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The CAA General Aviation Unit provides oversight and guidance for all fixed-wing, non-complex, Approved Training Organisations (ATO) – under the regulations laid down  in Annex VII (Part ORA) OF THE Aircrew Regulation.

A non-complex ATO is defined, as an organisation that provides flight or theoretical knowledge training towards the issue of a UK Part-FCL LAPL, PPL and associated ratings (such as Single Engine Piston land or sea, Night Rating and Aerobatics).

The non-complex ATO may also gain approval to offer training towards the Multi-engine piston Class Rating,  Single Engine Turbine Class Ratings (where the aircraft is not defined as a High Performance Aeroplane (HPA) type), Flight  Instructor / Class Rating Instructor / Instrument Rating Instructor and Instrument Rating (including Competency Based).

Organisations wishing to carry out training solely for microlights should contact the British Microlight Aircraft Association, organisations wishing to carry out training for gyroplanes should refer to Standards Document 44.

Organisations wishing to carry out training for BGA Certificates or UK Part-SFCL SPL should contact the British Gliding Association.

The CAA reserves the right to refuse applications from organisations whose Principal Place of Business (in accordance with CAP1539) is located outside of the United Kingdom, if oversight will place an undue burden of the CAA’s resources.

Information for Organisations seeking ATO Approval for PPL and LAPL Training

The UK CAA has prepared a template manual to assist ATOs in meeting the Part-ORA requirement for Operations, Compliance and Training  Manuals for Licences, ratings and certificate courses.

The manual has been designed to be personalised by the ATO in order to show their compliance with Part-ORA.

Standards Document 55 gives some guidance to training organisations to help develop the manuals, processes and procedures .

In addition, the GA Unit Flying School Inspectors would be happy to discuss plans to set up flying schools and answer any question. If you wish to contact us please send an e-mail to ga.ga@caa.co.uk

Nomination of postholders for initial approval and changes to postholders for existing ATO

The key personnel in an organisation must be notified to CAA. You can nominate or remove/change the details of one or several people, including identifying their role(s) and the types of approval(s) they have responsibility for, by completing the Change of Accountable Manager or Nominated Postholder form. There is no charge for changes of personnel.

Please note that for changes of Nominated Postholders, a Form 4 (SRG2115)will need to be completed and attached to the application (SRG2116 for initial applications or Form 4 in the case of postholder changes).

Initial Approval of an ATO

Application should be made using Form SRG2116 together with nominated postholder forms SRG2115 for each of the persons filling one of the required nominated positions.

Variation to an existing Approval

Once an Organisation holds ATO Status, they may wish to add new courses or new training sites to their approval. This is known as a ‘variation’ of an approval and application should be made using Form SRG2116B .

Please note: Organisations needing to change a Registered Company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Number will require a new initial approval as it cannot be classed as a change to an existing approval. (SEE GUIDANCE ON LEGAL ENTITIES)

Approval validity period

Organisation approvals are non-expiring, however this is subject to a continuation recommendation by the CAA Inspector following a satisfactory audit.

The period between CAA audits may vary from 12 to 36 months, depending upon the risk of the training undertaken and meeting various performance criteria. Any new applicant must always be audited prior to approval being issued and at least 12 months afterwards (the first renewal audit).

Useful Information and Documents

Compliance Monitoring Guidance Guidance for Compliance Monitoring Audits, Findings and Audit Scheduling
CAP1059 Safety Management Systems – Guidance for small and non-complex operators 
CAP793 Safe Operating Practises at Unlicensed Aerodromes 
Phase 1 SMS  Evaluation Framework for non-complex organisations 
Instrument Rating course Checklist  coverage of Performance Based Navigation items 


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