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GHOST publications have been created by aviation industry subject matter experts, for use by the aviation industry. Any Guidance Documents, Information Sharing Bulletins, Safety Articles and/or Safety Swaps are free to all, as long as they are used in a manner that upholds their intended purpose and is not for any financial gain.
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Guidance Documents
Post COVID-19
Ground Operational Readiness - Post COVID-19: Guidance Rev 01 - 21.04.20
Ground Operational Readiness - Post COVID-19: Risk Assessment Rev 01 - 21.04.20 (Download)
Ground Operational Readiness - Post COVID-19: Guidance Rev 02 - 23.03.21
Ground Operational Readiness - Post COVID-19: Risk Assessment Rev 02 - 23.03.21 (Download)
Ground Operational Readiness - Post COVID-19: Be Ready Stay Safe Rev 01 - 07.06.21
Safety Reporting
CAP 382S Ground Safety Reporting Guide (2013)
Coming Soon - Guide to Ground Safety Reporting (UK Edition)
Coming Soon - Guide to Ground Safety Reporting (Global Edition)
Safety Investigation
Coming Soon - Guide to Ground Safety Investigation
Operational Oversight
Ground Operations Self-Monitoring Ramp Operations
Ground Safety Ramp Inspection Aide-Memoire - New!
Coming Soon - Ground Operations Self-Monitoring De/Anti-Icing Operations
Coming Soon - Ground Damage Analysis/Prevention
Frontline Operations
Inoperative APU Operations - New!
Safety in the Balance
Presented by Iron Maiden front man, and Boeing 757 Captain, Bruce Dickinson, Safety in the Balance was produced to reiterate to all those involved with aircraft loading, the importance of correct mass and balance calculations and the securing of loads.
Hello, I'm Bruce Dickinson and I'm here in this video to tell you why your loading of an aircraft can make a real difference to flight safety.
So let's start with the basics. Aircraft loading. Well first of all you need an aircraft and you need load. What is load? Well load is everything that goes on the airplane, passengers, freight cargo, bags, tea and sandwiches, even the duty free.
And together, that load makes up something called the weight and balance of the aircraft. What is weight and balance? Well, it's the weight that goes on the aircraft. And it's the balance of the aircraft after you finished putting all that load onto the aeroplane. It's very important it's done correctly. But the best way to see it work in action is to go down to the actual ramp itself.
And this young lady here is going to help me in fact, they've given me my very own baggage tag. So as self loading freight in the truest sense of the word, I'm about to go down and see how loading takes place... Ready? 3 - 2 - 1.
Right, always wanted to do that. Now then I'm now officially a piece of self loading freight I am now going to become part of the weight and balance of an aeroplane, this aeroplane.
Typically, there are three main areas where you can distribute load on an aircraft Doesn't matter whether it's a passenger aircraft, or a cargo aircraft.
There's the whole of the upper deck, there's a cargo area behind the wing, and there's another one forward of the wing. Anywhere you put load in any of these locations will affect the centre of gravity and the trim of the aircraft.
Every type and series of aircraft has its own specified safe flight envelope as set by the manufacturer. And every flight envelope has its own specified maximum and minimum limits for both weight and balance.
To ensure that control and stability is maintained during all phases of flight aircraft must be operated within the flight envelope. To achieve that safe condition, the effect of the weight and balance must be calculated the result of which is called the centre of gravity, the C of G.
To influence the position of the C of G load is positioned forward and aft of a central balance point, everything put forward of that point will move the C of G forward and everything but aft will move it rearward.
The final position of the C of G will determine the horizontal stabilizer trim setting. So starting with an empty aircraft watch and see how load affects the C of G as it is added.
First, the fuel followed by a full load of passengers. Then we add a typical standard baggage load that gives us a fairly normal C of G nicely within the safe flight envelope. Good to go.
However, if an aircraft were partially or incorrectly loaded with an excess of load in the front, this could happen. And if there were excess in the rear, this could be the result.
