AAIB investigation to Malloy Aeronautics T150 (UAS registration n/a)
Safety Recommendation: 2024-016
Safety Recommendation Text
It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority, when granting Operational Authorisations for Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the specific category, ensure that any safety feature that is used to mitigate risks, is adequately defined in the Operational Safety Case and includes the necessary operational procedures.
CAA Latest Update
Amendment of CAP 722A
CAP 722A is due to be replaced by the introduction of the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology. Updated AMC is to be released for Article 11 of UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 week commencing 3rd March 2025, to become effective on 23rd April 2025.
This AMC includes text that ensures that operation procedures for all safety features are defined as part of the operator’s application. Draft text as follows:
AMC1- Conducting a UK Specific Operation Risk Assessment (UK SORA)
UK SORA application phases, Step 11 Operation Safety Objective (OSO) 8 – “Operational procedures are defined, validated and adhered to address normal, abnormal and emergency situations potentially resulting from technical issues with the UAS or external systems supporting UAS operation, human errors or critical environmental conditions”
AMC1 Article 11 Annex E. Operational Safety Objective 8 provides further details. Due to the length of this section, the drafted text will be sent as an additional attachment with this letter.
As such we no longer propose to update CAP 722 A, as the drafted update to AMC for Article 11 of UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 contains sufficient information to address the recommendation Ref 2024-016.
Amendment of CAP 2606
CAP 2606 PDRA01, Operations Manual template, has been amended in draft, with the following text:
“2.13 Safety feature operating procedures
Add a procedure for the use of every UAS safety feature that can be used to mitigate risk. The example below is for a fictional multirotor UAS system. Ensure you replace this with your own checklist/s.
The procedures for the operation of any safety feature used on the UAS to mitigate risk are detailed below...”
This new wording will, initially, be held in our amendments log and will be implemented at the next revision cycle.
Next Update due
New - Pending