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Multi pilot aeroplanes (MPA)

The privileges of a Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) certificate for multi-pilot aeroplanes (MPA) allows the instructor to carry out synthetic flight instruction for:

  • The revalidation and renewal of an IR provided the instructor holds or have held an IR in the relevant aircraft
  • The issue of an IR, provided that the instructor holds or have held an IR(A) and have completed an IRI training course (see note below)
  • The issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for multi-pilot aeroplanes and if applicants seek privileges to operate in multi-pilot operations, for single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes
  • The MCC training course 
  • The MPL course on the basic, intermediate and advanced phases
Close Multi pilot aeroplanes (MPA)

Single pilot high performance complex aeroplanes (SPHPCA)

The privileges of a Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) certificate for Single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes (SPHPCA) aeroplanes allows the instructor to carry out synthetic flight instruction for:

  • The revalidation and renewal of an IR provided the instructor holds or have held an IR in the relevant aircraft
  • The issue of an IR, provided that the instructor holds or have held an IR(A) and have completed an IRI training course (see note below)
  • The issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes in single-pilot operations. 
  • The issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes type ratings in multi-pilot operations , provided that the SFI (SPA) certificate has been extended to multi-pilot operations
  • The MCC and the MPL training courses on the basic phase, provided that the privileges of SFI (SPA) certificate has been extended to multi-pilot operations
Close Single pilot high performance complex aeroplanes (SPHPCA)


The privileges of a Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) certificate for helicopters allows the instructor to carry out synthetic flight instruction for:

  • The revalidation and renewal of an IR provided the instructor holds or have held an IR in the relevant aircraft
  • The issue of an IR, provided that the instructor holds or have held an IR(H) and have completed an IRI training course (see note below)
  • The issue, revalidation and renewal of helicopter type ratings
  • MCC training, if SFIs have privileges to instruct for multi-pilot helicopters
Close Helicopters

Providing instruction for the renewal or revalidation of the instrument flying privileges associated with type ratings

SFIs providing instruction for the renewal or revalidation of the instrument flying privileges that are associated with type ratings.

Under JAR-FCL, the UK CAA allowed Synthetic Flight Instructors (SFIs) to give instruction for the renewal or revalidation of the instrument flying privileges that are associated with type ratings; i.e. the renewal or revalidation of a Type Rating combined with the type-specific Instrument Rating (IR). SFIs were not permitted to provide training for the general non-type-specific Instrument Ratings or for the initial grant of the type specific IR privileges.

The UK CAA has issued an exemption to permit SFI's to instruct for the renewal or revalidation of a combined Type Rating and Instrument Rating without having completed an Instrument rating Instructor course, subject to:

  • that person having passed a proficiency check for the aircraft Type including the
    Instrument Rating within the last 12 months;
  • that the person shall not give instruction for the initial issue of any instrument rating, or for the renewal or revalidation of an instrument rating that is not associated with a Type rating that is to be renewed or revalidated.
Close Providing instruction for the renewal or revalidation of the instrument flying privileges associated with type ratings

Please note, there are specific requirements to be met which allows the instructor to carry out the above individual privileges.

Please refer to ‘FCL.905.SFI – Privileges and conditions’ in Easy Access Rules for further guidance.



Multi pilot aeroplanes (MPA)

An applicant for an SFI (A) MPA certificate shall:

  • Hold or have held an CPL(A), MPL(A) or ATPL(A).
  • Have completed the proficiency check for the issue of the specific aircraft type rating in an FFS representing the applicable type, within the 12 months preceding the application.
  • Have completed at least 1,500 hours flight time as a pilot on multi-pilot aeroplanes.
  • Have completed, as a pilot or as an observer, within the 12 months preceding the application, at least: 

Three route sectors on the flight deck of the applicable aircraft type
Two line-orientated flight training-based simulator sessions conducted by qualified flight crew on the flight deck of the applicable type. These simulator sessions shall include two flights of at least two hours each between two different aerodromes, and the associated pre-flight planning and de-briefing.

Close Multi pilot aeroplanes (MPA)

Single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes (SPHPCA)

An applicant for an SFI (A) SPHPCA certificate shall:

  • Hold or have held an CPL(A), MPL(A) or ATPL(A).
  • Have completed the proficiency check for the issue of the specific aircraft type rating in an FFS representing the applicable type, within the 12 months preceding the application.
  • Have completed at least 500 hours of flight time as PIC on single-pilot aeroplanes.
  • Hold or have held a multi-engine IR(A) rating.
  • Have completed, as a pilot or as an observer, within the 12 months preceding the application, at least: 

Three route sectors on the flight deck of the applicable aircraft type
Two line-orientated flight training-based simulator sessions conducted by qualified flight crew on the flight deck of the applicable type. These simulator sessions shall include two flights of at least two hours each between two different aerodromes, and the associated pre-flight planning and de-briefing

Close Single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes (SPHPCA)


Multi-pilot helicopters (MPH)

An applicant shall for an SFI (H) certificate for MP helicopters shall:

  • Hold or have held an CPL(H), MPL(H) or ATPL(H).
  • Have completed the proficiency check for the issue of the specific aircraft type rating in an FFS representing the applicable type, within the 12 months preceding the application.
  • Have completed, as a pilot or as an observer, at least 1 hour of flight time on the flight deck of the applicable type, within the 12 months preceding the application.
  • Have at least 1,000 hours of flying experience as a pilot on helicopters, including at least 350 hours as a pilot on multi-pilot helicopters.
Close Multi-pilot helicopters (MPH)

