The second edition of this guidance for ATM/ANS providers offers a method of mitigation for continued use of conventional instrument flight procedures in lieu of radiating navigation facilities ahead of the introduction of permanent airspace changes utilising Performance-based Navigation (PBN).
A key enabler of the UK’s airspace modernisation is the ICAO concept of PBN with attendant reliance on Area Navigation (RNAV) techniques. With RNAV, the reliance on satellite-based navigation positioning and a reduced dependency on conventional ground-based navigation aids such as DVOR, DME and NDB, has an impact on the numbers of such facilities that NATS requires to retain, for its future navigation infrastructure.
The dependency of aerodrome procedures on en-route ground-based navigation aid facilities has evolved over time and the decommissioning of en-route DVORs, the removal of en-route NDBs and the optimisation of DME facilities has implications on the support of terminal procedures.
To supplement this guidance we have published DVOR / DME / NDB Rationalisation:
- Status:
- Current
- Review comment:
- -
- Version:
- 2
- Version date:
- 04-Aug-2022
- View file:
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