With the aim of fulfilling the key areas identified within the Acceptable Level of Safety Performance, the following are the primary State safety objectives:
- no fatal accidents in commercial air transport Aeroplanes where the UK has State oversight responsibility.
- no fatal accidents in commercial air transport Rotorcraft where the UK has State oversight responsibility.
- no fatal accidents involving people on the ground in the UK as a result of an aviation accident.
Also, secondary State safety objectives have been identified:
- we act to reduce the likelihood of UK citizens being involved in an aviation accident anywhere else in the world by supporting and influencing global aviation safety.
- embed an effective State Safety Programme that delivers our Acceptable Level of Safety Performance.
Our priority is the safety of commercial air transport but we recognise that this goes beyond where the UK has regulatory control, such as overseas destinations, and non-UK operators flying into the UK. This also includes operators of large complex aircraft and helicopters, police air operators, Helicopter emergency operations and Search and Rescue operations.
Other aviation activities take place in the UK beyond commercial air transport and the State Safety Board (See State Safety Programme stakeholders) actively monitors these through safety performance indicators to seek no deviation from the UK Acceptable Level of Safety Performance. This covers areas such as, but not exclusive to, General Aviation, Non-Commercial Complex (NCC) operators and Specialised Operations (SPO).
State safety performance indicators have been identified, linked to these objectives and published in the National Aviation Safety Plan. These are constantly monitored for trends. This will allow a sufficiently detailed picture to enable targeted intervention earlier before accidents and incidents occur. This is achieved through safety improvement actions, targeted oversight, or changes in policy and will be included in appropriate safety plans.
The State Safety Board will review the state safety objectives at least annually to ensure they remain appropriate for the UK.