International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Doc 4444 PANS-ATM currently states that ‘when necessary, the relevant minimum vectoring altitude shall include a correction for low temperature effect and it is the responsibility of the Air Traffic Services authority to provide the controller with minimum altitudes corrected for temperature effect’. UK Air Traffic Control (ATC) procedures published in CAP 493 (Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1) do not currently specify procedures for applying such temperature corrections.
Version 2 published to reflect removal of link to CRD.
This IN supersedes IN 2013/174.
Version 2 published to reflect removal of link to CRD.
This IN supersedes IN 2013/174.
- Status:
- Current
- Review comment:
- -
- Version:
- 2
- Version date:
- 03-Sept-2021
- View file:
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