Single-pilot helicopters (SPH)

An applicant for an SFI (H) certificate for SP helicopters shall:

  • Hold or have held an CPL(H), MPL(H) or ATPL(H).
  • Have completed the proficiency check for the issue of the specific aircraft type rating in an FFS representing the applicable type, within the 12 months preceding the application.
  • In the case of single-pilot multi-engine helicopters, completed 500 hours as pilot of helicopters, including 100 hours as PIC on single-pilot multi-engine helicopters.
  • In the case of single-pilot single-engine helicopters, completed 250 hours as a pilot on helicopters.
Close Single-pilot helicopters (SPH)

Please refer to ‘FCL.915.SFI – Prerequisites’ in Easy Access Rules for further guidance.


The SFI training course should be delivered at an EASA approved ATO and shall include:

  • The FSTD content of the applicable type rating course.
  • The relevant parts of the technical training and the FSTD content of the flight instruction syllabus of the applicable TRI training course.

FCL.930.TRI TRI – Training course
(2) 10 hours of technical training, including revision of technical knowledge, the preparation of lesson plans and the development of classroom/simulator instructional skills
(3) 5 hours of flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft or an FSTD representing that aircraft for single-pilot aircraft and 10 hours for multi-pilot aircraft or an FSTD representing that aircraft

For further guidance on the TRI course syllabus please refer to ‘AMC1 FCL.930.TRI Training course’ in UK Regulations.

An applicant for an SFI certificate who holds a TRI certificate for the relevant type shall be fully credited towards the requirements of the training course.

Assessment of competence (AoC)

An applicant for an SFI certificate shall pass an assessment of competence (AoC) in the appropriate simulator to demonstrate to an examiner the ability to instruct a student pilot to the level required for the issue of the relevant rating.

This assessment shall include:

  • The demonstration of the competencies during pre-flight, post-flight and theoretical knowledge instruction.
  • Oral theoretical examinations on the ground, pre-flight and post-flight briefings and in-flight demonstrations in the appropriate simulator.
  • Exercises adequate to evaluate the instructor’s competencies.

The assessment shall be performed on the same class or type of simulator used for the flight instruction.

The assessment should consist of at least 3 hours of flight instruction related to the duties of an SFI on the applicable FFS or FTD 2/3.

The Part-FCL Examiner who conducts your AoC must be appropriately qualified to do so.

Please refer to ‘AMC1-4 FCL.935 Assessment of competence’ in UK Regulations for further guidance.

Revalidation and Renewal

An SFI certificate is issued with a validity of 3 years. However, a revalidation can be completed within the last 12 months of the expiry date. Therefore, the new expiry date of a further 3 years will be calculated from the current expiry date of the SFI certificate when completed within the revalidation period.


To revalidate an SFI certificate applicants are required to complete at least two out of the following three requirements, before the expiry date of the SFI certificate:

(i) Have completed at least 50 hours as instructors or examiners in FSTDs, of which at least 15 hours in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the SFI certificate
(ii) Have completed instructor refresher training as an SFI at an approved ATO
(iii) Have passed the relevant sections of the AoC

  • Additionally, applicants shall have completed, on an FFS, the proficiency checks for the issue of the specific aircraft type ratings representing the types for which privileges are held

  • For at least each alternate revalidation of an SFI certificate, the applicant is required to pass the relevant sections of the AoC

  • If an SFI holds a certificate in more than one type of aircraft within the same category, the assessment of competence taken on one of those types shall revalidate the SFI certificate for the other types held within the same category of aircraft
Close Revalidation


To renew an expired SFI certificate, applicants are required to complete the following requirements within12 months immediately preceding the submission of their application:

  • Have completed instructor refresher training as an SFI at an ATO
  • Have passed an SFI AoC
  • Have completed, on an FSTD, the skill test for the issue of the specific aircraft type ratings representing the types for which privileges are to be renewed
  • Please refer to 'FCL.940.SFI - Revalidation and renewal' in UK Regulations for further guidance.
Close Renewal

How do I apply?

To apply for the issue, revalidation or renewal of a Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) certificate, you will need to submit online application form SRG2159.

For information on the evidence you will need to provide, please see our webpage.

Contact us

If you have any queries, please contact the Instructors team at instructors@caa.co.uk or on 0330 022 1972 between the hours of 08:30 and 16:30 Monday to Friday.

Related Information


  • Standards Document 43 - Instructions and Procedures for Type Rating Instructors (Aeroplanes), Synthetic Flight Instructor (Aeroplane) and Type Rating Instructors (High Performance Complex Aeroplanes) Course Providers
  • UK Regulations - for Flight Crew Licensing (Part FCL) - Subpart J
Close Regulations

Schools and training

Please ensure that your training provider is approved to conduct the specific course that you are undertaking.

We strongly recommend you check that your instructor and examiner hold the relevant privileges to conduct the training and any flight test, examination or assessment of competence that is being carried out.

How to find a UK examiner or UK approved school

Close Schools and training


For questions relating to paperwork, such as how to obtain certified copies of documents, please refer to Guidance on documentation.

Close Guidance

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