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The minimum age to get a PPL is 17 and you will need to hold a Part MED Class 2 Medical Certificate.

A PPL for aeroplanes will allow you to act as pilot in command (PIC) in non-commercial operations on aeroplanes or touring motor gliders (TMGs).

The exception to this is for holders of a PPL(A) with instructor or examiner privileges who can be paid for the following:

  1. Flight instruction for the LAPL(A) or PPL (A)
  2. Conducting skill tests and proficiency checks for the LAPL(A) or PPL(A) and any associated ratings or certificates.


You must complete a training course at an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) or Declared Training Organisation (DTO).

Contact a flight school near you

You will complete theoretical knowledge training and practical flight instruction. 

Theoretical knowledge examinations

As part of the application for a private licence, you will need to take and pass exams in the following subject areas:

Common subjects

  • Air law
  • Human performance
  • Meteorology
  • Communications
  • Navigation

Exams specific to the aircraft category

  • Principles of flight
  • Operational procedures
  • Flight performance and planning
  • Aircraft general knowledge
Close Theoretical knowledge examinations

Validity of passed theoretical knowledge exams

You will need to set up a customer portal account to access the Private Pilot Theoretical Knowledge e-Exams system.

If you successfully pass the theoretical exams for the issue of a private pilot's licence, they will be valid for 24 months for you to submit an application for the PPL issue.

This period is counted from the date you complete your last theoretical knowledge examination.

Within these 24 months, you must complete the flight training and pass the skill test, otherwise these exams will expire and you will have to retake them.

Please see FCL.025 for more information related to exam validity.

Close Validity of passed theoretical knowledge exams

Theoretical knowledge crediting

If you have passed the theoretical knowledge examinations for an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) or for a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) in the same category of aircraft, you will be credited with the theoretical knowledge requirements for a Private Pilot Licence (PPL).

Please see FCL.035.b for more information related to theoretical examination credits.

Close Theoretical knowledge crediting

Flight instruction and crediting

You will need to complete 45 hours of flight instruction on aeroplanes, 5 hours of which may have been completed in an approved flight simulator (an FSTD – flight simulation training device), including at least:

  1. 25 hours of dual flight instruction,
  2. 10 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least 1 cross country flight of at least 270 km (150 NM) that includes full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the departure aerodrome.

If you have previous experience that you believe may be used to reduce the amount of training required then please refer to the following information.

PPL(A) crediting if you hold a LAPL(A)

If you hold a LAPL (A) and are applying for a PPL (A) you must complete the following:

  1. At least 15 hours of flight time on aeroplanes after the issue of the LAPL (A), of which at least 10 hours should be flight instruction at an ATO.
  2. This flight instruction must include 4 hours of supervised solo flight, of which at least 2 hours must be solo cross country, with at least 1 cross country flight of 270km (150NM) or more, plus full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the departure aerodrome.
Close PPL(A) crediting if you hold a LAPL(A)

PPL(A) crediting if you hold an SPL including privileges to fly TMGs

If you hold an SPL issued in accordance with Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, including privileges to fly TMGs you must complete the following:

  1. At least 24 hours of flight time on TMGs after endorsement of the TMG privileges
  2. At least 15 hours of flight instruction in aeroplanes in a training course at a DTO or at an ATO, including at least:

    10 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least 1 cross country flight of at least 270 km (150 NM) that includes full stop landing at 2 aerodromes different from the departure aerodrome.
Close PPL(A) crediting if you hold an SPL including privileges to fly TMGs

PPL(A) crediting if you hold another type of licence

If you hold a pilot's licence for another type of aircraft, except balloons, you will be credited with 10% of your total flight time as PIC up to a maximum of 10 hours.

You will still need to complete 10 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 5 hours of solo cross country flight time with at least 1 cross-country flight of at least 270 km (150 NM) that includes 2 full stop landings at an aerodrome different from the departure aerodrome as the credited flight time cannot be counted towards this requirement.

Close PPL(A) crediting if you hold another type of licence

Third country ICAO compliant licence holders

If you already hold an ICAO (including EASA) PPL(A) and wish to apply for a UK Part-FCL PPL(A), the following three routes are available. 

