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List of common airport fields giving a brief description

Aircraft Related Data Field

Field Name Brief Explanation of Field Content
Rpt_Yr_Mnth Year and Month
Rpt_apt_cd Name of airport reporting traffic
Intended_apt_cd Airport of intended operation (if a diverted flight)
Ln_apt_cd Airport of first landing/last take-off (the immediate sector)
Od_apt_cd Airport of final landing/first take-off of flight (ultimate origin/destination)
Arr_dep Arrival/departure marker
Int_dom Identifies whether domestic/EU/Other International flight
Aln_cd Airline name
Acf_typ_cd Aircraft type
Shd_chrt_typ Scheduled/Charter/Government Charter Flight identifier
Flt_num Numerical part of flight number
Cargo_only Whether passenger or all cargo flight
Mvmnt_dow Day of week indicator
Trm_bldg_num Terminal building number
No_flights Number of flights
Ag_trm_dom_pax Number of domestic terminal passengers
Ag_trm_int_pax Number of international terminal passengers
Ag_transit_pax Number of passengers in direct transit
Est_seats_av Number of available seats – estimated
Ag_trm_fr_wt Freight weight loaded/unloaded
Ag_trm_ml_wt Mail weight loaded/unloaded

Note: We cannot provide adhoc data extracts lower than to monthly aggregate level.

Passenger Related or On-flight origin/destination Point to point Data

Field Name Brief Explanation of Field Content
Rpt_yr_mnth Year and Month
Rpt_apt_cd Name of airport reporting traffic
Intended_apt_cd Airport of intended operation (if a diverted flight)
Arr_dep Arrival/departure marker
Aln_cd Airline name
Flt_num Numerical part of flight number
Acf_typ_cd Aircraft type
Shd_chrt_typ Scheduled/Charter/Government Charter Flight identifier
P_od_apt_cd Airport of passenger uplift/discharge
Ag_pax_updis Number of passengers carried

Note: We cannot provide adhoc data extracts lower than to monthly aggregate level.

Punctuality Route Analysis

Field Name Brief Explanation of Field Content
Rpt_yr_mnth Year and Month
Rpt_apt_cd Name of airport reporting traffic
Od_apt_cd Airport of final landing/first take-off of flight (ultimate origin/destination)
Aln_cd Airline name
Shd_chrt_typ Scheduled/Charter Flight identifier
Arr_dep Arrival/departure marker
Flt_match Number of flights for which a planned time has been found
Act_unmatch Number of flights for which no planned time has been found
Flt_lt_15_lt % flights early to 15 minutes late
Flt_16_30_lt % flights between 16 – 30 minutes late
Flt_31_60_lt % flights between 31 minutes and 1 hour late
Flt_1h_3h_lt % flights between 1 – 3 hours late
Flt_3h_6h_lt % flights between 3 – 6 hours late
Flt_gt_6h_lt % flights delayed by more than 6 hours
Total_delay Sum of total delay in minutes for selected row of information

Note: We cannot provide adhoc data extracts lower than to monthly aggregate level.

Commercial and Non Commercial Summary of Movements by Type

Field Name Brief Explanation of Field Content
Rpt_apt_cd Name of airport reporting traffic
Rpt_yr_mnth Year and Month
No_arrs_tm Number of Air Transport Movement Arrivals
No_deps_tm Number of Air Transport Movement Departures
No_arrs_lm Number of Local Movement Arrivals
No_deps_lm Number of Local Movement Departures
No_arrs_ac Number of Aero Club Arrivals
No_deps_ac Number of Aero Club Departures
No_arrs_od Number of Official Arrivals
No_deps_od Number of Official Departures
No_arrs_nt Number of Other Flights by Air Transport Operators Arrivals
No_deps_nt Number of Other Flights by Air Transport Operators Departures
No_arrs_pf Number of Positioning Flights Arrivals
No_deps_pf Number of Positioning Flights Departures
No_arrs_tt Number of Test and Training Arrivals
No_deps_tt Number of Test and Training Departures
No_arrs_np Number of Private Movement Arrivals
No_deps_np Number of Private Movement Departures
No_arrs_my Number of Military Flights Arrivals
No_deps_my Number of Military Flights Departures
No_arrs_tx Number of Air Taxi Arrivals
No_deps_tx Number of Air Taxi Departures
No_arrs_ba Number of Business Aviation Arrivals
No_deps_ba Number of Business Aviation Departures

Note: We cannot provide adhoc data extracts lower than to monthly aggregate level.

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis
  2. UK on course to lead world in hydrogen fuel as aviation regulator expands Hydrogen Challenge
  3. UK's first vertical launch approved by Civil Aviation Authority