Aviation policy and legislative development process
Our policy and legislative development process describes the steps involved in developing aviation legislation, certification specifications and other detailed specifications, acceptable means of compliance and guidance material.
The process has five stages:
- Stage 1 - Capture drivers
- Stage 2 - Define issue
- Stage 3 - Policy development
- Stage 4 - Deliver policy
- Stage 5 - Review policy
UK aviation safety policy and legislative change tracker
Projects that are mandated by the joint DfT/CAA Sponsorship Board appear in this tracker below. (Please also see statement from DfT below). This tracker sets out the status of each project, the means by which stakeholders will be consulted and links to relevant documentation (consultation documents, opinion and instruction documents, legislative or guidance outputs and consolidated legislation).
0203 Heliport Amendments (Certification & SMS)
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
The objective of the proposed changes is to align heliport requirements with those of aerodromes in terms of the implementation of certification requirements, and requirement for SMS (Safety Management Systems). Heliports are not regulated to the extent of fixed wing aerodromes and present a residual risk both in the commercial and general aviation sectors with a higher incident and accident rate per movement than fixed wing operations. |
ICAO State Letter 2023 32 (Proposal), Accepted by UK CAA October 2023. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0202 Amendment to UK Reg (EU) 2015/640 Part 26 Additional Airworthiness Regulation
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There have been regular updates to Certification Specifications, necessitating a requirement to align the UK Regulation (EU) 2015/640 Part 26 Additional Airworthiness and specification changes. This amendment will capture the identified ongoing risk of hazardous or catastrophic tyre failures of large aeroplanes that are caused by inadequate tyre inflation pressures.
ICAO Annex 8, State Letter AN 3/5.14-22/23 Amendment 109, consideration of any necessary alignment to the Part 26 regulatory changes that have been adopted within Europe and by other NAAs previously. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0201 Part 66 and Part 147 Regulation Rule and Associated AMC and GM Change
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UK Continuing Airworthiness Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 as regards the requirements on maintenance licences and training organisations set out in Annex III (Part 66) and Annex IV (Part 147) – requires updating to reflect technological development and changing industry requirements.
CAA Strategic focus area: Enabling aviation and aerospace to innovate and grow. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0200 Remote Pilot Licence
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Currently the UK does not have a licensing system for the Remote Pilot Licence. This was noted by the ICAO’s Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP), however the requirements at ICAO level, only became applicable 2 November 2022, under Annex 1 Amendment 177, but the licensing requirements is applicable for 2026.
ICAO Annex 1, requires that States have such a licensing system of remotely piloted vehicles, the relevant international standards. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0199 Review of ORS9 Decision No. 24- Part ML MRO parts
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0199 |
In December 2022, the UK CAA issued ORS9 Decision 24 permitting approved maintenance organisations to use maintained components which have been released by EASA approved maintenance organisations on an EASA Form 1 for Part ML aircraft. The UK CAA must now look at the decisions ahead regarding the acceptance of EASA Form 1s in these circumstances from 1st January 2025 onwards, whether we wish to re-issue the ORS9 decision using the same legal pathway or seek an alternative solution.
The current ORS9 expires on 31st December 2024. We are therefore required to make a decision on the future of this particular issue. |
Stage 4 - CAA Decision No.41 published |
Consultation 2024: |
0198 Application and Definition of Life Limits for Non-Structural Critical Parts
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0198 |
Following the fatal accident of AW169 G-VSKP at the King Power Stadium (Leicester City football stadium) and AAIB’s investigation report (AAIB-25398), a need was identified to improve CS-27/29 with respect to non-structural Critical Part mandatory life limitations. This is the subject of AAIB Safety Recommendation 2023-20. The goal of this task is to introduce a definition of non-structural component mandatory life limitations and their applicability.
AAIB Safety Recommendations 2023-20. To cover a shortfall in the Certification Specifications and AMC/GM relating to the application and definition of Life Limits for Non-Structural Critical Parts. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0197 Rotorcraft Catastrophic Failure Modes – Safety Assessment at System Level
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0197 |
Following the fatal accident of AW169 G-VSKP at the King Power Stadium (Leicester City football stadium) and AAIB’s investigation findings, a need has been identified to improve CS27/29 material with respect to how rotorcraft catastrophic failure modes are assessed with respect to their potential for reduction in hazard severity, considering means of mitigation at a system or assembly level and means of monitoring.
AAIB Safety Recommendations 2023-25. To cover a shortfall in the Certification Specifications and AMC/GM relating to design assessment of Critical Parts. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. | ||
0194 Policy and Requirements for the Use of the Internet and Cloud-Based Systems for Air Traffic Service Systems
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0194 |
Traditionally Air Traffic Services (ATS) Operational Systems and Equipment have used private-wire circuits and networks for data communications, in some cases using Internet Protocol (IP). However public Internet and non-operational IT networks (Intranets) have not been used for data communications within, and between, Air Traffic Service systems. There is now a demand for low-cost communication datalinks for low-integrity services, where loss of data or data corruption can be mitigated to have low safety impact. Where low safety impact can be demonstrated, it may be now justified to make use of the Internet, and intranets used by ANSPs |
Increased industry demand and proposals for the use of low-cost applications using the Internet and cloud-based services. Some projects have already started and highlighted the lack of clarity where these technologies can be used, and the lack of criteria to demonstrate compliance. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. | ||
0193 Electronic pilot licence and general licensing updates
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0193 |
This amendment will enable the CAA to implement Electronic Personnel Licences, which are now permitted internationally by ICAO Annex 1, Amendment 178. |
The CAA wants to ensure the best possible licensing system, and the use of modern technology will assist in this improvement. The move to digital licenses makes best use of the technology available and is internationally acceptable. Other changes are necessary to improve safety and provide clarity. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0192 Hydrogen Challenge - Hydrogen as an Aviation Fuel
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0192 |
To reach Net Zero flying by 2050, the aviation industry has been working on the use of hydrogen as an aviation fuel that offers the potential for no carbon emission flights. However, this use of hydrogen as an aviation fuel is at an early stage of development. As a result, industry and the CAA do not have a comprehensive understanding of the risks to aviation safety; industry has not yet developed hydrogen related standards; and the CAA has not yet developed hydrogen related policies. |
The right legal and policy framework is now required to introduce the use of hydrogen as an aviation fuel with an aim to reach net zero aviation by 2050. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0191 Medical Certificate Limitation Codes
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0191 |
Update Acceptable Means Of Compliance (AMC) to permit aeromedical examiners (AMEs) to change some (but not all) vision limitations and the time limitation (TML) on medical certificates. |
In accordance with current Acceptable Means Of Compliance (AMC), vision limitations and time limitations on medical certificates can only be removed by a medical assessor of the CAA. As pilots and ATCOs age and their need for visual correction (glasses) evolves, the endorsements on their medical certificates change. The majority of fitness assessments are undertaken by aeromedical examiners (AMEs) and, where vision limitations need updating, AMEs have to refer cases to the CAA for changing the limitations. | Stage 4 - CAA Decision No.39 published 05 July 2024. | ORS9 No.39 |
0190 Changes to Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (AMC & GM) in UK Regulation (EU) 2017/373 (as amended) Occurrence Reporting
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0190 |
Changes to Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (AMC & GM) in UK Regulation (EU) 2017/373 (as amended) Occurrence Reporting |
Changes to AMC and GM for ATM/ANS.OR.A.065 to establish a consistent approach from service providers and to establish standards that enable effective ongoing oversight. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. | UK Reg (EU) 2017/373 Proposed Changes - Civil Aviation Authority - Citizen Space |
0189 Changes to Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (AMC & GM) in the ‘Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements’ (CAP 670 4th Amendment)
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0189 |
Changes to Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (AMC & GM) in the ‘Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements’ (CAP 670 4th Amendment) |
Regular update to CAP 670 to ensure that it can be used effectively for reference by Air Navigation Service Providers, manufacturers, and CAA ATS inspectors | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0188 Single Engine Turbine-Instrument Meteorological Conditions (SET-IMC) engine-fire warning system
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0188 |
Single Engine Turbine-Instrument Meteorological Conditions (SET-IMC) engine-fire warning system |
To require an engine-fire warning system in SET aircraft that are used for Commercial Air Transport Operations (CAT) at night or in IMC. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0187 General update of the Air Operations Regulations
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0187 |
General update of the Air Operations Regulations |
To enhance the safety of offshore helicopter operations | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0186 Review of “Operation of experimental aircraft under E Conditions” CAP 1220
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0186 |
Review of “Operation of experimental aircraft under E Conditions” CAP 1220 |
To review Operation of experimental aircraft under E Conditions (CAP 1220) |
Stage 4 - Deliver policy |
CAP1220: Operation of experimental aircraft under E conditions | Civil Aviation Authority CAP3065: E Conditions Consultation Response Document November 2024 | Civil Aviation Authority Consultations:
0180 Revision of CAP 553 British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) Section A
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0180 |
Revision of CAP 553 British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) Section A |
Update to the BCAR to improve clarity and introduce new privileges and obligations. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0179 Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO)
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0179 | Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO) |
To update the UK Reg (EU) 965/2012 (Air Operations) to align with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0178 Amendment to UK Regulation (EU) 139/2014 (Aerodromes) relating to aerodrome design and operations including ground handling
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0178 | Amendment to UK Regulation (EU) 139/2014 (Aerodromes) relating to aerodrome design and operations including ground handling |
To ensure global harmonisation of aerodrome safety. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0177 Pilot Medical Declaration
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0177 | Pilot Medical Declaration |
To clarify the regulations and remove the necessity for continued general exemptions |
Public Consultations of our proposals: Consultation 2022: Pilot Medical Declaration Review Consultation 2023: Pilot Medical Declaration (PMD) Phase 2 review
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultations: |
0175 Guidance on Right-of-Way
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0175 |
Guidance on Right-of-Way |
Update guidance material to UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012 relating to right-of-way and aircraft on converging flight paths |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0174 RPAS Regulatory Review Including Remote ID
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0174 |
RPAS Regulatory Review Including Remote ID |
To review the RPAS framework and implement regulatory requirements for RPAS |
Public Consultations of our proposals: Consultation 2023: Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 947/2019: Remote Pilot Competence |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultations: |
0173 Air Traffic Management Civil Aviation Publications (UK Reg (EU) 2017/373)
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0173 |
Air Traffic Management Civil Aviation Publications (UK Reg (EU) 2017/373)
To ensure technical requirements are kept up to date and applicable |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0172 Helicopter Performance Based Navigation Specific Approvals (Required Navigation Performance 0.3)
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0172 |
Helicopter Performance Based Navigation Specific Approvals (Required Navigation Performance 0.3)
Update UK Reg (EU) 965/2012 to support helicopter operators wishing to apply for a specific approval under SPA.PBN for Required Navigation Performance 0.3 operation |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0170 Prohibition of Supersonic & Tran sonic Flight over land
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0170 |
Prohibition of Supersonic & Transonic Flight over land |
Amend UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012 to prohibit supersonic instrument flight rules (IFR) flight over land, unless approved by the CAA. |
Public Consultations of our proposals: Consultation 2024: Prohibition of Supersonic, Transonic and Hypersonic Flight over land |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultations: 2024: Prohibition of Supersonic, Transonic and Hypersonic Flight over land |
0169-0002 Performance Based Navigation (PBN) implementation rules relating to the Airspace Modernisation Strategy
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0169-0002 |
Performance Based Navigation (PBN) implementation rules relating to the Airspace Modernisation Strategy |
To introduce PBN and help inform the pipeline of potential legislative requirements to ensure a smooth transition to the use of PBN technology | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultation 2024: Amendment to UK Regulation (EU)139/2014 - Civil Aviation Authority - Citizen Space |
0169-0001 Implementation of ICAO Flight Information Service (FIS) in the UK
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0169-0001 |
Implementation of ICAO Flight Information Service (FIS) in the UK |
To simplify the FIS and ensure that it embraces emerging technologies and service delivery capabilities. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0169 Airspace Modernisation
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0169 |
Airspace Modernisation |
To introduce the Airspace Modernisation Strategy programme and the pipeline of potential changes to legislation needed to deliver it |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0168 Operation of CAP 632 Ex-Military Aircraft
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0168 |
Operation of CAP 632 Ex-Military Aircraft |
Change to the regulatory method for approving CAP 632 operators To strengthen the legal position for the operation of CAP632 ex-military aircraft and allow enforcement to be taken against an operator if necessary. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0166 Helicopter ditching and water impact survivability
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0166 |
Helicopter ditching and water impact survivability |
Through the application of safety improvements to mitigate the risks associated with the operation of helicopters over hostile sea areas for extended periods, through the application of safety improvements |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0165 Introduction of ‘Part 21 Light’ into UK law
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At present, design and production for the lighter end of General Aviation (GA) aircraft that are non-complex, are subject to the same regulatory requirements within the Regulation 748/2012 (Part 21) as large and complex aircraft.
GA Roadmap Initiative. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0164 Amendment to UK Regulation UK (EU) 139/2014 (Aerodromes)
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0164 |
Amendment to UK Regulation UK (EU) 139/2014 (Aerodromes) |
To maintain a high level of safety for aerodrome design and operations and to ensure alignment with ICAO |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultation 2025 |
0161 Amendment to Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (Air Operators use of aeronautical database)
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0161 |
Amendment to Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (Air Operators use of aeronautical database) |
Clarification of how UK operators can comply with the requirements of UK Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 for the management of aeronautical databases | Stage 4 - Deliver policy | ORS9 - CAA Decision No. 19: Decision amending Guidance Material (GM) for UK Reg (EU) No 965/2012 Annex IV Part-CAT regarding the definition of equivalent Type 2 aeronautical database providers | Civil Aviation Authority |
0160 Regular update and additions to Certification Specifications in relation to Airworthiness of Part 21 aircraft
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0160 |
Regular update and additions to Certification Specifications in relation to Airworthiness of Part 21 aircraft. |
To ensure Certification Specifications are kept up to date. |
Stage 4 - Deliver policy. ORS9 No.43 published on 19 December 2024. |
Consultation: Published ORS9: |
0159 Adoption of Special Conditions
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0159 |
Adoption of Special Conditions |
Special Conditions published by EASA post 31 December 2020 | Stage 4 - Deliver policy |
0158-0001 Regulations for Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) operations at Aerodromes in the UK
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0158-0001 |
Regulations for Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) operations at Aerodromes in the UK |
To enable the safe integration of passenger-carrying AAM operations in the UK. |
Public Consultation of our Proposals: |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultations: |
0158 Enabling Advanced Air Mobility operations (AAM) in the UK
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0158 |
Enabling Advanced Air Mobility operations (AAM) in the UK |
To enable the safe integration of passenger-carrying AAM operations in the UK. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0157 General Aviation Pilot Licensing and Training Simplification Project
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0157 |
General Aviation Pilot Licensing and Training Simplification Project |
Review and simplify the suite of regulations governing licensing and training for General Aviation pilots. |
Public consultation of our proposals: |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing.
0156 Update to CAP1032 Licensing Structure
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0156 |
Update to CAP1032 Licensing Structure |
Introduction of a student flight information safety officer licence (FISO), following completion of examination, and the addition of English Language Proficiency | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0155 Critical parts removed from service - UK Reg No (EU) 1321/2014 and AMC changes
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0155 |
Critical parts removed from service - UK Reg No (EU) 1321/2014 and AMC changes |
To raise the profile of the importance of correctly managing and maintaining critical parts. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0154 Revision of Certification Specifications in relation to critical parts post removal from service assessment programme
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0154 |
Revision of Certification Specifications in relation to critical parts post removal from service assessment programme |
Revision to Certification Specifications in relation to Critical Parts. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0153 Change to UK FCL Syllabus 2022
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0153 | Change to UK FCL Syllabus 2022 | Learning objectives for airline transport pilot license, commercial pilot license, instrument rating, competency-based instrument rating for aeroplanes and helicopters examinations to be updated to align with ICAO Global Reporting Format. |
Public consultation of our proposals: |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0152 UK Means of Compliance for Special Condition on vertical take-off and landing
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0152 |
UK Means of Compliance for Special Condition on vertical take-off and landing |
Clarity on how to comply with the Special Condition |
Public consultation of our proposals: |
Stage 4 - Policy Delivered. ORS9 No.37 published 14 March 2024 |
0151 UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Update to the ATCO legislation to reflect ICAO Annex 1 and Standards Recommended Practices (SARPs)
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Links to associated Documents |
0151 |
UK Reg (EU) 2015/340 Update to the ATCO legislation to reflect ICAO Annex 1 and Standards Recommended Practices (SARPs)
Update to the ATCO legislation with the respective ICAO Annex 1 and SARPs. Permitting the simplification of ratings and rating endorsements and more closely aligning with the ICAO provisions. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0150 Updating Flight Simulation Training Device Requirements
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Consultation Method |
Status |
Links to associated – Documents |
0150 |
Updating Flight Simulation Training Device Requirements
Incorporate elements from the ICAO Doc 9625 ‘Manual of criteria for the Qualification of Flight simulation Training Devices’ into the UK Regulatory framework. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0148 Update and additions to CS-25
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Driver/Change |
Consultation Method |
Status |
Links to associated – Documents |
0148 |
Update and additions to CS-25
To ensure CS-25 is kept up to date. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0147 Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Specific Category RPAS/UAS
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Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems/Unmanned aircraft systems (RPAS/UAS) will increasingly be used as a means to carry articles and substances classified as dangerous goods by ICAO. Carriage of dangerous goods is an internationally recognised system. Safety can only be maintained if each link in the chain is meeting standards relevant to the product (and quantity) being transported.
There are currently no Regulations made by the Secretary of State under the powers in the Civil Aviation Act 1982 and the Air Navigation Order to enable the UK CAA to issue an approval to an RPAS/UAS operator in the Specific category to carry dangerous goods. There are no Regulations made by the Secretary of State under the powers of the UK Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (Basic Regulation) to enable the UK CAA to issue an approval to an RPAS/UAS operator in the Specific category to carry dangerous goods. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0146 Update and additions to CS-UKTSO
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0146 |
Update and additions to CS-UKTSO
To ensure Technical Standards Orders are kept up to date. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0145 Installation of components post EU-Exit by Part 145 approved organisations
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Links to associated – Documents |
0145 |
Installation of components post EU-Exit by Part 145 approved organisations
Update to Part 145 Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 to ensure it reflects International Agreements. |
Stage 4 - Deliver policy |
Consultation: Consultation & Comment Response 2022 |
0137 Location of an aircraft in distress AMC and GM
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Links to associated – Documents |
0137 |
AMC and GM need to be developed to support the implementation of the requirements set out in UK Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012 CAT.GEN.MPA.210 Location of an aircraft in distress — Aeroplanes. The proposal also includes miscellaneous improvements to the AMC and GM for aircraft tracking, Emergency Locator transmitters and survival equipment on over water flights.
Adopting/adapting AMC and GM Compliance with ICAO SARPs (State Letter AN 11/1.3.28-15/85) |
Stage 5 - ORS9 No.45 Published |
Consultation 2024: Amendments to the Air Operations Regulation - Civil Aviation Authority - Citizen Space |
0134 Part 66 Introduction of maintenance licensing and training methods for electric powerplant
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0134 |
Part 66 Introduction of maintenance licensing and training methods for electric powerplant
To propose a change for UK licence holders, to ensure aircraft with electrical propulsion are covered in the requirements for Annex III (Part-66) to UK Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 |
Public Consultations of our proposals: |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultations: |
0132 ATOL Reform
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0132 |
ATOL Reform |
Ensuring that our policy framework is aligned with our regulatory approach, i.e. focusing on proportionate risk-based regulation |
Initial consultation (CAP 2151) of our proposals during April-August 2021.
Consideration of the consultation responses is ongoing.
Stage 3 CAA Policy development ongoing. |
Consultation: ATOL Reform (CAP 2151) |
0131 Update to the UK Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA)
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Status |
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0131 |
Update to the UK Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA) |
Airspace modernisation (electrification of aircraft propulsion), simplification of the ruleset, increased harmonisation with ICAO. |
- |
Stage 3 CAA Policy development ongoing. |
- |
0128 Addition of pre-defined risk assessments (PDRAs)
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0128 | Addition of pre-defined risk assessments (PDRAs) |
Amend regulation 2019/947 (UAS) and AMC/GM for the creation and use of PDRAs within the UK. |
Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction document. | Stage 3 - CAA policy development complete and contained in the Opinion and Instruction Document. Legislation development ongoing with Department for Transport |
Opinion and Instruction Document - 0128 |
0127 Regulatory provision for establishment of entities to carry out CAA tasks in the Specific Category
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0127 |
Regulatory provision for establishment of entities to carry out CAA tasks in the Specific Category |
To make regulatory provision for establishment of these entities under UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0126 Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947
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Driver/Change |
Consultation Method |
Status |
Links to associated – Documents |
0126 |
Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947
To ensure Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material is kept up to date. |
Public Consultations of our proposals: Consultation 2022: Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 Consultation 2023: Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 947/2019: Remote Pilot Competence |
Stage 3 - CAA Policy Development |
Consultations: 2022: Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 Draft Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material (CAP 2378) AMC & GM explanatory document (CAP 2372) |
0121-001 Airworthiness requirements for the Certified Category RPAS
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Links to associated – Documents |
0121-001 |
Airworthiness requirements for the Certified Category RPAS
For the introduction of requirements into the Airworthiness Regulations for the design, certification, production, and continuing airworthiness of certified RPAS. |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0121 Certified category UAS regulations
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0121 |
Certified category UAS regulations
Development of Regulations and AMC/GM for certification of UAS, Pilot Licencing, Operation Certification and additional regulatory changes |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
0029 Sharing of the direct costs of a flight
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0029 | Sharing of the direct costs of a flight |
Amend the current rules around cost share flying to effectively mitigate the risks associated with this form of aviation, while maximising the benefits these flights provide. |
Public Consultation of our proposed changes: Consultation 2021: UK Cost Shared Flights Consultation 2023: Proposed changes to the advertising element of the cost sharing regulations |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. Consultation underway. |
OID: Cost Sharing Opinion And Instruction Document Consultation 2021:UK Cost Shared Flights CAP 2391: Comment Response Document: UK Cost Sharing Flights |
0028 Permit to Fly allowing Ab Initio flight training
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Consultation method |
Status |
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0028 |
Permit to Fly allowing Ab Initio flight training |
Amendments to Article 42 of the ANO and UK Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 |
Public Consultation on our proposals: Conducting paid for initial pilot training in UK National Permit to Fly aeroplanes Conducting paid for initial pilot training in amateur built UK National Permit to Fly microlights |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
CRD: |
0027 Permit to Fly Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) Approvals and Operation of CAP632 Ex-military Aircraft
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0027 | Permit to Fly Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) Approvals and Operation of CAP632 Ex-military Aircraft | Amendments to Articles 16 and 42 of the ANO. | No impact on industry therefore no consultation required. | Stage 3 - CAA Policy development ongoing. | - |
0019 Information Security Management Systems
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0019 | Information Security Management Systems | Requirements for the management of information security risks with a potential impact on aviation safety and security. |
Public Consultation of our proposals: UK ISMS (Information Security Management Systems) regulation |
Stage 3 - CAA Policy development ongoing. |
- |
0011 Cargo Compartment Safety
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The ICAO 12th Edition of Annex 6, Part 1, Chapter 15 has introduced new Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) that require operators to establish policies and procedures and conduct a specific risk assessment for the transport of all items in the cargo compartment.
ICAO State letter 2020.18 and USOAP CAP 2022 |
Stage 3 - CAA policy development ongoing. |
Consultation 2025: |
0009 Operating near Conflict Zones
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0009 | Operating near Conflict Zones | To change the AMC/GM to UK Reg (EU) 965/2012 (Air Operations) Annex III ORO.GEN.200 (Management System) in accordance with ICAO Standard | Stage 3 - CAA Policy development ongoing. |
- |
Statutory Instrument planned for 2024
0008 All Weather Operations
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0008 |
All Weather Operations
Update obsolete definitions, enable future technologies for landing and take-off and to improve safety by allowing Continuous Descent on Final Approach for Non-Precision Approach terminating at a circling minima |
Public consultations |
Stage 5 - SI Laid December 2024 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2024 OIDs: Consultations: (Comment Response updated Dec 2024) 2023: All Weather Operations and Fuel/Energy Planning and Management 2024: All Weather Operations and Fuel/Energy Planning and Management Consultation Paper |
0136 All Weather Operations (AWO) - Type Rating and Instrument Rating Training
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Proposing changes to the training requirements required for the type or/and instrument ratings for the grant and revalidation, for a pilot license. To align with forthcoming changes to the UK Regulation (EU) No. 965/2012 (the UK Air Operations Regulation).
