The CAA’s Aviation Consumer Survey (formerly the CAA Consumer Tracker Survey) is a bi-annual survey of UK consumers’ behaviour and attitudes towards commercial aviation, which we use to help inform our work to put consumers’ interests at the heart of the way we regulate.
Since the spring of 2016, the CAA has commissioned market research companies to survey a representative sample of roughly 3,500 UK residents (including those who have never flown) on their feelings about, preferences regarding and experiences of flying. Interviews are conducted in the spring and late summer to capture feedback from the two busiest flying periods for the year (the summer and festive holidays).
Four fifths of the questions asked in the survey are repeated in each wave, thereby providing us with a picture of how people’s views on important aspects of flying are changing over time. The remaining, variable component of the survey enables the CAA to investigate emerging trends and explore specific questions in detail.
Wave Thirteen: UK Aviation Consumer Survey
Wave Twelve: UK Aviation Consumer Survey
Wave Eleven: UK Aviation Consumer Survey
Understanding the impact of COVID and the future of air travel
Wave Ten: UK Aviation Consumer Survey
- Full survey report (Autumn 2021)
- ATOL Report (Autumn 2021)
- Covid-19 report (Autumn 2021)
- Environment Report (Autumn 2021)
Wave Nine: UK Aviation Consumer Survey
- Dashboard Summary: Key findings report (Winter 2020)
- Full survey report (Winter 2020)
- Aviation and the Environment report (Winter 2020)