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The privileges of a Senior Examiners (SE) certificate allows an examiner to carry out the following privileges for single-pilot aeroplanes (except for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes) as follows:

  • The conduct of assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of a Flight Examiner (FE) Certificate with privileges for LAPL, PPL or CPL skill tests.
  • The conduct of assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of a Class Rating Examiner (CRE) Certificate with privileges for SE and/or ME aeroplanes.
  • The conduct of assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of a Type Rating Examiner (TRE) Certificate with privileges for single-pilot helicopters.
  • The conduct of assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of an Instrument Rating Examiner (IRE) Certificate with privileges for SE and/or ME aircraft.
  • The conduct of assessments of competence for the issue, revalidation or renewal of a Flight Instructor Examiner (FIE) Certificate.
  • The conduct of assessments of competence to vary examiner privileges for a change of aircraft type or class or addition of an aircraft type or class or variation to include examining privileges in synthetic flight training devices.

While FCL.1020 implies that a SE may be granted privileges to conduct assessments of competence for the initial issue of an examiner certificate, AMC FCL.1020; 1025 refers only to revalidation of examiner certificates. It is UK CAA policy that assessments of competence for initial examiner certificates will be undertaken by an Inspector from the UK CAA. Where this is not possible, the CAA will specifically authorise SE on a case by case basis.


Applicants for a SE certificate for Single Pilot Aircraft (excluding single pilot high performance complex aircraft) shall:

  • Hold a valid or current examiner certificate appropriate to the privileges being given
  • Have examiner experience level acceptable to the competent authority (the CAA deems an acceptable level of experience to be at least a minimum of three years’ examining in the role for which SE privileges are sought including the satisfactory completion of at least 12 tests, checks or assessments of competence.)
  • Have conducted a number of skill tests or proficiency checks as a Part-FCL examiner
  • Demonstrate: relevant knowledge, background and appropriate experience related to the privileges of an examiner
  • Have not been subject to any sanctions, including the suspension, limitation or revocation of any of their licences, ratings or certificates issued in accordance with this Part, for non-compliance with the EASA Basic Regulation and its Implementing Rules during the last 3 years. (When evaluating the applicant’s background, the UK CAA will evaluate the personality and character of the applicant, and his/her cooperation with the UK CAA and may also consider whether the applicant has been convicted of any relevant criminal or other offenses, considering national law and principles of non-discrimination).


The UK CAA will provide an examiner standardisation training course specifically for SEs for single pilot aircraft. Applicants must have approval granted by the UK CAA before commencing any course of examiner standardisation training.

The course will cover the following items as applicable for role:

  • EASA and UK National legislation and regulatory requirements;
  • Requirements for training, testing and checking;
  • Synthetic flight training device qualification and approval process (as applicable);
  • Briefing and debriefing the pilot/crew and examiner;
  • Conduct of an examiner assessment of competence;
  • Roles and responsibilities of the SE;
  • CAA administrative procedures, requirements, documentation and recording, liability and data protection
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Examiner Assessment of Competence (EAoC)

Applicants for an examiner certificate will be required to demonstrate their competence to a UK CAA inspector, while performing a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence in the examiner role for which privileges are required.

The EAoC will include briefing, conduct of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, and assessment of the person to whom the test, check or assessment is given, debriefing and recording documentation. 

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Revalidation and renewal

An Examiner Certificate is issued with a validity of 3 years. However, a revalidation can be completed within the last 12 months of the expiry date. Therefore, the new expiry date of a further 3 years will be calculated from the current expiry date of the Examiner Certificate when completed within the revalidation period.

To revalidate an SE certificate, applicants are required to meet the following:

  1. Meet all the Part-FCL Subpart J and K requirements to maintain instructor and examiner privileges as applicable to role. 
  2. Have conducted at least two AoC for the issue, revalidation or renewal of an examiner certificate in each year of the authorisation period. The record of these assessments must be made available to the UK CAA Inspector/Staff Flight Examiner at the time of revalidation. 
  3. Attend a SE refresher course provided by the UK CAA during the last 12 months of the validity period of the SE certificate. 
  4. Be observed conducting an EAoC during the last 12 months of the validity period of the SE certificate.
    (Please note, the UK CAA reserves the right to observe a senior examiner conducting an EAoC at any time during the validity of the SE authorisation). 

If an SE certificate has expired or the SE is unable to comply with revalidation requirements above for revalidation of an SE certificate, the UK CAA will initially decide whether the SE had been sufficiently tasked to warrant renewal of the certificate.

In any case, the SE should expect to undertake refresher training as a SE prior to an EAoC for renewal of the authorisation.

All applicants for the revalidation or renewal of SE privileges will have their EAoC booked through flighttestbookings@caa.co.uk.

The EAoC can be conducted at any point within the last 12 months of the validity period of your examiner certificate or 12 months preceding a renewal application.

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How to apply

Initial issue

  • Submit application form SRG1128 or SRG1819, a certified current copy of your Part-FCL Licence/Licensing Certificate and the relevant fee. For application fees please refer to the UK CAA Scheme of Charges.

  • Once your application has been successfully assessed by the UK CAA, you will receive an acceptance letter to proceed on to a Senior Examiner Standardisation Course. On successful completion of the course, please submit a copy of the Course of Completion Certificate (CCC) to the UK CAA Examiners team to support your application

  • Once we have received your CCC, your details will be passed over to the Flight Test Bookings team to arrange a suitable date/time for your EAoC

  • On successful completion of your EAoC, the UK CAA inspector will submit a TS10 report (SRG 1845) to us and issue you with an SRG1100A temporary licensing certificate. SRG1100A will be valid for 8 weeks from the date of your EAoC to allow you to exercise the examiner privileges until you receive your PART-FCL Licensing Certificate
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Revalidation and renewal

  • Submit application form SRG1128 or SRG1820A, a certified current copy of your Part-FCL Licence/Licensing Certificate and the relevant fee. For application fees please refer to the CAA Scheme of Charges.

  • Your details will be passed over to the Flight Test Bookings team to arrange a suitable date/time for your EAoC

  • On successful completion of the senior examiner refresher course, please submit a copy of the Course of Completion Certificate (CCC) to the UK CAA Examiners team to support your application.

  • On successful completion of your EAoC, the UK CAA inspector will submit a TS10 report (SRG 1845) to us and issue you with an SRG1100A temporary licensing certificate if required. SRG1100A will be valid for 8 weeks from the date of your EAoC to allow you to exercise the examiner privileges until you receive your PART-FCL Licensing Certificate.

  • Before the revalidation/renewal can be issued we will require evidence that all the requirements have been met.

The above can be submitted to the UK CAA either by the postal service to the Gatwick Office or to licenceapplications@caa.co.uk.

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Related Information


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Schools and training

Please ensure that your training provider is approved to conduct the specific course that you are undertaking.

We strongly recommend you check that your instructor and examiner hold the relevant privileges to conduct the training and any flight test, examination or assessment of competence that is being carried out.

How to find a UK examiner or UK approved school

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For questions relating to paperwork, such as how to obtain certified copies of documents, please refer to Guidance on documentation.

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