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The CAA is currently working with industry to implement a quality assurance framework for aviation security training – this follows our consultations in November 2017 and May 2018 on the proposed concept.

The two key elements of the framework are the registration of training providers and the self-assessment/external assurance process – please find further information on both elements below.

We have established a number of documents, forming part of the quality assurance process and we would urge instructors and training organisations to review these ahead of the implementation of their organisation to give themselves as much time as possible to become familiar with the new requirements.

Quality Assurance process

The quality assurance framework is based on supporting instructors and training providers to achieve and maintain a good baseline of training quality and conduct their own internal quality assurance. The framework is mandatory for training providers registered with us and includes two steps – a self-assessment stage and an external assurance visit. We would encourage providers to review the self-assessment as soon as possible to leave themselves good time to make any necessary changes.

1. Self-assessment by provider

Training provider should use the self-assessment form to review and assess their own training provision against the Quality Assurance Framework standards.

Understanding the Quality Assurance Framework and The Quality Guidance Manual are available as reference documents to guide you through the process, provide templates for you to use and adapt and give you useful hints and tips. These can be found in the document links below.

Documents will be sent by email to CAA-Registered Training Providers in advance of their Quality Assurance Visit.

2. External assurance visit by CAA

Once a training provider has completed the self-assessment process and has indicated to us that they are ready, we will conduct an external quality assurance visit, using the completed self-assessment report forms and the Quality Assurance Visit Report form. These visits will be phased in over time and depend on which syllabuses the training provider delivers.

The current syllabuses are in-scope of the framework:

  • Aircrew
  • Aviation Security Manager (ASM)
  • Cargo and Mail (Regulated Agent)
  • Ground
  • Hold Baggage Reconciliation (HBR)
  • In-flight supplies (IfS)

Document links

Form links

If you have any questions with regards to the Quality Assurance framework, please contact us at: AVSEC.QA@caa.co.uk  

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