The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published a consultation on proposed changes to the following chapters of CAP 553 (BCAR Section A):
- Chapter A3-7: Permit to Fly Aircraft - Initial and Continuing Airworthiness;
- Chapter A8-26: Approval of Organisations Supporting Recreational Aviation;
- Chapter A8-21: Approval of Organisations Responsible for Design or Production;
- Chapter A8-23: Approval of Organisations Responsible for Maintenance and Restoration of Non-Part-21 Aircraft;
- Chapter A8-24: Approval of Organisations Responsible for Maintenance and Restoration of Non-Part-21 Aircraft below 5700kg, or Single Engine Helicopters, not used for Commercial Air Transport or State Purposes;
The changes to Chapter A3-7 have been made largely to reflect the introduction of the new privileges in A8-26. There have also been minor updates to reflect the UK's withdrawal from the EU and EASA. Chapter A8-26 sees further increased delegated authority to approved organisations through new oversight privileges as well as the ability to issue a National Permit to Fly.
The changes in Chapter A8-21 Supplement 1 (UK CAA Approved Certificate) includes updated instructions for completing the form. Supplement 1 appears in the consultation document in its entirety, as amended, except for deletions.
The change in Chapter A8-23 clarifies the requirement for certifying staff to hold appropriate aircraft type or group rating when performing base maintenance of other than large aircraft.
The change in Chapter A8-24, clarifies by excluding aircraft that are below 5700kg but are fitted with aircrew assisted escape/egress systems, whether activated or not, from the scope of the chapter. This amendment follows AAIB investigation into the accident of G-BXFI during an air display near Shoreham airport and the subsequent recommendation arising from the Accident Report AAR 1/2017, Safety Recommendation 2015-042.
We are inviting stakeholders to comment on the proposed amendments to CAP 553 (BCAR Section A). The consultation will close on 27 May 2021.