Pilots who have previously held a UK issued aeroplane licence

This route is for pilots who have previously held a UK issued PPL/CPL/ATPL aeroplane licence that was surrendered, and now hold an EASA PPL(A) issued on or after 01 January 2021. Applying for a UK Part-FCL PPL(A) will not affect your EASA licence. 

You will firstly need to decide which rating you would like to open your UK Part-FCL PPL(A) with (the price of the licence includes one rating). 

If you held that same rating on your previous UK aeroplane licence, you will need to pass a proficiency check on that rating with a UK Part-FCL Examiner. If the rating has expired on your EASA licence, you will need to meet the renewal requirements for the rating with a UK approved ATO/DTO before conducting the proficiency check. 

If you did not previously hold that rating on your UK aeroplane licence and the rating is still valid on your EASA licence, you will need to meet the transfer of aeroplane class/type requirements as detailed in Article 10 of UK Regulation (EU) 2020/723. You will then be required to pass a skill test on that rating with a UK Part-FCL Examiner before you can submit your application.

If you did not previously hold that rating on your UK aeroplane licence and it has expired on your EASA licence, you will need to meet the complete class/type rating requirements as detailed in Annex 1, Part H Class and Type Ratings, of UK Regulation (EU) 1178/2011. You will then be required to pass a skill test on that rating with a UK Part-FCL Examiner before you can submit your application.

Pilots with 100 hours of flight time, who have not previously held a UK aeroplane licence

This route is for holders of an ICAO/EASA PPL(A), issued before or after 1 January 2021, with 100 hours of flight time, who have not previously held a UK PPL(A). 

You will need to pass the PPL theoretical knowledge examinations with the UK CAA in Air Law and Human Performance. 

You will then need to decide which rating you would like to open your UK Part-FCL PPL(A) with (the price of the licence includes one rating). 

If the rating you wish to use to open the licence is no longer current and valid on your ICAO licence, you will need to meet the renewal requirements for this rating with a UK approved ATO/DTO. 

Finally, you will need to pass a PPL skill test with a UK Part-FCL Examiner before you can submit your application. 

Pilots with less than 100 hours of flight time, who have not previously held a UK aeroplane licence

This route is for holders of an ICAO/EASA PPL(A), issued before or after 1 January 2021, with less than 100 hours of flight time, who have not previously held a UK PPL(A). 

You will need to undertake Part-FCL PPL theoretical knowledge instruction as determined by the Head of Training of a UK ATO/DTO and pass all UK Part-FCL theoretical knowledge examinations at PPL level.

You must also undertake flight training under instruction in an aircraft at a UK ATO/DTO to comply with the requirements of UK Part-FCL, as determined by a UK PPL training provider towards gaining a UK Part FCL PPL.

Finally, you will need to pass a PPL skill test with a UK Part-FCL Examiner before you can submit your application.

Close Third country ICAO compliant licence holders

Skill Test

At the end of your training, you will need to take a skill test with an examiner in the relevant aircraft type to demonstrate that you can competently carry out the procedures and manoeuvres that you have been taught, while acting as pilot in command (PIC).

You must have had some flight instruction on the same aircraft type or class that you will be taking your skill test in. Generally you will take the test in the same aircraft in which you have been trained.

In practice, you will not need to worry about making any bookings for a skill test yourself as this is something that your flying school will do for you when they feel you are ready.

Your flying school will also need to ensure that the examiner meets the requirements for test notification and designation as set out in:

How to apply

To apply for the issue of a UK Part-FCL PPL, please complete Online application form SRG1105.

If you wish to apply for a UK national PPL, you must submit your request in writing by email to fclweb@caa.co.uk (with the subject heading: 'National licence').

What documents to submit

When applying for the PPL issue online, you will be asked to upload the following documents:

  • Online course completion certificate (CAA5016 or training organisation equivalent). Even if you are exempt from completing ground school/flying training, you must obtain a course completion certificate so that we can see your theoretical knowledge examinations. Please also state the reason for your exemption on the certificate. 
  • Skill Test report form SRG2128
  • A copy of your logbook pages showing your PPL flying experience
  • Proof of your ID (This can be a certified copy of your valid passport/full UK photographic driving licence, or a close up photo of you holding your ID in which your face and ID are clearly visible)

For more information on acceptable document formats (such as for logbooks or ID), please refer to Supporting documentation for private pilot licensing applications

If you are applying for a Flight Radio Telephony Operator’s Licence (FRTOL) as part of your PPL application, you will also need to provide evidence of your English Language Proficiency level (CAA5003 or CAA5012 or CAA5016). 

