AAIB investigation to Flight Design CT2K, G-CBDJ
Safety Recommendation: 2023-007
Safety Recommendation Text
2023-007: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority provides comprehensive guidance for pilots on the medical factors that must be considered when making an online Pilot Medical Declaration.
CAA latest update
The CAA is currently in the process of finalising the Pilot Health Safety Sense leaflet, which will include comprehensive guidance for pilots making a Pilot Medical Declaration. We will look to publish this SSL in the 2nd Quarter of 2025.
Next update due
June 2025
Safety Recommendation: 2023-008
Safety Recommendation Text
2023-008: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority provides guidance for medical professionals to promote awareness of the medical standards required by the Pilot Medical Declaration scheme.
CAA latest update
The CAA is currently in the process of finalising the Pilot Health Safety Sense leaflet, which will include comprehensive guidance for pilots making a Pilot Medical Declaration. We will look to publish this SSL in the 2nd Quarter of 2025. We will also be updating the website with the new simplified requirements during the same time period.
Next update due
June 2025
Safety Recommendation: 2023-009
Safety Recommendation Text
2023-009: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority engages with the UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency to understand their process for managing medical related driving licence decisions, and ensure that the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s process for managing the Pilot Medical Declaration scheme is as effective.
CAA latest update
The CAA will update the webpage to include a link to the DVLA website to improve guidance for individuals using the PMD. We are also considering changes to the PMD system, as consulted on (CAP 3059), which will involve identifying, developing and implementing a new IT system capable of supporting the changes, which will take several years to fully implement.
Next update due
June 2025
Safety Recommendation: 2023-010
Safety Recommendation Text
2023-010: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority assesses the continued appropriateness for holders of UK PPLs with microlight class ratings issued before 1 February 2008 to revalidate that rating solely by providing evidence of experience.
CAA latest update
As part of the GA Licensing and Training Simplification Project, the CAA is conducting further analysis into the safety performance of pilots who are eligible to maintain their microlight rating validity by flight experience only, in accordance with the exemption to Schedule 8 of the Air Navigation Order 2016 ORS4 No.1582: Maintenance of Microlight and SLMG Class Ratings issued prior to 1 February 2008 | Civil Aviation Authority. The analysis involves further surveys of the pilot population and review of historic safety data. A conclusion will be reached by end of the 2nd Quarter of 2025 and a decision as to the future of the exemption will be made shortly thereafter.
Next update due
June 2025