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Pilot Licences for Balloons allow a pilot to fly recreationally and, subject to holding sufficient privileges be able to fly passengers and conduct aerial work.

Pilots can currently apply for a UK PPL (BA), UK CPL (B), or UK Part-BFCL BPL depending on what flying you wish to do. 

You will need to hold at least a Pilot Medical Declaration if you wish to fly UK PPL (BA) or Part-BFCL BPL, and a UK Part-MED Class 2 for a UK CPL (B).

From the 30 September 2025, pilots must hold a UK Part-BFCL BPL if they wish to fly Part-21 balloons.  Until then, pilots may continue to fly on their UK ANO licence(s) (and for those who have already converted, their Part-BFCL licence).

Balloon pilots will need to apply to the CAA to convert their current UK ANO licences to a UK Part-BFCL BPL, should they wish to continue flying Part 21 balloons after 30 September 2025.

How do I apply?

The application form Application for initial issue of a UK PPL(BA), CPL(B) or BPL, conversion of an existing UK National licence to BPL, the addition of Ratings to a PPL(BA), CPL(B) or BPL, or renewal of ratings to a CPL (B) or BPL (Commercial Operations only) can be used to apply for the following services:

  • Initial issue of a UK PPL (BA)
  • Initial issue of a UK CPL (B)
  • Initial  issue of a UK Part-BFCL BPL
  • Conversion of existing UK national licence to UK Part-BFCL BPL
  • Addition of ratings to a UK PPL (BA)
  • Addition of ratings to a UK CPL (B)
  • Addition of ratings to a UK Part-BFCL BPL
  • Renewal of ratings to a CPL (B)
  • Renewal of ratings to a UK Part-BFCL BPL (Commercial Operations only)
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How much does it cost?

Initial issue of a UK PPL (BA) - £237.00

Initial issue of a UK CPL (B) - £308.00

Initial issue of a UK Part-BFCL BPL (no previous UK licence held) - £194.00.

Conversion of existing UK national licence to UK Part-BFCL BPL - £93.00

Addition of ratings to a UK PPL (BA) - £153.00

Addition of ratings to a UK CPL (B) - £153.00

Addition of ratings to a UK Part-BFCL BPL - £153.00

Renewal of ratings to a CPL (B) - £153.00

Renewal of ratings to a UK Part-BFCL BPL (Commercial Operations only) - £153.00

Additional costs, such as the  charge for using our secure courier service, are payable at the same time as the fee for your application.

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What do I need to send with my application?

Initial issue of a UK PPL (BA)

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form
  • Course Completion Certificate For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your photo ID
  • Original or certified copy of your Flying Logbook(s)

Initial issue of a UK CPL (B)

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form
  • Course Completion Certificate For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your UK PPL (BA) licence
  • Original or certified copy of your Flying Logbook (s)

Initial issue of a UK Part-BFCL BPL

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form
  • Course Completion Certificate. For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your photo ID
  • Original or certified copy of your Flying Logbook(s)

Conversion of a UK PPL (BA) or UK CPL (B) to a UK Part-BFCL BPL

  • Online application form
  • A certified copy of your photo ID
  • A certified copy of your UK PPL (BA) or UK CPL (B) licence (whichever licence you are converting from)
  • Original or certified copy of your Flying Logbook (s)/pages if you are applying for any additional ratings (i.e. Commercial or Night BFCL)
  • A certified copy of your BBAC FI certificate (if you are applying for the FI BFCL)
  • When applying to add Night privileges, you must provide evidence of a colour safe assessment

Addition of ratings to a UK PPL (BA)

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form (if applicable)
  • Course Completion Certificate For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your UK PPL (BA)
  • Logbook evidence of the rating applied for (i.e. evidence of Night currency)
  • When applying to add Night privileges, you must provide evidence of a colour safe assessment

Addition of ratings to a UK CPL(B)

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form (if applicable)
  • Course Completion Certificate For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your UK CPL (B)
  • Logbook evidence of the rating applied for (for example flights relevant for the addition of a group)

Addition of ratings to a Part-BFCL BPL

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form (if applicable)
  • Course Completion Certificate For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your UK Part-BFCL BPL
  • Logbook evidence of the rating applied for (for example evidence of Night instruction)
  • When applying to add the Night rating, you must provide evidence of a colour safe assessment (if you have made a Pilot Medical Declaration) or hold a Class 2 medical without a VCL restriction (valid by day only)

Renewal of ratings to a CPL (B)

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form
  • Course Completion Certificate For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your UK CPL (B)

Renewal of ratings to a UK Part-BFCL BPL (Commercial Operations only)

  • Online application form
  • Examiner Report Form
  • Course Completion Certificate* For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)
  • A certified copy of your UK Part-BFCL BPL
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What else do I need to know?

For the purpose of this application form, a “training provider” can refer to a UK instructor or a UK DTO. 

For the purpose of this application form, a “Course Completion Certificate” does not necessarily mean you have undertaken a course of training; this could be flights with a UK instructor or another appropriately qualified pilot (as applicable in the Regulations below)

If you wish to apply for a UK issued balloon licence based on credits from another licence you hold, either with the UK CAA or an ICAO contracting State, please contact us for further details of the requirements at FCLWEB@CAA.co.uk. Please also provide us with copies of your other licences and theoretical knowledge exam passes.

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How long will it take for my application to be processed?

We are currently working within the published service levels of 10 working days for all application types.

Please note:  Having a clear form and logbook (where appropriate) will allow the CAA to issue a licence and rating more efficiently, with less risk of errors or rejections with subsequent delays to your application.

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What happens next?

Further information on what to expect from us can be found on our Our processing of applications webpage.

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How long is it valid for?

  • The UK CPL (B) and UK PPL (BA) are non-expiring (they have a lifetime validity)
  • Class ratings are supported by a recency period of 13 months.
  • The night rating is non-expiring (it has a lifetime validity).
  • The CPL(B) group ratings are supported by a 13 monthly certificate of revalidation.
  • The UK Part-BFCL is non-expiring (it has a lifetime validity).
  • Class ratings are supported by a recency period of 24 months.
  • The night rating is non-expiring (it has a lifetime validity).
  • The hot air balloon tethered rating is supported by a recency period of 48 months.
  • The Commercial rating used for Commercial Passenger Ballooning is supported by a recency period of 24 months.
  • The FI (B) instructor certificate is supported by a recency period of 36-months. We are currently developing the application to enable pilots to apply for an FI(B) and will add further information to this page once the application is available.
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