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Charging for UK Airport and Punctuality Data

In addition to a series of published tables available for download we are able to provide bespoke analysis for certain UK Airport and Punctuality related information. Please see details of available fields.

We have simplified our charging scheme in order to provide users the opportunity to estimate the charge applicable to their specific requirement.

You will see in the charging table that there are 3 applicable components:

  1. Base Rate Volume and costs per year: A charge relating to the volume (based on the number of flights held on the database in the most recent year required)
  2. Additional Years: Discount applied when more than 1 years information is required; this is also applied to new regular subscriptions where data for same month in previous year is also required for comparison purposes.
  3. Delivery Charge: Two rates apply, one for a ‘one off’ bespoke reports, the other for regular annual subscription.

We can provide data at monthly level aggregate, seasonal, annual or any specific groupings required. We cannot provide any data lower than monthly level. Whether you select 12 months information or data aggregated to annual level the charge will now be the same, based on figures provided below.

AvStats Data Requests

Please note in order to comply with confidentiality constraints we cannot release information which relates to a single flight. The results affected by this condition will depend on the fields included in the subset of data required. Options are available to include these flights at an aggregated level which will be tailored to each request.

Requests for AvStats data will be typically reviewed on a weekly basis, with full quotations provided. We will require confirmation that quoted charges and terms have been fully accepted before any release of data. All requests for AvStats data should be sent to AvStatsDataRequest@caa.co.uk.

Component Condition Charge (GBP)
(1) Base Rate Volume - costs per year Up to 25% £280
% flights held on database in most recent year required 26% - 50% £630
  51% - 75% £970
  76% - 100% £1,335
(2) Additional Years - if applicable: Period %
The most recent year accessed will not 2 - 7 years old 25
attract a discount. Additional years will 8 - 15 years old 30
attract the discount shown in the 16 + years old 50
following table depending on the age of    
the year accessed.    
(3) Delivery Charge    
Bespoke Report One off charge £113
Regular Subscription Per delivery £26

In addition to the charges described as (1) and (2) above selected fields will attract a supplementary charge, this is dependent upon the number of these fields requested. The fields are as follows:

  • Aircraft registration
  • Flight number
  • Terminal building number
  • Day of week indicator *
  • Hourly time-bands *

* Day of the Week indicator and Hourly Time-bands are only available at a quarterly level.

To calculate the charge, multiply the sum of the cost of (1) and (2) above as follows;

For one supplementary field cost x 3.00
For two supplementary fields cost x 3.25
For three supplementary fields cost x 3.50
For four supplementary fields cost x 3.75
For five supplementary fields cost x 4.00

Example 1

A bespoke report showing data between all full reporting airports and airports worldwide for nine years.

Condition Condition Charge (GBP)
Base Rate Volume 76%-100% £1,335
Additional Years Six additional years at 25% reduction - £1,001 per year £6,006
  Two additional years at 30% reduction £934 per year £1,868
Delivery Charge Bespoke report one off charge £113
  Total £9,322 + VAT

Example 2 (includes two fields attracting supplementary charge)

An annual subscription for monthly data showing all data available to/from Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

Condition Condition Charge (GBP)
Base Rate Volume Up to 25% £280
Additional Charge for Flight Number and Day of Week Base Rate Cost x 3.25 £910
Additional Years Not applicable to Regular Subscriptions -
Delivery Charge Regular Subscription of 12 monthly deliveries £310
  Total £1,500 + VAT

Note: A minimum data charge of £390 applies to the Adhoc Airport/Punctuality charges. Charges are exclusive of VAT.

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis
  2. UK on course to lead world in hydrogen fuel as aviation regulator expands Hydrogen Challenge
  3. UK's first vertical launch approved by Civil Aviation Authority