The objective of the GAP is :
- To keep the community up to date on agreed re-occurring items (such as progress on the GA Change programme, oversight trends and SSC performance updates)
- To provide time for specific discussion items where the CAA can understand concerns from the GA community
- To provide time for specific sectors to update the community on their strategic achievements and challenges
- To inform the community on any new or relevant topics as they arise
- Facilitate focused discussion time for feed into future policy making as appropriate
- Inform the community of our engagement with different sectors
The GAP will occur quarterly and will be chaired by Head of GAU and RPAS. The GAP will be collaborative reflected in the meeting format which will include:
- The ability to vote on reoccurring items for each meeting for general update
- An overview on stakeholder engagement since previous meeting
- A ‘Community in Spotlight’ by request that is sector focused highlighting both successes and challenges
- Focused discussion time for input into future policy making
- The agenda for the upcoming meeting will be sent approximately 6 weeks prior to the meeting
- A new virtual meeting link will be sent out a few days prior to the meeting
- Meeting links cannot be share. A mobile number and email address will be provided on the invite that can be contacted on the day of the meeting should any attendees connecting remotely have any issues on the day
Attendee Delegation:
- If a member of the GAP is unable to attend the meeting, they can nominate a colleague to attend on their behalf from their represented organisation
- GAP members are required to contact the GA team at least 48 hours prior to the meeting with the name and contact details of the chosen delegate.
- A meeting invite will then be sent directly to the nominated colleague
Terms of Reference
The General Aviation Partnership (GAP), is an advisory body sponsored by the General Aviation (GA) Unit. The GAP meets with the CAA on a quarterly basis and is consulted for advice and views on any major matter with regards the CAA’s regulation of GA that falls within the GAU.
The GAP is chaired by the Head of the GAU with membership by invitation and remaining under constant review.
The GAP is also called upon to assist the GAU in the development of GA policies, procedures and guidance when required. Proposals initiated by the CAA or by the GAP is circulated and members invited to comment
- If consensus => this will be used by the work of the GAU
- If more complex => a working group will be established
- Additional experts maybe used in working groups if GAP members do not have the required expertise or GAP members are unavailable
GAP will play an active role in all stages of the CAA’s policy development process by:
- Providing technical input
- Facilitating communication with stakeholder groups
- Communicating feedback from the respective stakeholder communities
- Contribute to the development of National opinion on European rulemaking activities
- Contribute to the GA programme, aid the setting of priorities & monitor its progress
GAP is a sounding board which relies on mutual trust and interest, promoted by openness and transparency. GAP members are encouraged to pass on information but should ensure the context is fully understood.
How to become a member?
- A prospective GAP member needs to represent an association/Commercial entity (therefore require articles of association from them to prove they are).
- They need to write to the CAA and request they become a member.
- We then ask the GAP group and see if there are any concerns.
Our Members
List of current GAP Members
Organisation |
Association of Light Aircraft Engineers |
Airfield Operators Group |
Airspace for All |
Royal Institute of Navigation |
GAP meeting notes and presentations
Meeting notes and presentations from 2024
5 October 2023
Meeting notes and presentation: 5 October 2023
18 May 2023
Meeting notes: CAP232006
Meeting presentation: CAP232006A
23 February 2023
Meeting notes: CAP232005
Meeting presentation: CAP232005A
9 November 2022
Meeting notes: CAP232004
Meeting presentation: CAP232004A
July 13 2022
Meeting minutes: CAP232003
Meeting presentation: CAP232003A
May 5 2022
Meeting minutes: CAP232002
Meeting presentation: CAP232002A
January 19 2022
Meeting minutes: CAP232001
Meeting presentation: CAP232001A