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The Space Launch and Orbit Group (SPLOG) is a regular session held by the CAA, to work with the space sector and partners to make the regulatory process for protecting the public as efficient and effective as possible.

The group offers the opportunity for the CAA and industry to:

  • Discuss space regulatory activities from the perspective of both the regulator and regulated.
  • Identify and share opportunities, threats and best practice across the sector.

Slides from previous sessions are available on request.

Questions about the SPLOG can be sent to commercialspaceflight@caa.co.uk


The SPLOG is an opportunity to speak to the regulator face to face, and for the regulator to hear from you.

SPLOG brings together a wide range of interested stakeholders to discuss space launch and orbital regulatory activities. This provides a chance to work through common issues and identify upcoming opportunities and challenges.

The goal is for the meeting to be a forum for industry members to raise their own challenges and suggestions, and for two-way discussions to build a strong regulatory environment that enables the industry and protects the public.

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Joining SPLOG

The invitation to join SPLOG meetings is extended to all spaceports, range operators, academics, launch vehicle operators, orbital operators and their trade associations as well as academic institutions. Attendees can join via our Eventbrite page or by emailing: commercialspaceflight@caa.co.uk.

Devolved administrations and other relevant government departments and agencies may attend as observers. Ofcom, as the spectrum regulator, are also key members of the steering group.

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The SPLOG is chaired by the CAA. 

The SPLOG steering group comprised of the CAA, industry and academia will decides on the meeting structure. 

The steering group will also bring into the meeting experts and evidence-based reports or issues as appropriate, as well as meet briefly before and between meetings to discuss and agree agendas and any proposals on working groups and their management.

Every attempt is made to have representation from across the commercial space sector at SPLOG meetings

Formal meeting minutes are not be taken but notes of agreed actions and key points on discussion are recorded. The SPLOG does not have policy responsibilities and does not have the remit to make decisions directly affecting the commercial spaceflight regulations.  
The SPLOG does not have the remit to discuss individual active or planned licence applications for spaceflight activities. 

The CAA fulfils a limited secretariat function and is responsible for: 

  • Scheduling meetings;
  • Preparing the agenda based on input from the steering group;
  • Circulating papers by email in advance of the meeting;
  • Drafting and circulating actions and key points

The meeting notes will be made publicly available following each meeting.

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Working groups

The SPLOG may establish working groups to address key industry topics and challenges. 

The SPLOG steering group will designate the remit of any Working Groups, determine the issues they are to address, and the length of their existence. 

Currently we have steering groups covering:

  • Environmental assessments

If you would like to join a working group please email: commercialspaceflight@caa.co.uk

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Meeting structure

Meetings are hybrid, usually last 2-3 hours, and in person attendance is encouraged. Details of the location, timing and logistics will be shared with attendees in advance of the meeting and are available on our Eventbrite page.

Devolved administrations and other relevant government departments and agencies may attend as observers. Ofcom, as the spectrum regulator, are also key members of the steering group.

The SPLOG steering group set the agenda and welcomes suggestions on topics or issues together with the following standing agenda items:

  • General update
  • Delivery progress
  • Agenda items (to be confirmed by the steering group and shared with attendees ahead of the meeting)
  • Any other business
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