If you are applying for a Night Rating as part of your PPL application, you will also need to provide a copy of your medical certificate, logbook evidence showing your night rating flying experience, and a copy of your Night rating Course Completion Certificate (CAA5016, CAA5017 or training organisation equivalent).

Additional documentation

If you are applying on the basis of UK military service or a third-country ICAO licence you will be asked to upload additional documentation with your online application.

Using military service as the basis of your licence application

If you are applying for any pilot licence under the Military Aircrew Accreditation Scheme (MAAS) based on your service as a pilot in the UK military, you will need to upload the following documents alongside those required for the licence application:

  • Completed form SRG 2133
  • Copies of the following logbook pages:
    - the Special Qualifications page
    - the last few pages of your military flying logbook
Close Using military service as the basis of your licence application

Using third-country ICAO licence conversion as the basis of your application

If you are applying for your licence on the basis of an ICAO-compliant licence held with another country, you will need to apply for the verification of your third country ICAO licence.

Please follow the verification of a third country ICAO licence process and submit an online form SRG2142.

We recommend that the Third Country Verification is obtained prior to your PPL application as the turn-around of these applications is reliant on the response times of the NAA that has issued your ICAO licence.

Alternatively, you can submit these applications together but please note that the PPL application will be delayed as we must wait for the verification to be received before we can issue your PPL.

You will also need to supply additional documents as part of your application depending on the route you are using, please see below.  

Pilots who have previously held a UK issued aeroplane licence

When applying for the PPL issue online, you will be asked to upload the following additional documents:

  • A copy of your non-UK EASA licence
  • A copy of your logbook pages showing your hours and experience
  • If the rating you wish to open your licence with was held on your previous UK licence, a copy of the examiner report form for the rating proficiency check. If the rating is no longer current on your EASA licence, you will also need to provide a copy of the course completion certificate for the rating renewal (SRG1107 or training organisation equivalent). 
  • If the rating was not held on your previous UK licence, a copy of the examiner report form for the rating skill test. If the rating is no longer current on your EASA licence, you will also need to provide a copy of the course completion certificate for the rating course (SRG1107 or training organisation equivalent).

Pilots with 100 hours of flight time, who have not previously held a UK aeroplane licence

When applying for the PPL issue online, you will be asked to upload the following additional documents:

  • A copy of your ICAO licence
  • A copy of your logbook pages showing your hours and experience, including 100 hours of flight time in aeroplanes
  • A copy of the Skill Test report form SRG2128
  • A copy of online course completion certificate for the PPL course (CAA5016 or training organisation equivalent)

Pilots with less than 100 hours of flight time, who have not previously held a UK aeroplane licence

When applying for the PPL issue online, you will be asked to upload the following additional documents:

  • A copy of your ICAO licence
  • A copy of your logbook pages showing your hours and experience
  • A copy of the Skill Test report form SRG2128
  • A copy of online course completion certificate for the PPL course (CAA5016 or training organisation equivalent)
Close Using third-country ICAO licence conversion as the basis of your application

The Fee

Please see our Licensing fees and costs (Full details available in Scheme of Charges (Personnel Licensing)).

An additional fee applies if you would like your documents returned by secure courier.

Making sure your documents are safely returned.

File size limit

Please note that there is currently a 50Mb size limit for files uploaded to our forms.

Guidance on documentation

All documents should be uploaded with a different filename clearly stating the content of the file attachment (for example Passport, Licence copy etc.)

Submitting documents with the same filename may result in the loss of information in the system and added delays to the application assessment.

For questions relating to paperwork, such as how to obtain certified copies of documents, please refer to guidance on documentation.


If you have a disability and require assistance with submitting your application online, please do not hesitate to contact our support team on 0330 022 1972 (Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30).

Contact us

If you have any questions please contact our licensing team:

Email fclweb@caa.co.uk (preferred)
Phone 0330 022 1972 (Mon - Fri 08:30 - 16:30)

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