Air travel is largely international, the safety of UK citizens and UK operators is often dependent upon the safety of non-UK operators, en-route air traffic control providers and overseas destinations. The UK CAA has a remit for its regulated industry, and generally relies upon the international system under ICAO to ensure safety beyond its borders.
In monitoring the safety of UK operators and UK airspace, evidence may indicate that there are overseas ‘hotspots’ where safety events are concentrated and these events could affect the safety of UK citizens beyond the regulatory remit of the UK. For example, non-UK operators in UK airspace, UK operators in foreign airspace, and overseas operations that are utilised by a large number of UK citizens. Because these situations involve stakeholders beyond the UK, improving the operational safety performance is best achieved by including all parties to work in cooperation and partnership to achieve a better solution.
The ambition of the State Safety Partnerships Programme is to enhance the operational safety performance of non-UK operators in UK airspace and that experienced by UK operators when overseas.