Finally, undeclared or too much load may do this. Whilst aircraft are able to handle various weight and balance conditions, they must be within all limits before departure. So to ensure safety is not compromised.
It's vital that everybody involved is aware of these restrictions, and understands that seemingly minor changes to the load may put the aircraft outside of its envelope.
Right, so now we've covered the science bit Come with me. And let's take a look at how we can load this particular aircraft starting with the upper deck.
As a passenger, my location on the aircraft can make a real
difference to the aircraft centre of gravity. In fact, I'm changing the centre of gravity on this Boeing 747 simply by walking up and down the aisle. But my seating position can also make a real difference. For example, here, or here, or here.
Just remember, on average, every person sitting on board an aircraft weighs the equivalent of seven passenger bags down in the hold. So from a cabin crew perspective, whether you're operating an allocated or free seating flight, be aware of passengers playing musical chairs after the doors have been closed. If they move, the C of G will change.
Exactly the same goes for the lower holds or any compartments which are not part of the main passenger compartment. Most airlines have a preferred loading system which ensures that the centre of gravity always remains within acceptable limits.
All aircraft holds are further broken up into compartments doesn't matter whether they're bulk loaded or container loaded. And within those compartments, there's a specified distribution now it could be specified as 100 bags in here, and 80 bags in there, or even baggage containers in the front cargo pallets in the rear. Whatever the planned distribution is, the aircraft must be loaded in accordance with that plan. If it isn't, a gross error may have fatal consequences
Even if a loading error doesn't put the aircraft outside of its central gravity envelope, there's a very good chance it will put the aircraft into a situation where it's difficult to control.
Good way of demonstrating this step inside this car with me. I'll show you.
Aircraft control surfaces are absolutely enormous. But even at this slow speed just with my hand, I can feel an appreciable force that changes as the angle changes in the airflow.
Now imagine the kind of forces on these aircraft control surfaces at speeds of 150 200 300 miles an hour. It's critical that the information given to the pilot is the correct information in order to set the control surfaces.
When the flight crew receives the load information, they will adjust the horizontal stabilizer trim setting to the correct trim. That way the aircraft will handle as expected on take-off.
Tiring being an aeroplane out there isn't it? Now, when take-off speeds and power settings are calculated for an aircraft, they're based on how much the aircraft weighs. How'd you find that? Well, you look on something called the loadsheet. Who makes a loadsheet? Well, the load control office makes a loadsheet. And those are these good people right here. Welcome to a typical load control office morning.
Here is a typical load sheet. It contains vital information about the weight and balance of the aircraft. It's extremely important that the calculations on this document are cross checked for accuracy.
In an extreme situation if they're in error, the aircraft may not even take off at all.
In the flight deck, crews can also play their part, when you receive the load information, take time to read the figures, don't just take it for granted that they are correct use all of the information available to you to ensure that a gross error has not been made.
Whoever is responsible for the load control function will also provide one of these a loading instruction report. And it's important that if you sign the certification block on this, you make sure that the aircraft is loaded in accordance with the instructions, and there's any deviations, you record them on here.
Now then, in addition to that, double check that if it says airplanes empty, that the holds are in fact, empty.
Obviously, different types of airplanes are loaded in different sorts of ways you wouldn't expect the Boeing 757, for example, to be loaded in exactly the same way as an Airbus A 320.
However, what's not so obvious is that even within the same type of aircraft, you can load it many, many different ways, depending upon the operator and where it's going to be going. So always check before you load that airplane, exactly how the operator wants it to be loaded.
Now, if the load is not adequately secured, strapped, or locked, that could be trouble.
Moving that around in here at 37,000 feet could damage the pressure hold of the aircraft, definitely not recommended. Alternatively, moving a big load around in here can also change the centre of gravity of the aircraft, the C of G. And that could lead to control difficulties, or even loss of control
So before you leave the hold, make sure that all loads have been secured, strapped and locked down. How strapped and locked down?
Well strapped and locked down to up to nine times its own weight. That would make me three quarters of a tonne. That's a baby elephant!
