The new GA e-Exams system, which now caters to Part-FCL PPL (A) & (H), Part-BFCL BPL and Part-66L Aircraft Maintenance Licence exams and replaces paper-based theoretical knowledge exams is live. All GA examinations for licences mentioned above must be via the new online system to be valid for licence issue.
Training organisations
- Organisations that are not yet registered on the system and require an account should email
- Any new administrators or invigilators to be added to existing organisational accounts are also asked to contact We require an email from the relevant Head of Training to authorise set up.
Booking Exams – ORS4 No 1488 Extension
All candidates granted with additional 6 months extension in to completing their PPL examinations, whose 18 months expiry ended, need to request booking their remaining exams via email with EXAMS BOOKING as subject. In order to complete the bookings by Exams Team candidate Training Organisation need to add funds to their portal account. This can done by clicking on the Transactions tile - “Receipting” – entering payment details - ‘Credit Account’.
We advise candidates not to travel to their training organisations until their exam(s) are booked.
Candidate registration
All candidates wishing to take GA e-exams must register for an account. It is important that candidates register well in advance of sitting their first exam, and do not arrive at their training organisation until the exam(s) are booked. The customer portal provides further information and guidance, or you can contact us for advice.
Review Training Material and User Guides
To support organisations and candidates for e-Exams, we recommend that you review the training material and user guides that we have made available below. This will help you to understand the key processes of the new system and make the transition as smooth as possible. The guides also come in a 'quick guide' format, which outlines the key information to get you started.
Ground Examiner (GR) Authorisations & GA e-Exams
The safety improvement and standardised exam security arrangements that GA e-Exams brings requires each examination to be conducted by a Ground Examiner (GR) in accordance with their Ground Examiner authorisation. This is different to the arrangements for PPL paper-based Theoretical Knowledge exams. A GR is a trusted and competent person authorised by the CAA for this purpose. The process and criteria to become a GR is published in CAA Standards Document 11.
FRTOL Examiners (RT Examiners) & IMC IR(R) papers
FRTOL examining arrangements are not part of the GA e-Exams implementation. FRTOL examiners may hold a PPL VHF communications Theoretical Knowledge (TK) examination paper (Subject 090) that is common to the examination paper held by Ground Examiners. As FRTOL is not in scope of e-exams:
- FRTOL examiners should continue to use the VHF Communications paper (Subject 090) they have access to.
- FRTOL Examiners should recognise a TK exams pass achieved in VHF Communications (Subject 090) delivered by e-exams.
- A paper-based VHF Comms paper pass undertaken by an FRTOL Examiner will always count towards licence issue.
The IMC IR(R) paper is also currently not available online and should be conducted on paper. To request these papers please contact us.
VFR Navigation Chart for GA e-Exams
Where an examination requires reference to a paper VFR Navigation chart, the current edition 1:500,000 Southern England & Wales VFR navigation charts are available on the NATS website.
Training organisations, ground examiners and candidates with queries relating to the exam service or portal registration should contact our team on 0330 022 1972. Our lines are open Monday – Friday 0830-1630 and we can also be contacted by email at
Full E-Examination Review Requests
A candidate can now request a full review of their GA e-Exam which is a comprehensive investigation into the accuracy and integrity of examination content and materials delivered to the candidate during a specific test.
- The full review must be formally instructed by the candidate by requesting a 'Review' in their results portal page;
- It must be requested within 14 calendar days of the examination in question.
To raise a review – click on the exam result in question, and select 'Raise Review', this will then take you through the order and payment.
The full examination review fee should be paid by the candidate at the time of request, which is fully refundable if an error is found, and the candidate marks are adjusted accordingly.
The CAA endeavours to complete this service within 10 workings days of receipt of the request. A message notification, explaining the findings and closing actions will be added to the 'User Messages' area in the candidate e-Exam portal.
User guides for training organisations
GA e-Exams candidate Tasman guide |
GA e-Exams organisation Tasman guide |
GA e-Exams quick guide: Accessing the portal |
GA e-Exams quick guide: Managing memberships |
GA e-Exams quick guide: Booking and results |
Professional and Private e-Services Terms and Conditions |
Learning Objectives for the GA theoretical e-Exams
Part-FCL PPL (A) & (H)
010 Air Law - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
020 Aircraft General Knowledge - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
030 Flight Performance and Planning - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
040 Human Performance - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
050 Meteorology - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
060 Navigation - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
070 Operational Procedures - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
081 Principles of Flight - Aeroplane |
082 Principles of Flight - Helicopter |
090 Communications - Aeroplane and Helicopter |
Part-BFCL BPL e-Exams
BPL 010 Air Law Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 023 Aircraft General Knowledge Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 035 Flight Performance and Planning Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 040 Human Performance Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 050 Meteorology Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 063 Navigation Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 071 Operational Procedures Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 083 Principles of Flight Balloon Learning Objectives |
BPL 090 Communications Balloon Learning Objectives |
Part-66L Aircraft Maintenance Licence e-Exams
P66L 1L Basic Knowledge Learning Objectives |
P66L 2L Human Factors Learning Objectives |
P66L 3L Aviation Legislation Learning Objectives |
P66L 4L Airframe Wooden Metal Tube and Fabric Learning Objectives |
P66L 5L Airframe Composite Learning Objectives |
P66L 6L Airframe Metal Learning Objectives |
P66L 7L Airframe General Learning Objectives |
P66L 8L Power Plant Learning Objectives |
P66L 9L Balloon Airship Hot Air Learning Objectives |
P66L 10L Balloon Airship Gas Learning Objectives |
P66L 11L Airships Hot Air Gas Learning Objectives |
P66L 12L Radio Com ELT Transponder Instruments Learning Objectives |