Same day, special delivery and customised services
The CAA has developed the same day, special delivery and other customised services to include additional products and areas. These services are optional and do not affect our standard Code of Practice time-scales.
These services offer an accelerated turnaround where requested by an individual, organisation or owner due to an operational or business need. These services must be requested at the time of initial application and will be processed subject to our receipt of all necessary documentation, fees and charges being paid on application and the terms and conditions detailed below.
All fees shown below are in addition to the fee for the service as prescribed in the Scheme of Charges being in force at the time of application. This information is divided into sections as follows:
Terms and Conditions
(a) Requests for either Special Delivery or Same Day service must be made at the time of application for the product shown in the above table, with the appropriate charges and additional fees paid in full.
(b) Same Day, Special Delivery and other optional service fees are in addition to the published fee for a service given in the applicable Scheme of Charges, which provide for a turnaround in accordance with our published Code of Practice.
(c) The CAA reserves the right to refuse any application should the application be, prima facie, incomplete. Where such an application is refused, the additional fee would not be applied and the service will revert to our standard service delivery in accordance with our Code of Practice.
(d) All technical matters concerning the application for any of the selected products will need to be complete before the revised service standard may be applied and for production and dispatch of final documentation.
(e) All required supporting documents must be included with the application, for license applications flying hours must be detailed in the relevant columns of the logbook and reflected in the application form as applicable.
(f) If the application is part way through a Same Day service and a query with the submission is identified, which the CAA is unable to resolve within the Same Day service timescales, the application will revert to the standard service delivery and the CAA will make a refund of 50% of the additional fee paid for the Same Day service.
(g) Should the service requested not be completed in accordance with the stipulated timescales, the additional fee for that service will be refunded in full provided that no action has been undertaken by the CAA to process that application (see (f) above) or the failure to deliver is due to causes beyond the CAA's control, e.g. delay in or failure of delivery by the Royal Mail.
(h) Documents may be self collected at the end of the working day for Same Day service. No fee reduction applies. This must be agreed and pre-arranged at the time of application. It is the responsibility of the applicant to collect the document from Aviation House, Gatwick before 17:00 on the day of service.
(i) We are unable to guarantee the processing of an application submitted after 11.00 am for a Same Day service.
(j) For postal delivery, the CAA will provide a tracking reference on request by email as confirmation of service delivery. The CAA does not warrant performance of the courier service provider but in the event of the service provider confirming failure to deliver, a replacement document will be provided immediately without further charge.
(k) The fee for the Royal Mail special delivery service is included in the fee for all same day services.
(l) The CAA is not liable for any delay or failure by the Royal Mail in delivery of any documents unless the CAA has negligently caused such delay or failure.