It is the CAA’s Aviation Security Department’s policy to ensure the fair and equitable interpretation, understanding and application of regulation to support the effective and high-quality delivery of aviation security training, and increase the understanding of human performance and human factors in aviation security.
We are responsible for:
- Developing, with industry, new or revised syllabuses for aviation security training and submitting these to Department for Transport (DfT) for approval.
- Maintaining and managing the UK list of certificated instructors (an individual who has met the criteria, issued with a Certificated Instructor Number, and listed on the CAA website).
- Management of the Quality Assurance Framework, including the registration of training providers, support to industry in implementing/maintaining internal quality assurance of training and administration of the external quality assurance visit of training providers.
- Maintaining and managing the UK Digital National X-ray Competency Test (DNXCT), including approval of test managers.
- Management of Threat Image Projection image libraries and data analysis.
- Assessment of request to deliver UK National Aviation Safety Plan aviation security training overseas, or in the UK to overseas delegates.
The training and human factors team within CAA Aviation Security Human Performance and Training, is the industry point of contact for requests for instructor certification, DNXCT test managers, registration of training providers and provides regulatory information and advice, in addition to making recommendations to the DfT for suitability for such approvals.
Any enquiries relating to the information above should be sent to: