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Regulation EC 1178/2011 details the rules for the licensing of aircrew subject to EASA regulation.

Part ORA concerns the approval of pilot training organisations and Part FCL concerns the licensing of pilots including courses of training. Organisations wishing to conduct training for a non EASA rating (with the exception of microlight licence/ratings) are required to demonstrate equivalence with the Part ORA requirements and to follow the same application process. Information regarding qualification of aircrew for a non EASA licence or rating is published in CAP 804.

Information for Registered Training Facilities seeking ATO Approval for PPL and LAPL Training

The UK CAA has prepared a template Manual to assist ATOs in meeting EASA Part-ORA requirements for Operations, Training and Quality for PPL & LAPL courses.

The manual has been designed to be personalised by the ATO in order to show their compliance with Part-ORA. It has been developed on the basis that the organisation is already a UK Registered Facility delivering PPL training; aeroplane or helicopter. The task for the applicant is to add the details of their organisation as currently Registered with the CAA, using this template manual as appropriate.

Who can apply?

An organisation, with its principal place of business located in the UK, that wishes to carry out pilot training.

Organisations wishing to carry out training solely for microlights should contact the British Microlight Aircraft Association.

Organisations with their principal place of business located outside the UK, including the Channel Islands, should apply directly to EASA.

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How do I apply?

Standards Document 55 gives guidance for training organisations offering courses of training for pilots.

If your organisation is trading as a registered company you should also submit a completed SRG 1760 form (Principal Place of Business Key Facts form).

Initial Approval

Application should be made using Form SRG2116 and Form SRG1760

Variation to an existing Approval

Application should be made using Form SRG2116B and Form SRG1760.

If Approvals have not received all relevant documentation within 4 weeks from the date of your application, your application will be cancelled, refunded and you will be advised to re-apply.

Nomination of postholders for initial approval and changes to postholders for existing ATO

The key personnel in an organisation must be notified to CAA. You can nominate or remove/change the details of one or several people, including identifying their role(s) and the types of approval(s) they have responsibility for, by completing the Change of Accountable Manager or Nominated Postholder form. This form caters for both EASA approvals as well as national approvals. There is no charge for changes of personnel.

Please note that for changes of Nominated Postholders, a Form 4 (SRG2115)will need to be completed and attached to the application (SRG2116 for initial applications or Form 4 in the case of postholder changes).

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How much does it cost?

Charges as published in the Scheme of Charges (Personnel Licensing) are payable upon application, thereafter a continuation charge is made on 1 April each year. Please note for reasons of security credit/debit card details should not be sent by email.

Please note: Organisations needing to change a Registered Company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Number will require a new initial approval as it cannot be classed as a change to an existing approval.

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What else do I need to know?

Useful information

Scheme of Charges Personnel Licensing
Standards Document 55 Guidance Criteria for the Approval of Training Organisations Offering Courses of Training for Pilots Licences, Ratings and Certificates
CAP 601 Multi Engine Piston Aeroplane Class Rating Training Syllabus (information on creation of examination papers)
CAP 804 Flight Crew Licensing: Mandatory Requirements, Policy and Guidance
Standards Document 30 List of Registered Training Facilities
Standards Document 31 List of Approved Training Organisations
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How long is it valid for?

Approval validity period

Organisation approvals are non-expiring, however this is subject to a continuation recommendation every 24 months from the date of issue. This is raised by the CAA Inspector following a satisfactory audit programme.

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Contact us

Approvals Support
Civil Aviation Authority
Aviation House
Gatwick Airport South
West Sussex RH6 0YR

Email: apply@caa.co.uk
Telephone: 0330 022 1972

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