Aircraft Accident Report AAR 2/2023 - Sikorsky S-92A, G-MCGY
Safety Recommendation: 2023-028
Safety Recommendation Text
2023-028: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority includes the appropriate downwash guidance relevant to hospital helicopter landing sites in one published document.
CAA latest update
CAP1264 Version 2 was published on 11 March 2024 with a new Section 2 – Heliport Operations, which now includes a consolidated chapter concerning the mitigation of helicopter downwash.
Next update due
Safety Recommendation: 2023-029
Safety Recommendation Text
2023-029: It is recommended that the UK Civil Aviation Authority, in conjunction with the Onshore Safety Leadership Group and the relevant NHS organisations in the UK, develop and promulgate enhanced risk management guidance for hospital helicopter landing sites, and provide information on the range and use of potential mitigations for the protection of uninvolved persons from helicopter downwash.
CAA latest update
CAP1264 Version 3 was published on 29 April 2024 with the addition of Annex A – The Heliport Operations Manual (HOM).
The HOM was produced, with input from UK CAA SMEs, Onshore Safety Leadership Team (OnSLG) and Blue Light Air Safety Team (BLAST), to aid those NHS Trusts with responsibility for Hospital Helicopter Landing Sites (HHLS) in producing their own overarching HHLS reference document. It’s aim was to provide guidance in all areas of HHLS operations and designed in the form of a ‘template’, thus allowing Trusts to incorporate their own exiting policies and share best practice. Modelled on a typical AOC holder’s Operation’s Manual, it covers the following sections, each with guidance and relevant links to other publications or UK regulation:
Part A: General
- Administration and Control of Manual
- Organisation and Responsibilities
- Safety Management Systems
- Qualification Requirements
- Dangerous Goods
- Handling and Notification of Accidents / Incidents
Part B: Site Specific Procedures
- Normal HHLS Procedures
- Emergency HHLS Procedures
- HHLS Maintenance
Part C: Change Management
- HHLS Change Notification
- HHLS Safeguarding Procedures
- HHS Operations Contact Details
Part D: Training
- HHLS Awareness Courses
- Training Records
The BLAST Landing Site Team (BLAST LST) has recently been stood up to provide a direct link between the Hospital Trusts, the work of OnSLG / BLAST and HEMS/SAR Operators. With CAP1264 v3 now published, BLAST LST will initially be working in conjunction with Derriford Hospital to populate and complete its own HOM. Advice and guidance from that process will be utilised by OnSLG to, where necessary, aid further NHS Trusts in completion of their own HOM.
Hospital Helipad – Aviation Awareness Course
The CAA International (CAAi) has designed and now successfully delivered a number of HHLS Awareness Courses, providing guidance and training to persons with responsibility for HHLS, including NHS Trust HHLS Accountable Managers and Responsible Persons (as designated in CAP1264).
This course includes the following topics:
- Overview of UK Emergency Services Aviation
- Introduction to UK Aviation Regulation
- Principles of Rotary Flight
- Helicopter Operations
- Managing Emergencies
- Maintaining a Safe Operating Environment
Further details can be found here:
Hospital Helipad – Aviation Awareness | CAA
Next update due