CAA approval
ATC training providers are defined as organisations which provide ATCO Initial, Unit and Continuation Training. They can therefore be Training Colleges or ATC Providers. Such Providers are required to be Certificated.
Global Aviation Training Services (ATS) Ltd
Global ATS (Gloucestershire Airport) is approved by the CAA to provide the following air traffic control training courses:
Initial Training
- Basic Course
- Aerodrome Control Instrument (ADI) rating course
- Approach Control Procedural (APP) rating course
- Approach Control Surveillance (APS) rating course
Endorsement and Support Training
- On the Job Training Instructor (OJTI) training course
- ATC Competency Examiner course
- College Assessor and Verifier course
- Unit Assessor and Verifier course
English Language Proficiency
- Global Aviation Training Services (ATS) Ltd is approved to assess English Language Proficiency for Air Traffic Controllers at all levels of the ICAO language proficiency rating scale.
English Language Raters Course
- Upon successful completion of this course the Rater will be able to assess at all levels of English Language proficiency for Air Traffic Controllers in accordance with the ICAO language proficiency rating Scale.
NATS is approved by the CAA to provide the following air traffic control training courses:
Initial Training
- Basic course
- Aerodrome Control Instrument (ADI) rating course
- Approach Control Surveillance (APS) rating course
- Area Control Surveillance (ACS) rating course
Endorsement and Continuation Training
- On the Job Training Instructor (OJTI) course
- ATC Competency Examiner course
- College Assessor and Verifier course
English Language Proficiency
- NATS is approved to assess the English Language Proficiency for Air Traffic Controllers at all levels of the ICAO language proficiency ratings scale.