The purpose of the HSRMC is to identify, direct and co-ordinate research relating to offshore helicopter safety, involving both regulators and industry.
This includes sourcing funding and disseminating and implementing research results.
Please see the Terms of Reference for full details.
Meeting papers
Documents relating to recent HSRMC meetings can be accessed via the links below:
Details of earlier meetings are available from the National Archives.
76th meeting - Wednesday 1 May 2019
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update presentation
- EASA managed projects
- Presentation: Integrity improvement of rotorcraft main gearboxes (MGBs) [EASA additional slides]
- Presentation: Helideck Update [Kevin Payne]
75th meeting - Wednesday 9 May 2018
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update presentation
- EASA managed projects
- Presentation: Offshore Helicopter Related Research at University of Liverpool [Dr Mark White, University of Liverpool]
- Presentation: Helmet Mounted Displays for Offshore Helicopter Operations [David Thorndycraft, Thales UK]
74th meeting - Wednesday 1 November 2017
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update presentation
- Presentation: Progress Update on HTAWS Alert Form/Format Research [Dr Polly Dalton, Royal Holloway University of London]
- Presentation: New Helideck Monitoring System [Dave Howson, UK CAA]
73rd meeting - Wednesday 9 May 2017
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update presentation
- EASA managed projects
- Presentation: Progress Update on One Atmosphere ‘Pegasus’ side-floating helicopter scheme [Joe Rears, One Atmosphere]
- Presentation: GPS-Guided Offshore Approaches – Gap Analysis [Matt Brookes & Andrew Burrage, Helios Technology]
72nd meeting - 29 September 2016
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update
- Research Update presentation
- Presentation: Progress Update on One Atmosphere 'Pegasus' side-floating helicopter (Joe Rears, One Atmosphere)
- EASA Briefing Paper: Pegasus - Additional buoyancy for offshore helicopters
- Final ADF demonstration model completed
- Response to action 353
71st meeting - 24 February 2016
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update
- Research Update presentation
- EASA managed projects
- Presentation: Tail Rotor Strike Warning Systems (Ed Lambert, Bell Helicopter)
- Presentation: Implementation of Turbine Exhaust Plume Visualisation System on the Ninian Central (Charlie Rathbone)
- Presentation: EASA RMT.0120 Helicopter Ditching/Water Impact & Survivability NPA (Lionel Tauszig, EASA)
- Update to action 348
70th meeting - 13 July 2015
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update
- Presentations
- Project to create and validate a computer generated wind turbine turbulence model - Presented by Stephen Wheeler
- Pegasus post-crash emergency buoyancy system
69th meeting - 20 November 2014
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Research Update
- HSRMC funding table
- EASA managed projects
- Research programme funding
- Presentations
- Pro-active approach to control the risk of exposure to hot gas emission during helicopter operations (Satoil, CHC helicopter service, Bristow)
- Passenger survivability in offshore helicopter ditchings and water impacts (David Howson, CAA)
68th meeting - 20 May 2014