This report describes a Further Analysis of the Survey of Noise Attitudes 2014 (SoNA 2014) which was commissioned by the UK Department for Transport. It builds upon the analysis reported in CAP 2161 Survey of Noise Attitudes 2014: Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance.
This report expands on the work presented in CAP2161 to estimate the number of night-time additional aircraft noise-induced awakenings for SoNA 2014 residents living in the vicinity of Gatwick, Heathrow and Stansted airports, and to investigate the correlation with each respondent’s self-reported sleep disturbance.
The analysis found that LAeq,8h and Lnight do correlate with the number of additional aircraft noise-induced awakenings arising from individual aircraft events at night and the self-reported sleep disturbance results found in the SoNA 2014 survey. Additionally, a high degree of association was found between the estimated number of additional aircraft noise-induced awakenings and the self-reported sleep disturbance rating. The association was, however, no better than that found using average summer night LAeq,8h in CAP 2161. One additional night awakening was found to associate with 10% of respondents being highly sleep disturbed. Two and three additional aircraft noise-induced awakenings per average summer night were associated with 15% and just over 20% of respondents highly sleep disturbed respectively.
It should be noted that the SoNA 2014 study was not designed specifically with a view to analysing attitudes to aircraft noise at night, and therefore this is an exploratory examination, with the consequential limitations.
An independent peer review of the SoNA 2014 Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance survey analysis and final report, commissioned by the DfT has been published alongside this report:
CAP2251a Survey of Noise Attitudes (SoNA) 2014 Sleep – Further Analysis – Peer Review
- Status:
- Current
- Review comment:
- -
- Version:
- 1.1
- Version date:
- 02-Dec-2022
- View file:
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