The CAA collects statistics from more than 60 UK Airports. Information is supplied on each individual air transport flight with other movements, for example Private or Aero Club, being reported as a block monthly total.
From the individual flight records it is possible to build up pictures of the activity at each reporting airport. In addition the traffic and capacity on each route to/from the airport can be assessed. Airport statistics are available as monthly or annual publications or you may commission reports to suit your particular needs.
The information contained in these reports has been compiled from various sources of data. CAA validates this data, however, no warranty is given as to its accuracy, integrity or reliability. CAA cannot accept liability for any financial loss caused by a person’s reliance on any of these statistics. No statistical data provided by CAA maybe sold on to a third party. CAA insists that they are referenced in any publication that makes reference to CAA Statistics.
Table series 2, 7 and 11 are discontinued and no longer available.
How to contact us
If you have feedback on our published reports please contact You will receive an automated reply confirming that we have received your comments.
We review every comment that we receive and, if significant issues are found with our published reporting, reports will be amended and re-published. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to individual queries.
As of 10 October 2022, July tables are complete.
- 00 Foreword (PDF document)
- Table 01 Size of UK Airports (CSV document)
- Table 01 Size of UK Airports (PDF document)
- Table 03 Aircraft Movements (CSV document)
- Table 03 Aircraft Movements (PDF document)
- Table 04 Trans Move by Type (CSV document)
- Table 04 Trans Move by Type (PDF document)
- Table 04a Cancelled Movements (CSV document)
- Table 04a Cancelled Movements (PDF document)
- Table 05 Air Transport Movements (CSV document)
- Table 05 Air Transport Movements (PDF document)
- Table 06 Air Transport Movements Comparison (CSV document)
- Table 06 Air Transport Movements Comparison (PDF document)
- Table 08 Air Pax by Type and Nat of Op (CSV document)
- Table 08 Air Pax by Type and Nat of Op (PDF document)
- Table 09 Terminal and Transit Passengers (CSV document)
- Table 09 Terminal and Transit Passengers (PDF document)
- Table 10 1 EU and Other Intl Pax Traffic (CSV document)
- Table 10 1 EU and Other Intl Pax Traffic (PDF document)
- Table 10 2 Domestic Terminal Passenger Traffic (CSV document)
- Table 10 2 Domestic Terminal Passenger Traffic (PDF document)
- Table 12 1 Intl Air Pax Traffic Route Analysis (CSV document)
- Table 12 1 Intl Air Pax Traffic Route Analysis (PDF document)
- Table 12 2 Domestic Air Pax Traffic Route Analysis (CSV document)
- Table 12 2 Domestic Air Pax Traffic Route Analysis (PDF document)
- Table 12 3 Dom Air Pax Route Analysis by Each Reporting Airport (CSV document)
- Table 12 3 Dom Air Pax Route Analysis by Each Reporting Airport (PDF document)
- Table 13 Freight by Type and Nationality (CSV document)
- Table 13 Freight by Type and Nationality (PDF document)
- Table 14 International and Domestic Freight (CSV document)
- Table 14 International and Domestic Freight (PDF document)
- Table 15 Freight by Aircraft Configuration (CSV document)
- Table 15 Freight by Aircraft Configuration (PDF document)
- Table 16 Mail by Type and Nationality (CSV document)
- Table 16 Mail by Type and Nationality (PDF document)
- Table 17 International and Domestic Mail (CSV document)
- Table 17 International and Domestic Mail (PDF document)
- Table 18 Mail by Aircraft Configuration (CSV document)
- Table 18 Mail by Aircraft Configuration (PDF document)
- Table 19 Pax and ATM by Fixed Rotary Wing Aircraft (CSV document)
- Table 19 Pax and ATM by Fixed Rotary Wing Aircraft (PDF document)