AAIB Bulletin: 8/2021 G-LAWX AAIB-26196
Safety Recommendation: 2021-025
2021-025: It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority publish guidance on the meaning and intention of the phase of flight alleviations in UK SERA where detailed as “except for take-off and landing” to better enable pilots to plan and act on minimum height requirements for safe operations.
Safety Recommendation Text
Safety Recommendation: 2021-027
2021-027: It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority encourage the development and deployment of Point-in-Space operations at landing sites.
Safety Recommendation Text
CAP2520 – Policy and Guidance for the Implementation of Helicopter Point in Space Operations in the UK was published in May 2023. This document aims to present all factors helicopter operators must consider when introducing Point-In-Space (PinS) procedures.
Almondsbury Helicopter Airbase, Strensham Airbase, Henstridge Airfield, Royal Sussex County Hospital and King’s College Hospital were all selected as successful applications of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Programme, now in its third phase and run jointly by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and Department for Transport. Funding has also been secured to support these applications as blue light landing sites.
The HEMS Operators principally responsible for operating to the aforementioned landing sites are in the process of evaluating any necessary Management of Change to proceed in accordance with CAP2520.
The safe introduction of PinS, initially with Air Ambulance operations, is understood to be a medium to long term project for those involved. Therefore, the CAA consider that the original recommendation to ‘encourage the development and deployment of Point-in-Space operations at landing sites’ has been met and will continue to work with both DfT and Industry to progress the safe introduction of PinS.
CAA latest update
Safety Recommendation: 2021-028
2021-028: It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority revise its guidance on helicopter flight in degraded visual conditions to include further information on managing the associated risks
Safety Recommendation Text
Following a review by the FOI (RW) team it is clear there already exists significant research material, associated papers and guidance documents relating to this subject, most of which remain relevant and valuable. However, the existence of this material may not be as widely known as it could be.
Therefore, a SkyWise notification will soon be issued detailing the available information and guidance and the reason for the reminder.
Flight Operations have separately advised AMs and safety managers by mail of the SkyWise and its content; it will be recommended that they include the subject on the agenda of their next safety meeting. FOIs and IOs on both the AOC and FCL & ATO oversight teams will raise the topic as a discussion point at the next audit or inspection.
This topic has also been raised with the Onshore Safety Leadership Group as safety discussion topic for this year.
CAA latest update
Safety Recommendation: 2021-031
2021-031: It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority ensure that operators show clear evidence within their system for operational control as required by UK ORO.GEN.110 (c), of how the tasking process separates the customer from the flight crew.
Safety Recommendation Text
Whilst this incident involved a helicopter and the recommendation made specific reference to the interaction between the customer and the flight crew, the CAA will be issuing a Safety Notice to address this and other scenarios and types of operations where commercial pressure may be present in Q3 of 2022.
CAA latest update
Safety Recommendation: 2021-032
2021-032: It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority assess the safety benefits and feasibility of Helicopter Flight Data Monitoring programmes for onshore helicopter operators conducting commercial operations or non-commercial complex operations and publish its findings.
Safety Recommendation Text
The first full meeting of the OnSLG took place on 14 Nov 2024 and marked a return to itsstanding agenda after a year of primary focus being HHLS. It was agreed that to better understand the current Industry standard with regards HFDM, the OnSLG would sponsor a data gathering survey.
This survey has now been arranged and will be distributed by various Industry and CAA media in January 2025, with the analysis and conclusions due to be presented at the next meeting of the OnSLG (early Q2 2025.)
CAA latest update