Report narratives
You can’t name individuals or include any identifiable details about persons involved in the occurrence and should avoid where possible such detail as operator, company, aircraft registration, flight numbers or callsigns in any narrative field.
These Narratives are forwarded to the European Central Repository and will be available on request to other Member States National Aviation Authority (NAA).
Mandatory attributes
We decided that reporters do not need to complete two of the attributes identified as mandatory in the Reduced Interface Taxonomy (RIT) and on the reporting portal forms indicated with a pink background. Event Type and Occurrence Category will be completed by us before it’s uploaded to the European Central Repository.
Analysis and follow up of occurrences
Analysis or Investigation are not formally defined at this level but does refer to all levels of analysis and investigation of an occurrence.
If a report is closed on receipt by the safety department of the reporting organisation, it does not require any follow up as long as the status of the report reflects this.
If a report been submitted and after simple analysis is deemed to have no safety benefit in investigation, a follow-up report will need to be submitted (in accordance with EU 376/2014 timelines) with the report status, changed in accordance with the table below:
Within 72hrs | Initial Notification (not yet assessed locally) |
Open (assessed locally and expected to require follow up) | |
Closed on Issue (assessed locally no follow up expected) | |
Within 30 days | Open (‘Investigation’ ongoing expect follow up) |
Closed (‘Investigation’ complete expect no further follow up) | |
Within 3 Months | Closed (‘Investigation’ Complete) |
A follow up should be submitted if analysis or investigation has:
- Added detail to the report initially submitted
- Amended the detail within the report initially submitted
- Clarified a safety risk
- Identified recommendations to mitigate a risk
Irrespective of the status given to an MOR by the reporting entity we retain the authority to request the report be reopened for follow up activity and reporting to be carried out.
Use of attributes for follow up reports
When submitting the final output of Analysis/Investigation, in addition to attributes altered with the additional detail mentioned above these three Attributes must be completed. These can be short paragraphs containing a summary of the analysis or investigation results, complete versions of which can be attached to the report
- Conclusions - Attribute ID 1070
- Corrective Actions – Attribute ID 1069
- Description Investigation– Attribute 1067
Under EU376/2014 the authority is mandated to classify MORs with the European Risk Classification System (ERCS) when it is released in 2017. To allow the authority to classify events using ERCS the narratives in the follow up and investigation reports should be focused on barrier models.
Advice on Barrier Models developed by the CAA and Industry Partners.
Where possible for 'Airborne Conflict', 'Controlled Flight into Terrain' and 'Turbulence Encounter' related events the reporting of more detailed location and altitude information is requested, using
- Latitude of Occurrence– Attribute ID 439
- Longitude of Occurrence– Attribute ID 444
- Aircraft Altitude – Attribute ID 22 or Aircraft Flight Level– Attribute ID 25