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The minimum age to get a CPL is 18 and you will need to hold a Part MED Class 1 Medical Certificate.
If you hold a CPL(G) you can:

  1. Exercise the privileges of a United Kingdom Private Pilot’s Licence (Gyroplanes) which includes a night rating (gyroplanes);
  2. Act as pilot in command (PIC) when the aircraft is flying for the purposes of commercial operation or public transport operation. (subject to some restrictions)


Training requirements differ depending on the aircraft category and training route you take. These are set out below.

However, in all cases, you must fulfil the class or type rating requirements for the aircraft you take your CPL skill test on.

You must successfully complete theoretical knowledge exams and flight instruction at an UK ATO approved for Gyroplane CPL training.

Flying course pre-entry requirements

Before beginning a CPL(G) course you shall:

  1. Be the holder of a UK PPL(G),
  2. Have completed 155 hours flight time as a pilot in gyroplanes including 50 hours as PIC of which 20 hours shall be cross country flight as PIC, including a VFR cross country flight of at least 185km (100 nautical miles), in the course of which full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made.

Theoretical knowledge examinations

As part of the application for CPL, you will need to demonstrate that you have an appropriate level of theoretical knowledge by passing exams in the following subject areas:

  • Air law *
  • Mass and balance *
  • Performance *
  • Flight planning and monitoring *
  • Human performance*
  • Meteorology *
  • General navigation *
  • Radio navigation *
  • Operational procedures *
  • Visual flight rules (VFR) communications *
  • Principles of flight (Gyroplane)
  • Gyroplane Technical - airframe/systems/ power plant/instrumentation

*These subjects are common with Part FCL helicopters or aeroplanes (CPL)
Passes in Theoretical Knowledge exams are valid for licence issue for 36 months from date of the last exam pass. All exams are to be completed within 6 sittings, 4 attempts at any one subject and all within an 18 month period from the date that the 1st exam is attempted, as defined in the Aircrew Regulation , Annex 1, FCL.025

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Skill test

At the end of training, and when all the requirements for the licence issue have been met, you will need to take a skill test with an examiner.

This is to demonstrate that the procedures and manoeuvres that you will have been taught during training can be carried out competently as pilot in command (PIC) on the relevant aircraft category.

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CPL(G) training

You must successfully complete all of the flight instruction at an UK ATO approved for Gyroplane CPL training.

The theoretical knowledge instruction may be undertaken at an ATO that conducts theoretical knowledge instruction only.

It is a pre-requisite that pilots entering the CPL(G) course must have passed Written Examinations for the Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) or (Helicopters).

The CPL(G) training course will then consist of the following elements:

  1. Part 1 Gyroplane specific Theoretical Knowledge Instruction covering Principles of Flight and General Knowledge;
  2. Part 2 Flight Training; A minimum of 24 hours training

Theoretical knowledge training

Principles of Flight (Gyroplanes)

You will need to complete at least 20 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction, covering the following objectives:-

i. Main Components of a Gyroplane
ii. Primary Controls
iii. Instrumentation
iv. Electrical System
v. Piston Engines
vi. Forces acting on a Gyroplane
vii. Rotor Systems
viii. Stability
ix. Safety

General Knowledge

i. Legal considerations
ii. Flight Planning
iii. VFR Navigation
iv. Performance
v. Gyroplane Type

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Theoretical knowledge examination

You will need to pass the CPL(G) theoretical knowledge examinations.


The Flight training course is divided into 3 or 4 phases, as follows:-

  • i. General Handling (minimum 10 hours)
  • ii. Navigation (minimum 7 hours)
  • iii. Instrument Flying (minimum 3 hours)
  • iv. Night (minimum 5 hours)

Please refer to Standards Document 44, Appendix D for more details.

Skill test

Your skill test must be taken after completing the training course.

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Credits available

If you already hold a licence or have flying experience you may be eligible for credits towards the theoretical knowledge training and the flying training for the issue of a licence or training.


Holders of a UK issued Part FCL licence in another category

An applicant for CPL(G) holding a current UK issued CPL(H) or CPL(A) may be credited all of the theoretical knowledge exams with the exception of the Gyroplane Technical and Gyroplane Principles of Flight.

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Holders of a UK issued Part FCL licence in another category

Hours as PIC of other categories of aircraft may count towards the 155 hours pre-course entry flight time, in the following cases:

  • 20 hours, if the applicant holds a current PPL(A), PPL(H) or PPL(As),
  • 50 hours, if the applicant holds a current CPL(A), CPL(H) or CPL(As),
  • 10 hours in TMGs or sailplanes

Holders of a current IR(A) or IR(H) may reduce the requirement for 5 hours by sole reference to instruments to 2 hours.

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How to apply

Please apply using our postal application forms with all other required associated documents listed in the guidance of the application form (such as ID and logbooks):

  • Form SRG 2101
  • Examiner report form SRG 2124
  • Certified copy of Part-MED Medical Certificate
  • A certified copy of your photo ID
  • Original or certified copy of your Flying logbook(s)

How to get copies of your documents certified

How to submit your application

Please end your completed application form and supporting documentation to the following address:
Licensing and Assessment
Aviation House
Beehive Ring Road Crawley
West Sussex RH6 0YR

Secure courier

The CAA strongly recommends you use our secure courier service to have your documents returned to you. More information about our secure courier service.

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