This page contains the night rating issue requirements and guidance on how to apply for a helicopter night rating using our online application form Application for a Night Rating (Aeroplanes/Airships/Balloons/Helicopters) (SRG1126).
What is a night rating?
A night rating allows a pilot to fly at night exercising visual flight rules (VFR). If a pilot wishes to fly at night using instrument flight rules (IFR) they are also required to have an instrument rating.
A night rating for helicopters can be endorsed on a LAPL or PPL, however, the applicant must hold at least a class 2 medical or have passed a colour sight test. (Further information on the medical requirements can be found in Med.A.030. All LAPL holders need to comply with MED.030/AMC14 MED.B.095.)
How do I apply?
To apply for a night rating to be added to your licence, you will need to complete the online application form Application for a Night Rating (Aeroplanes/ Airships/ Balloons/ Helicopters) (SRG1126).
How much does it cost?
The fee for the issued of a night rating is £153. This fee is required prior to submitting your application.
An additional fee will be charged if you wish for your licence to be returned by a courier service.
The fees are stated in our Scheme of Charges: Personnel Licensing.
You will need to refer to Secure courier service information for guidance on courier charges.
What do I need to send with my application?
When applying for a night rating online, you will be asked to upload the following documents:
- A night rating online Night Rating Course Completion Certificate (CAA5017).
- A copy of your licence, including the certificate of revalidation pages.
- A copy of your logbook pages showing your night flying experience.
- A copy of your medical certificate.
If you are transferring a night rating from an ICAO licence, you will also need to provide a copy of your ICAO licence, including certificate of revalidation pages/logbook pages showing the night privileges. You will also need to submit an Application for the Verification of a Third Country ICAO Licence.
What else do I need to know?
You will need to have completed at least 100 hours of flight time as pilot in helicopters after the issue of the licence, including at least 60 hours as Pilot in Command (PIC) on helicopters and 20 hours of cross-country flight, before you can start your training for the helicopter night rating.
Course requirements
In order to apply for a night rating you will have to pass an appropriate training course at a UK Approved Training Organisation (ATO) or Declared Training Organisation (DTO). This course must be completed within a period of 6 months.
The training includes:
5 hours theoretical knowledge instruction.
10 hours helicopter dual instrument instruction time.
5 hours of flight time at night including at least 3 hours of dual instruction, including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and 5 solo night circuits. Each circuit shall include a take-off and a landing.
For more detailed information on course syllabus please contact your training provider.
A further breakdown of the Night (H) training course can be found in AMC1 FCL.810(b) Night Rating
An applicant who holds or has held an Instrument Rating (IR) in an aeroplane or Touring Motor Gliding (TMG), shall be credited with 5 hours towards the 10 hours helicopter dual instrument instruction time.
Please refer to Part-FCL, Subpart I, FCL.810 for any credits that may apply.
Transferring a night rating from an ICAO licence
If you already hold a night rating/privilege on an ICAO licence (including EASA licences) and you wish to add it to your UK licence, you will need to complete discretionary training with a UK approved ATO/DTO.
How long will it take for my application to be processed?
We are currently working within the published service levels of 10 working days for all application types. Where an application is pended, the working days to process the application will be counted from the date of receipt of the requested additional information.
For a small number of applications, a licensing officer may require additional guidance which requires a referral to be made to a technical officer. The technical officer will review the case within 5 working days, however if further advice is needed this will be reviewed at a bi-weekly complex case review session. In such cases therefore the application will take longer to process than our standard turnaround times.
If your application is urgent, you can request that we expedite it. However, we will only expedite applications in extreme circumstances. All other applications will be processed in strict date order.
Expedite requests must be submitted in writing to and must be submitted by your Approved Training Organisation (ATO) or employer. We will not accept any expedite requests over the phone or directly from an applicant.
For further guidance please refer to our guidance on processing of applications.
What happens next?
When your application arrives with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), it will undergo a desk-based assessment from a Flight Crew Licensing Officer. Following an acceptable assessment your licence will be processed, signed, and despatched.
We will contact you via email if we have any queries regarding your application and may keep your application pending while the additional requirements are met. Applications will only be pended for 30 days before cancellation, where no response is received.
For further guidance please refer to our guidance on processing of applications.
The night rating is non-expiring (it has lifetime validity).