All organisations who held a JAR-FCL Registered Training Facility certificate must have transferred to a Declared Training Organisation (DTO) by 8 April 2019 if they wished to continue offering training for Aircrew Regulation Pilot licences and ratings after that date. Any organisation who did not make the transfer may no longer train towards Aircrew Regulation licences and ratings The regulations governing Declared Training Organisations may be found in in the Aircrew Regulation, Annex 8. The General Aviation Unit has also produced a Guidance Document, further explaining these requirements, what courses a DTO may offer, how to declare and what this means.
Please note that DTOs are not issued with any form of certificate by the CAA, unlike the approval certificate that an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) receives. Instead the allocated Inspector will send a copy of the completed declaration form back to the DTO which he will have signed and to which will be appended the individual DTO reference number.
Furthermore, it should be noted that only organisations with their Principal Place of Business within the United Kingdom (not including the Channel Islands or Isle of Man) be declare themselves as a DTO. Any organisation based outside of the UK wishing to offer training for Aircrew Regulation licences must apply to be an ATO.
What is the difference between a DTO and an ATO?
Quite simply put, the main difference is the courses which you can offer. The Pilot Training Organisations landings page detailed the courses each type of Organisation can offer.
Both ATOs and DTOs are inspected periodically by their allocated CAA Inspector. The time between inspections for each is dependant upon the performance of the Organisation at previous inspections, the risks they face, how effective the Safety systems are and the type of training they undertake. ATOs can, under certain conditions, go 48 months between inspections whilst the DTOs could go to 72 months, however a publish set of criteria must be met first.
DTOs are not required to submit Flying Order Books, Operations Manuals or Training Manuals to their inspector for formal inspection and approval. However, your Inspector will ask to see them on inspections.
There is not a requirement to have as many named postholders at a DTO, nor are DTOs required to submit personnel forms for each postholder for individual approval, unlike the ATO.
Safety Management in DTOs
Non-complex ATOs are required to have a simple Safety Management System whilst DTOs require a more stripped down version which includes a safety policy and a system of identifying operations hazards and the risks they pose as well as a system of implementing mitigations to reduce the likelihood and effect of these. The Policy must also take into account the Organisation’s responsibilities under the current regulations concerning the reporting of Mandatory Occurrence Reports.
Annual Reports
DTOs are required to submit an Annual Report, the month in which this is due will be notified to the organisation at the same time as notification of the DTO number is made. Details of what must be reported can be found in CAP1637. It is the DTO's responsibility to submit the Annual Report. Your CAA Inspector will not remind you to do so. Failure to submit a report will mean a finding will be raised against the organisation at the next inspection. This will require the DTO to put in place an action plan to prevent a recurrence. If you are unsure of when your annual report is due please check our most recent list of DTOs.
Declaration form
- Declaration form (SRG2145) which includes submission details.
Training Programmes
All organisations are reminded that, when submitting a declaration, they must identify an appropriately verified or approved Training Programme for each course to be offered. A list of programmes that have been verified or approved by the CAA and are commercially available can be found below. This list will be updated regularly as more programmes are submitted to us for verification/approval. Programmes submitted by individual organisations will not be included unless the CAA are advised by the applicant that they wish us to do so.
Details of how to submit a Training Programme for verification/approval can be found in CAP1637, the application form SRG2144 should be used.
Information on the current fees for declaration and verification of training programmes can be found in the Scheme of Charges Personnel Licensing.