Alignment with ICAO SARPs that harmonise All Weather Ops regulations on a global basis. |
Stage 5 - SI Laid December 2024 |
AMC/GM - 2023
0171 Air Traffic Management Regulatory Compliance and Interoperability
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0171 |
Air Traffic Management Regulatory Compliance and Interoperability |
To ensure appropriate means of compliance and guidance is available following repeal of UK (EU) Reg No 552/2004 (the Interoperability Regulation) in September 2023
Public Consultation of our proposed changes: Consultation 2023: CAP670 Air Traffic Services for ATM Regulatory Compliance and Interoperability |
Stage 4 - Delivery policy |
Consultation 2023: CAP670 Air Traffic Services for ATM Regulatory Compliance and Interoperability Supplementary Amendment (SA) to Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements (CAP 670): CAP 670 SA 2023/01 ATM Regulatory Compliance and Interoperability |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2023
0022 Safety Management System (SMS)
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0022 | Safety Management System (SMS) |
The implementation of ICAO Annex 19 amendment 1. |
Public consultation of our proposals: |
Stage 5 - SI Laid May 2023 and December 2024 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2024 The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2023 Opinion and instruction document - 0022
0124 Instructions for continued airworthiness, the production of parts to be used during maintenance and the consideration of ageing aircraft aspects during certification
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0124 |
Instructions for continued airworthiness, the production of parts to be used during maintenance and the consideration of ageing aircraft aspects during certification |
Harmonisation of the instructions for continued airworthiness (ICA) among the design approval holders, in relation to the identification, approval, formatting and availability of the ICA to the end users. |
Public consultation of our proposals: |
Stage 5 - SI Laid May 2023 |
0125 Maintenance data and the installation of certain aircraft components during maintenance
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Links to associated – Documents |
0125 |
Maintenance data and the installation of certain aircraft components during maintenance |
To provide industry with flexibility for the acceptance of parts and appliances with different production background for installation and maintenance on type certified aircraft without decreasing the level of safety. |
Public consultation of our proposals: |
Stage 5 - SI Laid May 2023 |
The Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) (Amendment) Regulations 2022
Amendment to the Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regulation
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
No Reference Number | Amendment to the Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) Regulation | To amend the definition of “Technical Instructions” by referring to the 2023-2024 edition | DfT led change | Stage 4 – Statutory Instrument published 6 December 2022, coming into force 1 January 2023 |
The Air Navigation (Dangerous Goods) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (legislation.gov.uk) |
The Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management (Amendment) Regulations 2022
0143 Third Country Production Organisation Approvals
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Links to associated – Documents |
0143 |
Third Country Production Organisation Approvals |
Amending Article 9 of UK Regulation (EU) 748/2012 to allow the CAA to continue to accept third country approvals from regulatory partners with whom an agreement or working arrangement has been concluded |
Stage 5 – SI Laid November 2022 |
The Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management (Amendment) Regulations 2022
0142 Extension of UAS Transitional and Legacy Provisions
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Links to associated – Documents |
0142 |
Extension of UAS Transitional and Legacy Provisions |
To extend legacy and transitional UAS arrangements in UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 relating to class marking |
Public consultation of our proposals in spring 2022. CAA CAP2367 details the results. |
Stage 5 – SI Laid November 2022 |
CAP2344 Consultation: Extending the provisions for Legacy and Transitional Category UAS Opinion and Instruction Document - 0142 The Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management (Amendment) Regulations 2022 |
0138 Regularising Safety Directive for Night Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS)
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Consultation Method |
Status |
Links to associated – Documents |
0138 |
Regularising Safety Directive for Night Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) |
To incorporate the requirements of the Safety Directive into the SPA (Specific Approvals). HEMS element of UK Regulation (EU) 965/2012 and revoke the Safety Directive. |
Stage 5 – SI Laid November 2022 |
Opinion and Instruction Document - 0138 The Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management (Amendment) Regulations 2022 |
0021 Amendment of UK Regulation (EU) 2017/373 Annexes Part ATS and Part FPD and UK Regulation (EU) No 923/2012
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Consultation Method |
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Links to associated – Documents |
0021 |
Amendment of UK Regulation (EU) 2017/373 Annexes Part ATS and Part FPD and UK Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 |
Alignment with ICAO SARPs and PANS and completion of transfer of the ATM/ANS domain into the Rule, AMC and GM structure. |
- |
Stage 5 – SI Laid November 2022 |
Opinion and Instruction Document - 0021 The Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management (Amendment) Regulations 2022 |
0020 Helicopter Terrain Awareness & Warning Systems (HTAWS) for Offshore Operations
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Links to associated – Documents |
0020 |
Helicopter Terrain Awareness & Warning Systems (HTAWS) for Offshore Operations |
To address the excessive rate of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT), loss of control in flight (LOC-I) accidents in offshore helicopter operations and to address UK AAIB Safety Recommendations 2011-061, 2011-062 and 2011-063, and 2016-012 and 2016-013. |
Task 0020 Comment Response Documents from Focused Consultation: |
Stage 5 – SI Laid November 2022 |
