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Improving our understanding of how Human Factors (HF) impacts on the safety of Flying Displays is a priority for the CAA. Increasing awareness of HF amongst the air display community has led to the CAA commissioning two specific studies to look at, and better understand Flying Display HF; the first of which was conducted by NATS: Human Factors in Flying Displays. The second study was conducted by the Health and Safety Laboratory: HF in Air Displays: Transfer of Behaviours and Error Path Study.

The outcomes of the two reports now feed into our ongoing activity to make discussion of HF a routine part of our engagement with the Air Display community.  HF briefings are now an integral element of pre- and post-season symposia, Display Authorisation Evaluator (DAE) seminars, DAE Evaluations and Flying Display Director (FDD) accreditation courses.  This will continue to be the case to ensure that we, as a community, are sharing our experiences, insights and best practice not only from display participants/organisers, but also from the wider aviation community. 

As part of awareness raising and, in line with the direction set out in the CAA HF strategy, the CAA General Aviation Unit has developed an on-line area to act as a repository for HF material that will be of interest to the Air Display community.

Any suggestions for additional material would be welcomed and should be directed to ga@caa.co.uk.

Air Display HF Course for DAEs, DA holders and FDDs. 

In addition to the routine engagement at pre- and post-season display symposia, DAE seminars, DAE Evaluations and FDD accreditation courses, an on-line Air Display HF Course is available on the CAA YouTube channel, comprising of five online videos on Performance Influence Factors, available to view as required.

Viewing of the five videos is a mandatory requirement for all current DAEs, DA holders and FDDs.  The Air Display HF Course is also open to FCC members, although it is not a mandatory requirement for this group.

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