport Limited’s commitments
- UK Civil Aviation Authority launches active carbon monoxide detector survey
- Regulator launches new support to deliver airspace modernisation
- UK Civil Aviation Authority and the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil sign Letter of Intent on eVTOL certification
- Three Non-Executive Directors reappointed at UK Civil Aviation Authority
- Aviation regulator launches recruitment campaign to inspire future aviation professionals
- Regulator sets out Provisional Decision on NATS airline charges
- Update from the General Aviation Unit on Q2 2023 activities
- Regulator sets out possible improvements for flying in Manchester airspace
- UK Government publishes review of Civil Aviation Authority
- Regulator reminds drone users to register before they fly
- Regulator praises accessibility improvements across UK airports
- Regulator brings enforcement action against Wizz Air
- UK Civil Aviation Authority publish The Paramotor Code
- New report highlights accessibility issues with airline websites
- Updates and advice to consumers impacted by travel disruption
- Regulator to launch independent review of NATS technical failure
- New system introduced to simplify airspace notifications for cranes
- Civil Aviation Authority confirms appointment of Chief Finance Officer
- UK Civil Aviation Authority visits Scotland and Northern Ireland airfields
- UK on cusp of next aviation revolution, says UK regulator
- Regulator launches third round of funding to deliver airspace modernisation
- Regulator’s independent review to consider wider impact of NATS technical issue
- UK Civil Aviation Authority Appoints Rob Bishton as the new Chief Executive
- Aviation regulators strengthen co-operation on safety enforcement
- Update from the General Aviation Unit on Q3 2023 activities
- UK Civil Aviation Authority calls on drone pilots to fly responsibly and not disrupt emergency helicopters
- New trials move the UK closer to allowing everyday drone deliveries and flying beyond visual line of sight
- UK Civil Aviation Authority publishes price control decision on NATS airline charges
- Aviation regulator sets out improved airspace change process
- Regulator strengthens aviation and aerospace ties in Northern Ireland
- Additional measures to improve cost sharing flight arrangement choices
- Virgin Atlantic granted Permit to Fly for historic transatlantic 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel flight
- Proposed changes to improve and strengthen the Pilot Medical Declaration system
- New study on Electronic Conspicuity published by aviation regulator
- Regulator launches Hydrogen Challenge to explore potential of new aviation fuel type
- Drone users urged to respond to significant consultation on proposals
- Regulator warns consumers not to fall foul of packing rules this festive season
- SaxaVord granted spaceport licence by UK Civil Aviation Authority
- Aviation security training instructor prosecuted
- Final countdown as Electronic Conspicuity Rebate Scheme ends
- Young people leading post-COVID aviation revival, UK Civil Aviation Authority finds
- UK Civil Aviation Authority announces new Director of People and Culture
- Regulator's enforcement action sees over £1 million refunded to Wizz Air passengers
- eVTOL operations a step closer in the UK as aviation regulator looks at vertiport design proposals
- Update from the General Aviation Unit on Q4 2023 activities
- Step forward in unlocking drones flying beyond visual line of sight
- Light aircraft to become safer under new proposals from regulator
- UK Civil Aviation Authority and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore expand collaboration
- First companies for Hydrogen Challenge announced by aviation regulator
- Sir Stephen Hillier re-appointed as Chair of UK Civil Aviation Authority
- UK Civil Aviation Authority unveils new strategy for protecting people, enabling aerospace
- Regulator shares advice for holidaymakers ahead of Easter getaway as passenger demand continues to grow
- UK Civil Aviation Authority proposes streamlined licensing system for General Aviation Pilots
- Regulator publishes progress report on Independent Review into August 2023 NATS Flight Planning System Failure
- Regulator proposes changes to Heathrow Airport Limited’s airline charges in response to CMA appeal
- Civil Aviation Authority highlights importance of aerospace industry in Wales
- Nearly half of consumers think airports and airlines are ready for their summer getaway
- SaxaVord Spaceport granted range licence by Civil Aviation Authority
- Selina Chadha Appointed Group Director for Consumers & Markets at UK Civil Aviation Authority
- Regulator decides on changes to Heathrow Airport Limited’s airline charges in response to CMA appeal
- New proposals for environmental information to be available to consumers booking flights
- UK regulator brings together experts to give lift to the future of hydrogen fuel
- UK aviation industry sees highest number of licences issued to women but mountain still to climb
- Plans to upgrade airspace unveiled by UK regulator
- Regulator to inspire over 100,000 students in next year in STEM education push
- Regulator Board hosted a stakeholder meet-and-greet at Farnborough Airshow
- Regulator signs working arrangement with Japan
- Improvements in airport accessibility continues since pandemic, with “more work to do” as demand increases
- UK Civil Aviation Authority consults on Gatwick Airport Limited’s commitments (1)
- New trials set to help unlock drone deliveries and inspections in the UK
- Regulator urges consumers to brush up on their passenger rights ahead of the August Bank Holiday
- Regulator mandates carbon monoxide detectors in piston engine aircraft
- Sustainability top of the agenda as regulator visits aerospace industry in Manchester
- Drone users reminded of new airspace notification system
- Aviation regulator sets out plan to enable routine drone flights beyond line of sight
- Midlands set to drive the aerospace revolution in UK cities, says regulator
- UK’s aviation regulator to enhance industry environmental reporting
- UK and US aviation regulators strengthen cooperation in private aircraft ramp checks
- Launch of new ATOL claims portal; a leap forward for consumer service
- Giancarlo Buono Appointed Group Director of Safety and Airspace Regulation at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
- Infrastructure inspections with drones made easier under new rules
- New plans for quicker, quieter and cleaner flights on the horizon
- UK Civil Aviation Authority starts process of setting next price control for Heathrow Airport
- Aviation regulator publishes Independent Review into August 2023 NATS Flight Planning System Failure
- Real term price reduction proposed for UK Civil Aviation Authority charges
- UK Civil Aviation Authority approves Manchester Low-Level Route airspace change
- UK to bring aviation experts together for third legal summit
- UK regulator unveils new AI strategy
- Snow your rights before jetting off this Christmas
- UK Civil Aviation Authority gives Santa permission to enter airspace
- UK's first vertical launch approved by Civil Aviation Authority
- UK on course to lead world in hydrogen fuel as aviation regulator expands Hydrogen Challenge
- New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
- UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
Airfield Development Advisory Fund
- Aviation noise
- Bringing ADS-B surveillance trials to airfields
- Consumer protection as travel restarts
- How safe is recreational flying in the UK
- International Civil Aviation Day 2020
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2020
- International Women’s Day 2021
- My visit to the LAA Rally
- National Apprenticeship Week 2021
- Our unmanned aircraft systems unit
- Readiness for Brexit
- Safety first
- Supporting a safe restart and recovery: CART Assurance Scheme
- Setting up our new innovation team
- Transport of the future... already here?
- What are package holidays and what makes them so safe?
- What is ATOL?
- World ATM Congress - or should that be World UTM Congress?
- World Economic Forum Summit highlights opportunities for an innovative future
- International Day of Persons Living with Disabilities 2021
- International Civil Aviation Day 2021
Regulating pilot hours and combatting fatigue
- Girls in Aviation Day
- Working to inspire young people into a career in STEM
- Want to be part of airspace modernisation? The UK Civil Aviation Authority has a fund that can help your organisation.
How we’re helping enable improvements in aviation’s sustainability
- Helping the UK be at the forefront of the next aviation revolution
- 2023 UK drone survey results revealed
- Supporting UK Airports Health and Safety Week
- How we’re working with blue light landing sites to implement better landing procedures
- How we’re working with partners to support careers in STEM
- Putting passengers first: Our consumer strategy
- Navigating the Skies: Explaining the Airline Licensing Process
- Transforming transactions: Updating our payment systems to improve security and customer service
- A year on from Launcher One
- Soaring to New Heights: Re-launching our STEM Website
- Flight 100 – Our role in enabling the first transatlantic sustainable fuel flight
- Strengthening aviation safety through bilateral arrangements
- Range control licences: Giving Space space
- Sir Stephen Hillier's message to aerospace sector ahead of Farnborough International Airshow
- Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis
- Speeches
- Press office
- CAA SkyWise
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