If Dangerous Goods are carried aboard the aircraft its important, one they're labelled correctly, they are securely stowed, and they're stowed the right way up. In addition, something called a no toc a notification to the captain is going to be given that's going to be given up there
Dangerous goods must be packed, loaded and secured in the proper manner. Otherwise, they may become a danger to the aircraft and everyone on board.
Before loading always inspect packages for any evidence of leakage or damage.
Whether dangerous goods are to be containerised or bulk loaded, they must be secured to prevent any movement and also be protected from being damaged by the movement of other load on board that could either be within a volumetrically full ULD or compartment or secured
individually. Oh, and remember, the arrows always point up.
The NOTOC contains several items of vital information. That's
because if there is an incident, everyone involved from the flight crew to the emergency services are aware of the substances that they're dealing with and where they've been loaded on the aircraft.
This document must also show confirmation from the person responsible for loading the aircraft that there was no evidence of damage or leakage from the consignment.
Special loads like these, for example, have their own specific loading requirements. So always make sure that you've been provided with the proper equipment before attempting to load and secure them.
In addition, electric wheelchairs or mobility aids powered by either non spillable or lithium type batteries must be protected from inadvertent operation, short circuit or damage caused by the movement of baggage or cargo.
Prior to loading make sure that the device has been fully deactivated. Disconnecting or removing the battery is not required, since this can be very difficult to do, and if not done properly can increase the risk of a fire. If that is the only option in order to immobilize the device, make sure the battery is protected against short circuit by insulating the exposed terminals.
In 2008 ground staff offloading a passenger aircraft noticed blue sparks coming from a battery powered wheelchair, it was quickly removed onto the baggage belt, where it immediately burst into flames and was destroyed.
The electric circuit had not been protected from operation and during flight baggage probably move the joystick control engaging the motor, the subsequent friction or electrical load ignited the wheelchair
Well hello again and welcome to Oxford flight simulator 001. You've already seen what happens when an aeroplane is loaded significantly out of trim in an aft direction earlier on in the program.
What we're going to do now is try and experiment with loading the airplane out of trim in the forward sense
I can tell you without too much deep thought that it's going to cause some unexpected handling difficulties.
The start of the take-off run is completely standard. We're departing from a shorter runway, but that wouldn't normally be a problem everything is going as expected until we try to rotate the aircraft.
Very quickly it becomes apparent that it will not leave the ground. So we attempt to stop the aircraft and overrun the runway at high speed.
Out of curiosity we then put the aircraft excessively out of aft trim. Note the warning lights and alarms as we become airborne but not for long stick give me a hand on the nose get the nose down 70 degrees those up okay air speed trying to correct through the vertical now.
Push push ok. And trying to put some rudder put some rudder on it particularly okay okay, bang.
Our industry has many time operational problems, restrictions delays, we're always in a hurry, we're always under pressure.
But there are three simple things that we can all do to make safety our number one priority and safety is and should always be our number one priority.
First of all, there's a plan how to load the aeroplane follow that plan. Secondly, if things do not go according to plan, tell somebody If you think that the load is unsafe if you think that it's more than it should be.
Don't just accept it, ask and tell somebody. And thirdly, and very importantly, any loads you do put on an aircraft should be secure. Make sure the load is secure. Make sure the locks are in place. Make sure it's strapped down and it will not move under the stresses and strains of flight.
If you do find any errors even after the aeroplane has departed. Tell someone as soon as you possibly can. That information may be vital to impart to the flight crew and it may determine whether or not they have to do a diversion or alter their flight plan in some way.
This has been a short film, but hopefully it's given you an insight into the degree of accuracy required to make every flight, a safe flight in terms of loading the aircraft.
We're waiting for passengers now. Let's not let them down. Let's make sure that every flight is a safe flight. Mind how you go.
One Team One Goal
Fronted by one of Great Britain's most successful and recognised Paralympians, Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, One Team One Goal was produced to provide specific guidance to the carriage of persons of reduced mobility and their mobility aids by air.