AvStats will return your submission if data input issues are identified.
See our guidance notes for information on how to format your submission.
You will receive an email explaining that the submission has been rejected. This will include a link to the portal and information to help you identify why the data was rejected.
Please correct the identified errors and then re-submit the data within the existing 21-day deadline.
When errors are identified the entire submission is returned and no records are loaded into AvStats.
You will either:
- receive an auto-generated message to confirm that your data has been submitted, or
- the submission will be rejected and you will receive information on how to identify any further errors.
If, having submitted your file, you see the status of “Warned”, this means that your submission has passed Stage 1 and 2 data quality validations and is with us for further validation. We may come back to you with further queries on your submission and, if required, we will aim to contact you within 5 working days of the submission.
How data is validated
AvStats makes high-level checks to help ensure that input data is correct.
This includes ensuring that UK registration matches the reported aircraft type and owner. Other checks include validating that a specific aircraft can travel the distance reported.
We check the data you submit against aircraft reference data which is held and maintained within the CAA.
Operators and Airports are checked (as they always have been) against internally maintained reference data.
Sector submission are compared with the Point-To-Point (PTP) submission. These are referred to as Cross Validation. Various checks and balances are conducted to ensure that both file submissions are consistent and reporting the same information.
For more information see the Cross Validation guidance notes.
Aircraft registrations applying to more than one aircraft
UK registrations
Our database will pick up the date the aircraft either ceased operating or changed ownership.
Foreign registered aircraft
We realise that registrations can change airframe, therefore this will only flag to the person validating your submission within the team and this will not be result in a submission being rejected.