CAA Approved Training Programmes
Current List of CAA Approved Training Programmes
Publisher | Name of Publication / Course covered | Edition date | Edition # |
AFE (Airplan Flight Equipment) | EASA Light Aircraft Pilots Licence (A) Syllabus and Course Guide | 2015 | 1 |
AFE (Airplan Flight Equipment) | EASA Private Pilot Licence (A) Syllabus and Course Guide* (this document also includes the course for the EASA Night Rating) | 2015 | 3 |
AFE (Airplan Flight Equipment) | EASA Private Pilot Licence (A) Syllabus and Course Guide* (this document also includes the course for the EASA Night Rating) | 2019 | 4 |
Pooleys Air Pilot Publishing | EASA Part-FCL LAPL(A) Syllabus and Student Record of Training | Nov 2015 | 1 |
Pooleys Air Pilot Publishing | EASA Part-FCL(A) Syllabus and Student Record of Training* (this document also includes the course for the EASA Night Rating) | June 2014 | 1 |
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association | Aerobatics Certificate (Basic / Standard and Intermediate Courses) | July 2016 | 6 |
EASA / European Helicopter Safety Team | EHEST Helicopter Flight Instructor Guide - LAPL(H) / PPL(H) | March 2018 | 2.2 |
British Gliding Association | BGA DTO Course Programme/ Sailplane Towing Rating | 04 Aug 2018 | 1 |
British Gliding Association | BGA DTO Course Programme/ FI(S) Refresher Seminar | 04 Aug 2018 | 1 |
British Gliding Association | BGA DTO Course Programme/ FE(S) Refresher Seminar | 04 Aug 2018 | 1 |
British Gliding Association | BGA DTO Course Programme/ FIE(S) Refresher Seminar | 04 Aug 2018 | 1 |
British Gliding Association | BGA DTO Part-SFCL TMG Extension | Sept 2024 | 1.2 |
Pooleys Air Pilot Publishing | EASA Part-FCL LAPL(A) Syllabus and Student Record of Training | Oct 2018 | 2 |
Pooleys Air Pilot Publishing | EASA Part-FCL LAPL(A) Syllabus and Student Record of Training |
Dec 2018 |
3 |
Pooleys Air Pilot Publishing | EASA Part-FCL PPL(A) Syllabus and Student Record of Training
(this document also includes the course for the EASA Night Rating) |
Oct 2018 | 2 |
Pooleys Air Pilot Publishing | EASA Part-FCL PPL(A) Syllabus and Student Record of Training
(this document also includes the course for the EASA Night Rating) |
Nov 2018 | 3 |
SkyLearner Aviation Ltd Virtual Training | Theoretical Knowledge for LAPL(A) United Kingdom | March 2021 | |
SkyLearner Aviation Ltd Virtual Training | Theoretical Knowledge for PPL(A) United Kingdom | March 2021 | |
The Honourable Company of Air Pilots | EU LAPL(A) Training Programme and EU LAPL to PPL(A) Upgrade Training Programme | March 2019 | 1 |
The Honourable Company of Air Pilots | PPL(A) Training Programme SEP / TMG | March 2019 | 1 |
The Honourable Company of Air Pilots | Night Rating Training Programme | March 2019 | 1 |
The Honourable Company of Air Pilots | SEP Rating Training Programme | March 2019 | 1 |
Easy PPL | Training Programme – UK Part FCL LAPL(A) Flight and Theory course | November 2023 | Version 2.1 |
Easy PPL | Training Programme – UK Part FCL PPL(A) Flight and Theory course | November 2023 | Version 2.1 |
Easy PPL | Training Programme – UK Part FCL SEP(A) Land Flight and Theory course | November 2023 | Version 2.1 |
Easy PPL | Training Programme – UK Part FCL Night Rating Flight and Theory course | November 2023 | Version 2.1 |
Easy PPL | Training Programme – UK Part FCL Aerobatics Rating Flight and Theory course | November 2023 | Version 2.1 |
Changes to a DTO
Once you have made an initial declaration to the CAA and have received confirmation of your allocated Inspector and your DTO Identification number, you will be obliged to notify the Authority of certain changes that you may make. These include:
- Any change to the legal status or identity of the company, such as Companies House details or Trading Name
- Any changes to the persons notified to us as Postholders within the DTO
- Any changes to or additions of Training sites
- Any additions to or deletions of courses offered
If you are making a change and are unsure if you should notify the CAA please check with your allocated inspector.
Any changes that are notifiable should be sent to as an “amended declaration” using the form SRG2145. A fee is payable and this can be found in the Scheme of charges.
When completing the SRG2145 to notify us of a change please score through any sections that remain unchanged and annotate the box as ‘No Change’.
A list of organisations holding DTO status can be found in the Learning to fly section of the GA Website.