On 30 June 2016, RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd (RiverOak) submitted a Scoping Report to the Secretary of State for transport in pursuance of its intention to obtain a Development Consent Order (DCO) with regard to a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) concerning Plans to reopen and develop Manston Airport into a dedicated air freight facility able to handle at least 10,000 air cargo movements per year whilst also offering passenger, executive travel, and aircraft engineering services.
Details of the proposal can be found on the RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd (Riveroak) website and the National Infrastructure Planning website.
RiverOak has submitted a Statement of Common Ground with the CAA.
Other relevant correspondence from the CAA concerning the DCO is:
The CAA provided the following written contributions to the Planning Authority’s Examination of the DCO.
- 15 Feb 2019, CAA response to the Examining Authority’s questions accompanying the Rule 8 letter dated 18 January 2019
- 31 Jan 2020, Response to the request for comments and further information from the Secretary of State for Transport