AAIB investigation to amateur-built balloon (DB-6R), G-CMFS
Safety Recommendation: 2024-008
Safety Recommendation Text
It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority publish guidance on the design, testing and inspection of amateur-built balloons to reduce the risk of accidents due to unsafe conditions such as parachute stall.
CAA latest update
The CAA is currently developing guidance on the design, testing and inspection of amateurbuilt balloons to reduce the risk of accidents due to unsafe conditions such as parachute stall.
The CAA has been liaising with the amateur built balloon community with a view to producing guidance in the form of webpages on the CAA website to provide best practice guidance on the design, testing and inspecting of amateur built balloons and it is hoped the BBAC will also provide guidance in this regard and our liaison with them continues. It is also our intention to issue a Safety Notice (SN) regarding our decision to continue to allow the
amateur built balloons to be unregulated. The SN shall also direct to the CAA website guidance and our previous Safety Directive (SD) on volumetric and occupancy limitations which will endure on a non-expiring basis.
Next update due
June 2025
Safety Recommendation: 2024-012
Safety Recommendation Text
It is recommended that the Civil Aviation Authority publish guidance for the safe oversight of competition balloon flying in the UK, to ensure the risks associated with the activity are appropriately understood by competitors and managed by competition organisers.
CAA latest update
The CAA is currently developing safety guidance for balloon events to ensure the risks associated with competition balloon flying are understood by competitors and managed by competition organisers. This will be in the form of a CAP document.
The CAA has been liaising with the British Balloon and Airship Club and a working group has been established with Ballooning SMEs from across the event and competition space to produce this CAP with an initial meeting on Thursday 27th February. The working group will review current guidance and rules within the UK and Overseas and identify any gaps to produce material for the CAP.
Next update due
June 2025