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The seven strategic objectives described below form the high-level guidance material, from which a revised action plan will be derived. Once confirmed it will be published to this site.

Proactive use of data and intelligence

Methods are developed and utilised both within the CAA and industry to assess how HF/HP influences have prevented or contributed to incidents, to avoid future occurrences.

We will continue to develop our methods of gathering information to improve our understanding of the impact of HF/HP on reportable incidents and accidents. The variability of the terminology and the differing significance attributed to contributory factors continues to be a challenge. By its very nature, reactive reporting does not collect data on events which did not occur. Much more could be learnt if we could also capture the everyday dynamic actions of the people that keep aviation safe. Reporting the positive actions of those involved with the task requires a more open approach to reporting systems.

To support this approach, we will continue to promote a just culture which is essential to generate an open reporting environment. There is real value in reporting beyond what is legally required. Encouraging reporting of any issues or concerns supports the development a deeper understanding of the information that is gathered. We will look for indicators of proactive involvement in safety by employees, as markers of a just culture and mature Safety Management System (SMS). We will promote investigation into areas of potential under-reporting and promote methods to improve reporting.

The aim is that everyone involved in aviation is engaged in the development of a more proactive approach to gathering HF/HP information. This will enable the industry to be more responsive, allocate resources to the most significant risks, and to be assured that appropriate mitigations are developed.

Close Proactive use of data and intelligence

Integrated approach

HF assessment approaches are embedded within Management System oversight to support our Inspectorate.

The assessment of HF/HP should be considered as an embedded activity within both the CAA's and industry's audit processes. This SMS based approach will support HF risks to be properly understood and effectively mitigated. HF training is only one aspect of the regulatory requirements for managing HP. The demonstration of how all the influences on HP are considered within the real-world environment, is where the real benefits are realised. This will involve using an integrated SMS audit approach where HF assessment is embedded within the system assessment. Focus should be on the specific task and level of risk. This should lead to a deeper understanding of influences on HP across all areas of the aviation community.

This will also develop a more tailored approach that best suits the needs of the UK's aviation environment. The audit will be relevant to those being audited and to the level of HF/HP understanding that they can demonstrate. For those who have developed a mature approach to understanding and supporting HP, this may mean that the CAA will have scope to reduce regulatory oversight requirements. As part of oversight we will monitor how any social or commercial changes have been assessed and seek assurance that an acceptable level of safety can be demonstrated and maintained.

Close Integrated approach

Developing inspectors' competencies

Improve our Inspectors' HF and HP knowledge and competencies.

We remain committed to developing specialist HF capabilities within the CAA. This will be achieved by the provision of centralised specialist support. This will ensure a consistent approach and promote developments in HF and HP. It will also be delivered through the training and development of the inspecting teams. Developing inspector competencies in HF/HP will be an ongoing process, requiring commitment to developing the necessary depth of understanding to support our oversight activities.

It is through the oversight teams that we will measure industry's approach to managing HF influences and its impact on how people perform in the real-world context. We will focus on assessing the methods of reporting, investigating and analysing data that are developed to capture the contributory factors affecting HP. This includes business and organisational factors as well as individual and environmental ones. This could also be used as a measure of maturity of just culture and SMS as well as overall industry performance.

Close Developing inspectors' competencies

Demonstrate expected performance

Promotion of 'best practice' approaches to HF and HP across all sectors of aviation.

The CAA will work to communicate across the industry in a way that is relevant and understandable for the different communities. This will be supported through the development of targeted practical guidance material aimed at improving HP. We will aim to be consistent with published national and international requirements and guidance material.

Internally, we will share HF information and lessons learnt through our oversight activities to support learning across all our aviation communities. Our goal remains that all UK aviation communities are engaged in the demonstration and promotion of best practice in HF and HP. This will be considered as an indication of a maturing safety culture.

Close Demonstrate expected performance

Collaborative partnerships

Development of external strategic relationships with national and international bodies aimed at supporting and influencing aviation safety through improved identification and assessment of HP.

The field of HF goes beyond aviation. To remain relevant and able to actively support the development of regulatory approaches to HF, we will seek to develop and maintain relationships with other safety critical industries and HF professionals. We will work with industry, academia, professional bodies and associations, trades unions and others to ensure we have a coherent approach for HF across UK aviation.

By remaining current, open to new ideas and approaches, we can remain active in influencing European and global regulatory approaches to HF/HP. This will enable us to support those involved within UK aviation. We will be better placed to understand the requirements and to ensure the industry's concerns and views are heard. This will also enable the CAA to promote the development of standards that reflect the changing and emerging environment.

Close Collaborative partnerships

HF in change management

Promotion of early consideration of the impact of change on people within industry's management processes.

A key area of supporting people to deliver a safe outcome is to consider the people who will carry out the task at the earliest stage of any change within the working environment. This is at the heart of the performance based approach. It is one that considers the integrated nature of the aviation system.

We will seek evidence of performance-based HF/HP assessment processes during oversight activity. We will work with all aviation areas to promote understanding of the impact of social, cultural and commercial influences on HP. These influences can come from areas outside of traditional regulatory compliance. They can exert subtle but significant influences on people and how they behave. We will continue to emphasise the importance of early consideration of HF influences in traditional areas such as design, new technology and equipment and procedures. As aviation evolves we will continue to highlight the importance of HF considerations in emerging and innovative areas where the human involvement may not be so visible.

Close HF in change management

Globally aligned

Alignment of the CAA's HF strategy with the UK State Safety Programme (SSP), the European Plan for Aviation Safety and the Global Aviation Safety Plan.

The CAA will continue to work with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in HF and HP related areas. This will include: risk identification; the development of regulations and guidance material; and oversight methodologies. We will seek to influence the development of regulations and guidance material that supports the application of HP principles. We will promote recognition of the changing aviation environment and the multiple influences on the people that work within it.

We will work within the UK SSP to ensure that it reflects both the international environment and recognises the UK's unique challenges and opportunities (State Safety Plan). We will keep the protection of the UK travelling public at the heart of what we do.

Close Globally aligned

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