AAIB Report Grumman AA-5, G-BBSA
Safety Recommendation: 2022-005
2022-005: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority require ab initio pilots to undergo training in the management of partial power loss situations in single-engine fixed-wing aeroplanes.
Safety Recommendation Text
The CAA is addressing these safety recommendations within the context of the ongoing General Aviation Pilot Licensing & Training Simplification project. In Spring 2024, we published a suite of five consultation papers with proposed changes to licenses and ratings across the different GA aircraft categories. The proposals were based on the output of a working group comprising key GA stakeholders, including associations, flying instructors and Private Pilot Licence (PPL) students.
The aeroplane category consultation (CAP 2335) included:
- a proposal to introduce training in the management of partial power loss events for ab-initio pilots, via the PPL(A) syllabus; and
- a revised Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) applicable to the biennial “refresher training” for the SEP, TMG and microlight class ratings that would include partial power loss as a recommended exercise.
The consultation ran for a period of 10 weeks earlier this year and received over 600 responses in the aeroplane category. There was clear support for introducing training in the management of partial power loss events for ab-initio pilots of single engine aeroplanes, and for this topic to be covered during the applicable biennial refresher training.
Phase 3 of the Pilot Licensing & Training Simplification project has now commenced and will focus on recommending legislative changes to the Department for Transport.
The flight exercises applicable to ab-initio and refresher training in single engine aeroplanes are contained in AMC material. The CAA will be further developing and consulting on AMC material later in 2024 or early 2025 – finalising the material for partial power scenarios will form part of this work.
The CAA will also be developing and promulgating safety promotion material for managing partial power loss situations.
The CAA considers that actions outlined above will fully address the three safety recommendations included in the accident report for G-BBSA.
CAA latest update
Safety Recommendation: 2022-006
2022-006: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority provide detailed guidance on techniques for managing partial power loss situations and to promote their use by instructors and examiners when conducting training for a rating revalidation in single-engine fixed-wing aeroplanes.
Safety Recommendation Text
The CAA is addressing these safety recommendations within the context of the ongoing General Aviation Pilot Licensing & Training Simplification project. In Spring 2024, we published a suite of five consultation papers with proposed changes to licenses and ratings across the different GA aircraft categories. The proposals were based on the output of a working group comprising key GA stakeholders, including associations, flying instructors and Private Pilot Licence (PPL) students.
The aeroplane category consultation (CAP 2335) included:
- a proposal to introduce training in the management of partial power loss events for ab-initio pilots, via the PPL(A) syllabus; and
- a revised Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) applicable to the biennial “refresher training” for the SEP, TMG and microlight class ratings that would include partial power loss as a recommended exercise.
The consultation ran for a period of 10 weeks earlier this year and received over 600 responses in the aeroplane category. There was clear support for introducing training in the management of partial power loss events for ab-initio pilots of single engine aeroplanes, and for this topic to be covered during the applicable biennial refresher training.
Phase 3 of the Pilot Licensing & Training Simplification project has now commenced and will focus on recommending legislative changes to the Department for Transport.
The flight exercises applicable to ab-initio and refresher training in single engine aeroplanes are contained in AMC material. The CAA will be further developing and consulting on AMC material later in 2024 or early 2025 – finalising the material for partial power scenarios will form part of this work.
The CAA will also be developing and promulgating safety promotion material for managing partial power loss situations.
The CAA considers that actions outlined above will fully address the three safety recommendations included in the accident report for G-BBSA.
CAA latest update
Safety Recommendation: 2022-007
2022-007: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority updates its General Aviation safety promotions to include information for pilots regarding techniques for managing partial power loss situations in single-engine fixed-wing aeroplanes..
Safety Recommendation Text
The CAA is addressing these safety recommendations within the context of the ongoing General Aviation Pilot Licensing & Training Simplification project. In Spring 2024, we published a suite of five consultation papers with proposed changes to licenses and ratings across the different GA aircraft categories. The proposals were based on the output of a working group comprising key GA stakeholders, including associations, flying instructors and Private Pilot Licence (PPL) students.
The aeroplane category consultation (CAP 2335) included:
- a proposal to introduce training in the management of partial power loss events for ab-initio pilots, via the PPL(A) syllabus; and
- a revised Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) applicable to the biennial “refresher training” for the SEP, TMG and microlight class ratings that would include partial power loss as a recommended exercise.
The consultation ran for a period of 10 weeks earlier this year and received over 600 responses in the aeroplane category. There was clear support for introducing training in the management of partial power loss events for ab-initio pilots of single engine aeroplanes, and for this topic to be covered during the applicable biennial refresher training.
Phase 3 of the Pilot Licensing & Training Simplification project has now commenced and will focus on recommending legislative changes to the Department for Transport.
The flight exercises applicable to ab-initio and refresher training in single engine aeroplanes are contained in AMC material. The CAA will be further developing and consulting on AMC material later in 2024 or early 2025 – finalising the material for partial power scenarios will form part of this work.
The CAA will also be developing and promulgating safety promotion material for managing partial power loss situations.
The CAA considers that actions outlined above will fully address the three safety recommendations included in the accident report for G-BBSA.
CAA latest update