Opinion and Instruction Document - 0020 The Aviation Safety and Air Traffic Management (Amendment) Regulations 2022 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (June 2022)
Annex 16 reference in BR
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No Reference Number
Annex 16 reference in BR |
Adopting amendment to ICAO Annexe 16 relating to the certification of aircraft for noise, certification of engines for emissions, and certification of aeroplanes for carbon dioxide emissions – coming into force on partly on 1 July 2022 and partly on 1 January 2023 |
DfT led change |
Stage 5 - SI Laid June 2022 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (legislation.gov.uk) |
The Removal of Article 23 of IR 2019/947
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No Reference Number
The Removal of Article 23 of IR 2019/947 |
Removing redundant commencement provisions which relate to part to EU law that were not retained – coming into force 1 July 2022 |
DfT led change |
Stage 5 – SI Laid June 2022 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (legislation.gov.uk) |
The Air Traffic Management (Regulation (EU) No 716/2014) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (March 2022)
0118 - Amendments to Pilot Common Project Regulation - delay implementation and target deployment dates for a number of air traffic management systems
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Driver/Change |
Consultation method |
Status |
0118 |
Amendments to Pilot Common Project Regulation - delay implementation and target deployment dates for a number of air traffic management systems
Amend Regulation No 716/2014 as required |
DfT led |
Stage 4 - Statutory Instrument published 3 March 2022, coming into force on 24 March 2022. |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (28 October 2021)
0004 Unmanned Aircraft - Registration and Remote Pilot competency requirements for Control Line Model Aeroplane Flights
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0004 | Unmanned Aircraft - Registration and Remote Pilot Competency Requirements for Control Line Model Aeroplane Flights. | Amend UAS IR. | Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction document. |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force on 20 November 2021. |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0005 Mitigating the risk of: uncontained in-flight fire; corrosion and fatigue in aircraft; and runway excursions
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0005 |
Mitigating the risk of: uncontained in-flight fire; corrosion and fatigue in aircraft; and runway excursions. |
Amend UK (EU) Reg No 1321/2014 and UK (EU) Reg No 2015/640 | Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction document. |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force as follows:
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) Continuing Airworthiness | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk) Additional Airworthiness | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk) |
0006 Completing implementation of new requirements regarding safety margins for approach and landing performance conditions
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0006 | Completing implementation of new requirements regarding safety margins for approach and landing performance conditions. | Amend UK (EU) Reg No 2019/1387 as required. | Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction document. |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force on 20 November 2021. |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0007 To introduce technical and administrative requirements for ramp inspections, alcohol testing, psychoactive substances and support programme
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0007 | To introduce technical and administrative requirements for ramp inspections, alcohol testing, psychoactive substances and support programme | Amend UK (EU) Reg No 2018/1042 as required. |
Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction document. Public consultation of our proposals - Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 965/2012: Air Operations - Civil Aviation Authority - Citizen Space (caa.co.uk) |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force as follows:
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0032(a) Repeal and replacement of aeronautical data quality requirements and introduction of new SNOWTAM format (Amended on 28 October 2021)
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0032(a) | Repeal and replacement of aeronautical data quality requirements and introduction of new SNOWTAM format | Amend IR as required. | Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction document. |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force as follows:
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) ATM/ANS interoperability | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk) ATM/ANS provision of services | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk) Opinion and Instruction Document - 0032(a) |
0032(b) Introduction of enhanced global reporting format (“GRF”) for reporting runway surface conditions and new aeronautical data quality requirements for aerodrome operators
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0032(b) | Introduction of enhanced global reporting format (“GRF”) for reporting runway surface conditions and new aeronautical data quality requirements for aerodrome operators. | Amend IR as required. | Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction document. |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force as follows:
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0120/0120A Amending requirements for flight crew competence and training methods and reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0120/0120A | Amending requirements for flight crew competence and training methods and reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation. | Implement UK (EU) Reg No 2020/2193, updating the UK (EU) Reg No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation). | Consultation already complete as per Opinion and Instruction documents. |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force on 20 November 2021. UK AMC/GM related to the amendments under development. Statutory Instrument published May 2022. Coming into force on 1July 2022 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2022 The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 Aircrew | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk) |
0123/0123A Requirement for balloon and sailplane pilot licences to convert from national licence inconsistent with current strategy
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0123/0123A | Requirement for balloon and sailplane pilot licences to convert from national licence inconsistent with current strategy. | Postpone requirement until review of approach is carried out. | Government policy (resulting from engagement with stakeholders) that now that the UK has left the EU and EASA, there will be a review of GA FCL licensing to rationalise and simplify where possible. The purpose of the change is to facilitate that review and not require anyone to change or convert their license while the review is on-going |
Stage 5 - Statutory Instrument published 28 October 2021, came into force on 20 November 2021. Supplemental Opinion and Instruction Document to extend derogation to holders of licences and certificates issued after 8 April 2020. Statutory Instrument published May 2022. Coming into force on 1 July 2022 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2022 The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) Sailplanes | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk) Balloons | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk) Opinion and Instruction Document - 0123 Supplemental Opinion and Instruction Document - 0123A |
The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (July 2021)
0130 The new Space Industry Act requires various changes to be made to Article 96 of the Air Navigation Order (ANO)
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0130 | The new Space Industry Act requires various changes to be made to Article 96 of the ANO. | Remove some requirements. Restrictions on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) use near space sites and introducing new requirements on safety cases and insurance in relation to rocket launches. | Amendments consequential to the Space Industry Act - no reason to consult. | Stage 5 - ANO Order in July 2021 |
The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0122 Article 96(7) Space (Commercial Rockets) is redundant
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0122 | Article 96(7) Space (Commercial Rockets) is redundant. | Remove redundant provision. | Administrative - no reason to consult. | Stage 5 - ANO Order in July 2021 |
The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0116 Notification of construction (or dismantling) of obstacles over 100m above ground level
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0116 | Notification of construction (or dismantling) of obstacles over 100m above ground level. | Amend ANO to make it mandatory to report en-route obstacles as per SR-FS-014. | Direct engagement with impacted stakeholder groups. | Stage 5 - ANO Order in July 2021 |
The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0030 Pilot medical self-declarations
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0030 | Pilot medical self-declarations | Amend article 162 of the Air Navigation Order (ANO) to allow self-declaration of medical fitness where appropriate. | Related consultation conducted in 2014 (see CAA CAP1284). Consultation results in CAA CAP1397. | Stage 5 - ANO Order in July 2021 |
Article 162 of the Air Navigation Order (ANO) 2016 The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0026 Enabling 600kg microlights
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0026 | Enabling 600kg microlights. | Take up the provision at Article 2(8) of UK Basic Regulation to bring factory-built aeroplanes into the scope of the ANO, and to regulate them as microlights. | Public consultation of our proposals in autumn 2019. CAA CAP1920 details the results. | Stage 5 - ANO Order in July 2021 |
CAP1845, Consultation: Bringing new light aircraft between 450-600kg under national regulation The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 (25 May 2021)
0116 Notification of construction (or dismantling) of obstacles over 100m above ground level
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0116 | Notification of construction (or dismantling) of obstacles over 100m above ground level. | Amend ANO to make it mandatory to report en-route obstacles as per SR-FS-014. | Direct engagement with impacted stakeholder groups. | Stage 5 - ANO Order in July 2021 |
The Air Navigation (Amendment) Order 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) |
0119 Continued issue of the IR(R) Rating in lieu of BIR
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0119 | Continued issue of the IR(R) Rating in lieu of BIR. | Remove date 8th September 2021 from Article 4(8) to allow the continued issuing of the IR(R) on UK Part-FCL Licences. | DfT led change | Stage 5 - SI laid May 2021 |
The Aviation Safety (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (7 January 2021)
0001 Minimum age for drone pilots
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0001 | Minimum age for drone pilots | Remove the minimum age for remote pilots operating unmanned aircraft systems. | DfT led change | Stage 5 - SI laid January 2021 |
0002 Medical self-declaration of General Aviation (GA) pilots
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0002 | Medical self-declaration of GA pilots | Permit the use of a medical self-declaration to operate certain UK-registered Part-21 aircraft (as that term is defined in the Air Navigation Order 2016) in the United Kingdom. | DfT led change | Stage 5 - SI laid January 2021 |
0003 VMC conditions in Class D airspace
Ref | Issue | Driver/Change | Consultation method | Status | Links to associated docs |
0003 | VMC conditions in Class D airspace. | Provide a definition for the term 'with the surface in sight' and to amend the rules on distance from cloud when aircraft are flying using visual flight rules (VFR) in classes D, F and G airspace. | DfT led change | Stage 5 - SI laid January 2021 |
Statement from DfT
This does not necessarily represent an exhaustive list of projects, as some projects, particularly those initiated by the DfT, do not require a mandate from the DfT/CAA Sponsorship Board. However, both CAA and DfT recognise the value of having as comprehensive list as possible, so this tracker will continue to be populated with all legislative projects as far as possible. Where projects do not go through the DfT/CAA Sponsorship Board to receive a mandate, they will be added to the tracker subject to sufficient scoping and development (including with stakeholders) having taken place, and concerns around sensitivity having been met.