The days are getting shorter and the temperature is dropping. Late Autumn and Winter can be a beautiful time to fly, but there are some additional considerations that come with it.
Here is an animation on safety considerations for flying in winter. The animation makes reference to the use of active carbon monoxide detectors in the cockpit. For further information and details of work the CAA is doing in this area please go to Carbon monoxide in General Aviation | UK Civil Aviation Authority (
A new and updated series of Safety Sense Leaflets has been launched. Here is the latest Safety Sense Leaflet on winter flying.
Night Flying
With the onset of winter, night flying is also a consideration for pilots. Many aerodromes operating in the UK has operational limitations that might be set down in planning regulations, so the opportunity to fly at night can be limited to the winter and early spring months. It is important pilots are aware of the potential hazards when operating during these months at night.
Please read Clued Up; Night Flying for more information.