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December 2023 published amendments

Point 7: Stay well away from airports, airfields, spaceports and aircraft

Updated content to provide link to CAA page on airspace restrictions apps.

Updated content to note that inbuilt drone software may not always be up to date.

Point 8: Follow any flying restrictions and check for hazards

Updated content to provide link to CAA page on airspace restrictions apps.

Close December 2023 published amendments

June 2023 published amendments

Point 4: Do not fly closer to people than 50m

Updated content to clarify requirements for flying in the Open A2 category.

Close June 2023 published amendments

January 2023 published amendments

Point 8: Follow any restrictions and check for hazards

NOTAM term updated to Notices to Aviation to reflect update to term made in CAP 1430, September 2021.

Close January 2023 published amendments


December 2022 published amendments

Code updated to reflect the Department for Transport’s decisions to:

Getting what you need to fly legally

References to class marks removed.

Point 2: Always keep your drone or model aircraft in direct sight and make sure you have a full view of the surrounding airspace

Content updated to include the requirement to be able to see which way your drone or model aircraft is facing.

Point 4: Do not fly closer to people than 50m

References to class marks removed.

Point 6: Keep at least 150m away from residential, recreational, commercial and industrial sites

References to class marks removed.

Content added to examples of residential sites to clarify that the point applies to individual and small groups of buildings.

Terms ‘areas’ changed to ‘sites’ to help with clarification.

Point 8: Follow any restrictions and check for hazards

Emergency incidents: content updated to enhance the details on not flying at or near incidents.

Point 10: Make sure you know what your drone or model aircraft can and cannot do

Content on modifying drones or model aircraft removed to reflect the removal of class marks.

Point 12: Never drop, lower or fire anything from your drone or model aircraft while it's flying

‘Lower or fire’ added to point.

Point 30: Label all your drones and model aircraft with your operator ID

Content on how to label your drone or model aircraft added.

Point 31: Always make sure that anyone flying your drone or model aircraft has appropriate authorisation, such as a valid flyer ID

References to class marks removed.

Point 33: Maintain your drone or model aircraft so that it’s safe to fly

References to class marks removed.

Close December 2022 published amendments

July 2022 published amendments

Point 34: You must renew your operator ID every year

Note added on legal requirement to keep operator registration details up to date.

Close July 2022 published amendments


November 2021 published amendments

Categories of drone and model aircraft operations

Update to improve wording of links to categories.

Flying using first-person view (FPV)

Details added on the requirements for flying using first-person view (FPV).

Point 3: Fly below 120m (400ft)

Low-flying military aircraft added to examples of types of aircraft to look and listen out for.

Point 7: Stay well away from airports, airfields, spaceports and aircraft

Spaceports added to content.

New image added to show spaceport flight restriction zone.

Link updated to reflect new website address for the CAA’s map of airspace restrictions.

Point 8: Follow any flying restrictions and check for hazards

Detail added for sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

Apps and other resources with details of restrictions: drone app point revised following closure of dronesafe.uk website.

Point 9: Get the right authorisation before flying outside this code

Updated links to reflect revised website addresses.

Point 18: Report any dangerous incidents, near misses or suspicious activity

Link to CAA guidance on what must be reported added.

Point 33: Maintain your drone or model aircraft so that it’s safe to fly

Detail added on the requirement that class marks must not be removed.

Point 34: You must renew your operator ID every year

Update to improve wording.

Close November 2021 published amendments

June 2021 published amendments

Point 18: Report any dangerous incidents, near misses or suspicious activity

Incident reporting link updated to reflect new website address for the reporting service.

Background: Drones and model aircraft in the law

Link updated to reflect new website address for the Civil Aviation Authority copy of Air Navigation Order with amendments inserted.

Close June 2021 published amendments

January 2021 published amendments

Getting what you need to fly legally

Content related to flyers under 12 removed to reflect revised regulations.

Close January 2021 published amendments


December 2020 published amendments

Code updated to reflect implementation of the revised UAS Regulatory Package, which became applicable in its entirety in the UK from 31 December 2020.

Close December 2020 published amendments

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis
  2. UK on course to lead world in hydrogen fuel as aviation regulator expands Hydrogen Challenge
  3. UK's first vertical launch approved by Civil Aviation Authority