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EPAS requires that Member States (MS) include runway incursions and excursions in national State Safety Programmes (SSPs). This will include as a minimum agreeing a set of actions and measuring their effectiveness:

  • MS should implement actions suggested by the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Incursions (EAPPRI) and the European Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (EAPPRE) and monitor effectiveness
  • Runway excursions should be addressed by the MS on their SSPs in cooperation with the aircraft operators, air traffic control, airport operators and pilot representatives
  • MS should audit their aerodromes to ensure that a Local Runway Safety Team (LRST) in place and is effective. MS will report on the progress and effectiveness.


  • A robust and successful audit regime which incorporates implementation of EAPPRI and EAPPRE recommendations
  • A functioning LRST which challenges and demonstrates runway safety improvements
  • Visibility of the status of UK implementation of the above


  • Schedule audits within the Aerodromes Team current 3 year Oversight Planning Cycle on Runway Excursion issues, including regulatory compliance, low visibility operations, and safety programmes and formalise recording of industry status on EAPPRE Recommendations across all disciplines
  • Ensure LRST are included in the oversight planning cycle, to enable traceability of these audits
  • Schedule audits within the current Aerodromes 3 year Oversight Planning Cycle on Runway Incursion issues, including regulatory compliance, low visibility operations, and safety programmes. Runway incursion risk is tracked by responses to, and analysis of, safety data which is used to inform routine audits and on some occasions, prompt an ad hoc audit if indicated by the risk and formalise recording of industry status on EAPPRI Recommendations in all applicable disciplines
  • Publicise widely EAPRI V3 and use its revised content for thematic audits by both aerodromes and ATM during 2018.

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