CAA-Registered Aviation Security Training Provider ListThe above list contains details of all training providers registered with the CAA to deliver mandatory Department for Transport (DfT) Aviation Security syllabuses. Only CAA-registered training providers on this list may deliver DfT Aviation Security Training. This list is updated on the 1st working day of every month. A newly registered training provider will not show on the list until the following month once the updated list has been published.
CAA-registered training providers are required to comply with the Quality Assurance Framework meeting 6 key areas set by the CAA. This will be assessed through a self-assessment and a CAA visit from an External Quality Assurer annually (This could increase or decrease based on overall grading recognised after the CAA visit).
To become a CAA-registered training provider you must:
- Have at least 1 certificated instructor
- Begin implementing the Quality Assurance Framework
- Register with the CAA by contacting
- Deliver a DfT Aviation Security course within 3 months of registration confirmation (failure to deliver a training course will result in the removal from the list).
- Submit a Quality Assurance Self-Assessment Report (SAR) form within 3 months of registration confirmation
- Receive a visit from the CAA within 6 months of registration confirmation