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A theoretical knowledge examination verification is a document issued to confirm examination details held by the UK CAA.

You may be asked by your employer or another national aviation authority to confirm your theoretical knowledge examination results held by the UK CAA.

In such circumstances a verification is issued directly to the authority to confirm the exam details held by the authority.

Only ICAO compliant theoretical examination results can be verified.

If you are an existing licence holder, your licence details may be verified at the same time.

See our guidance on how to verify your licence.

How do I apply?

To request a verification of your exams issued by the UK CAA please complete the online form SRG 1160.

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How much does it cost?

A payment is required before you can submit the application form. The fee will depend on how many parties need to receive a verification of your theoretical examination details.

A fee is payable for each NAA or organisation that require verification.

Please visit our licence fees and costs section for more information.

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What do I need to send with my application?

When applying for a verification online, you will not be asked to upload any documents.
You will be asked to provide the details of the national aviation authority (NAA) or the organisations that require the verification.

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What else do I need to know?

The exam verification process is divided into four stages:

Stage 1

You submit your application via the online form SRG 1160.

If you are not an existing licence holder, and do not hold a licence that can be verified, please only select the option to verify your theoretical knowledge examinations.

This will help us to direct your application to the right team and to avoid any possible delay in providing your verification.

The above applies to all applicants that have passed the UK CAA theoretical knowledge examinations and intend to apply for a licence issue with another EASA member state.

Stage 2

You will then need to contact the NAA/company/airline who require your verification to let them know you have submitted your application to the UK CAA.

Stage 3

The NAA/company/airline who require your verification must contact the UK CAA directly by email to fcl-eexams@caa.co.uk in order to request the verification.

Stage 4

We will then process the request within our current turnaround times which is usually 10 days of receipt of a complete application and provide the verification directly to the NAA/company/airline.

Please note - For security and to help prevent fraud the CAA will only verify your exam details directly to the NAA/company/airlines.

File size limit

Please note that there is currently a 50Mb size limit for files uploaded to our forms.

If your attachments exceed 50Mb, you should send all supporting documents to fcl-eexams@caa.co.uk quoting your application number.

During the current Covid-19 pandemic, we ask that all paperwork is sent to us electronically.

Guidance on documentation

All documents should be uploaded with a different filename clearly stating the content of the file attachment (for example Passport, Licence copy etc.)

Submitting documents with the same filename may result in the loss of information in the system and added delays to the application assessment.

For questions relating to paperwork, such as how to obtain certified copies of documents, please refer to guidance on documentation.

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