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This Policy Statement presents CAA policy and guidance regarding the establishment, use and disestablishment of Visual Reference Points (VRPs).

VRPs may be established in the vicinity of an aerodrome located within Controlled Airspace in order to facilitate access to and from aerodromes located within, and transit of, the airspace in question by VFR traffic. They may also be used to assist pilots to plan flight around or beneath Controlled Airspace when traffic conditions require. Additionally, VRPs may be established around aerodromes located outside Controlled Airspace for which an instrument approach procedure is published. Finally, VRPs may be created in association with airspace that is temporarily established for special events.

The establishment of VRPs (including replacement of existing VRPs by new VRPs) is to be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the CAA’s Airspace Change Process (CAP 1616).

Version 3: Updates made to align this policy with the latest version of CAP1616.

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