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Training syllabuses (including assessment strategies) are available to UK certificated instructors who are certificated to deliver the relevant training. The syllabuses are the framework, providing learning outcomes and mandatory minimum content areas for certificated instructors to develop training courses flexibly around their local requirements. 

Certificated instructors can download the training syllabuses, assessment strategies and associated documents from the Egress Secure Workspace library.

Aircrew Security Training - (February 2019)

Provision of this training is mandatory for any Aircrew of UK registered qualifying aircraft employed to conduct activities associated within this syllabus.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Aircrew Security Training - (February 2019)

Aviation Security Manager Security Training (ASM) - (July 2019)

This mandatory training is aimed at security managers employed by airports, airlines, cargo regulated agents and in-flight supplies who have responsibility for national implementation of the National Aviation Security programme (NASP) at their entity.

Managers will be provided with information to enable them to understand the aims and objectives of the aviation security organisation; the threat to civil aviation and risks to its security and to be able to implement current security policies and procedures outlined in the relevant airport or airline security programme.

Aviation Security Manager Recurrent training can be obtained using a Continuing Professional Development route for suitable senior managers. Please contact Avsec.Training@caa.co.uk for approval.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Aviation Security Manager Security Training (ASM) - (July 2019)

Airport Supplies Security Training - (January 2023)

Provision of this training is mandatory for any person, or supervising / managing staff conducting any of the activities listed below:

  • Implementing screening of airport supplies
  • Implementing security controls, other than screening, for airport supplies

The training in this syllabus is to provide personnel who carry out screening / security controls other than screening of airport supplies with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver effective security of airport supplies; and in addition provide personnel working for known suppliers who have access to airport supplies with the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective security in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Airport Supplies Security Training - (January 2023)

In-flight Supplies Security Training - (June 2021)

The training in this syllabus is aimed at personnel who work in the in-flight supplies environment and provides for training at all levels - general awareness, operatives, supervisors, responsible persons and managers who are responsible for the local implementation of the National Aviation Security Programme. It is designed to provide training for persons who work in the in-flight supplies environment with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver effective security of in-flight supplies and in addition those persons working for known suppliers who have access to in-flight supplies with the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective security in accordance with the relevant legislation.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close In-flight Supplies Security Training - (June 2021)

Air Cargo (Regulated Agent) Security Training - (June 2021)

This mandatory training is aimed at personnel who work in the Regulated Agent environment of air cargo and mail. The syllabuses provided for training at all levels - general awareness, operatives, supervisors, responsible persons and managers. Staff working at a regulated agent site, including any drivers, require training under the Air Cargo (Regulated Agent) Security Training syllabus.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Air Cargo (Regulated Agent) Security Training - (June 2021)

Air Cargo (Known Consignor) Security Training - (July 2022)

This mandatory syllabus is to provide training for persons working for known consignors who have access to identifiable air cargo with the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective security in accordance with the relevant legislation. It also provides training for drivers transporting air cargo from a known consignor to a regulated agent understand their role and responsibilities in keeping air cargo secure.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Air Cargo (Known Consignor) Security Training - (July 2022)

Hold Baggage Reconciliation (formerly Triple A) - (June 2021)

This syllabus covers training for persons conducting Hold Baggage Reconciliation, including check-in staff, despatchers, Appointed Persons and baggage loaders.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Hold Baggage Reconciliation (formerly Triple A) - (June 2021)

Aircraft Security - (March 2023)

This syllabus is for personnel searching / checking and / or protecting aircraft, including external areas and all cargo (freighter) aircraft. (Note this syllabus must not be used for aircrew. The aircrew syllabus must be used for aircrew.)

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page. 

Close Aircraft Security - (March 2023)

General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) - (July 2022)

General Security Awareness Training covers security awareness for people who require this for their role, as well as holders of a full airside pass granting unescorted access to the Security Restricted Area. 

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) - (July 2022)

Ground Security Operatives - (March 2023)

This syllabus covers the training for security operatives working within the airport environment conducting screening as well as other security controls. 

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Ground Security Operatives - (March 2023)

Ground Security Supervisors - (March 2023)

This syllabus covers the knowledge of processes and 'soft' skills required to support and oversee the core functions of ground security operatives.

Occupational evidence and occupational currency for instructor certification of this syllabus can be found on our Certificated Instructor page.

Close Ground Security Supervisors - (March 2023)

Industry Threat Assessment Training (ITAT)

In 2018 the training provision for threat assessment changed, with the old distance learning workbook replaced by an e-learning package, called Industry Threat Assessment Training.

The new online training package is available to all regulated entities formally in receipt of directions under the UK National Aviation Security Programme, i.e. airlines, airports, regulated cargo agents and in-flight suppliers, and is supported by the CAA Training Team.

Certificated Instructors - please note that the system is designed for directed parties to be able to manage the training of their threat assessors. They may of course continue to use your services, but they will need to register you on their account in the system. An offline syllabus is also available for instructors wishing to deliver threat assessment training in the classroom.

All enquiries for Threat Assessment training should be sent to: Avsec.Training@caa.co.uk

Close Industry Threat Assessment Training (ITAT)

Landside Security Awareness - (January 2021)

This syllabus covers security awareness for personnel who do not require mandatory security training for their role but should have an element of security awareness due to working in an aviation area. 

All enquiries for this syllabus should be sent to: Avsec.Training@caa.co.uk.

Close Landside Security Awareness - (January 2021)

News from UK Civil Aviation Authority

  1. UK Civil Aviation Authority accepts Gatwick Airport’s commitments
  2. New Non-Executive Directors announced at the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  3. Big Bang Award winner: Betsy Ellis