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Click here to start a flying display, special event or unusual aerial activity notification application

Partially completed forms can be saved until all the information needed to submit an application has been gathered. This can be done by using the 'Save' button (located at the top of each page next to the CAA logo) and entering a password.

When submitting the application form, there is an option to enter an email address to receive a PDF copy of the application.

Once the form has been submitted, receipt of confirmation and a PDF copy of the application will be sent to the applicant's correspondence email address. This message will include an application reference number which should be used in all subsequent correspondence.

Documents to be included with an application

  • 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map: An up-to-date colour 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map extract showing the location of the Flying Display or event, the display area, spectator enclosures and car park locations is required for all applications. Ordnance Survey map extracts can be obtained from the Ordnance Survey website. Most county council websites provide free access to 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey mapping. Your map extract must be uploaded to the online application form.
  • Risk assessment: All Article 86 Flying Display and SERA Private Flying Display applications require a completed risk assessment in accordance with the guidance in CAP 403. The Flying Display Risk Assessment Template at SRG1303T should be used for this purpose, although other formats may be acceptable. Completed risk assessments must be uploaded to the online application form. Some special events and unusual aerial activities may also require risk assessments to be included with applications. Clarification for this requirement can be obtained from the CAA GA Unit.
  • Aircraft display items list: The list of aircraft display items may be submitted using either the online form or by completing an aircraft display item schedule. If using the schedule, it must be uploaded to the online application form.

Flying Displays featuring first time newly evaluated display pilots

To help facilitate newly qualified display pilots (tyro DAs) with an opportunity to gain experience and exposure within the Flying Display community, the CAA has introduced a scheme whereby FDDs may offer slots to TDAs without incurring any extra charge should the additional item(s) move their display into a higher price band. Further details on the qualifying requirements and how the scheme can be implemented can be found in CAP403.

Flying Displays and Special Events featuring only military aircraft

If your Flying Display or Special Event includes only military aircraft, CAA Airspace Regulation must be notified by completing the online form Airspace Co-ordination and Obstacle Management (caa.co.uk)

Flying Displays featuring foreign civilian display pilots and/or Commercial Air Transport aircraft

UK Display Authorisation (DA) Exemption Application

Form SRG1328 is to be submitted by civilian Flying Display participant(s) who do not hold a UK DA. DA Exemptions may be applied for by non-UK civilian display pilots/teams and operators/pilots of Commercial Air Transport (CAT) aircraft.

UK Flying Display Validation Form

Form SRG1329 should be completed by DAE sponsors or nominated Evaluation Supervisors who have evaluated display items for participating at UK Flying Displays.

Further details concerning the UK DA Exemption process van be found in CAP 1724, chapter11.

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis